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Everything posted by PHPTOM

  1. <?PHP $string = "JoeBloggs"; $spliter = split(",",substr(preg_replace("/([A-Z])/",',\\1',$string),1)); $forename = $spliter[0]; $surname = $spliter[1]; ?> This can also be used if $string = "JoeBloggsWithMoreCaps";
  2. Nope. Just have a file with the class in and save as PHP. Some people have file.inc.php or something so they know that file is being included somewhere.
  3. You didn't say if you were using PHP 5 or not. But this is a PHP file email validator in it. <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { $to = "test@test.com"; $subject = "Contact Form"; $name_field = $_POST['name']; $email_field = $_POST['email']; $message = $_POST['message']; if(!$name_field || !$email_field || !$message){ echo "You missed a field!"; }elseif(!filter_var($email_field, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) { echo "Invalid email!"; }else{ foreach($_POST['check'] as $value) { $check_msg .= "Checked: $value\n"; } $body = "From: $name_field\n E-Mail: $email_field\n Message:\n $message\n $check_msg"; mail($to, $subject, $body); echo "Thankyou for your message, you will now be returned "; } }else{ echo "You didn't press the submit button"; } ?>
  4. Yeah. When they login, you would check them against a database table, then if successfull set a cookie or a session. If you need help in that area, create a new topic.
  5. Beacuse it is client side scripting, it isn't possible. To do it in Javascript/HTML do this. <script type="text/javascript"> document.write('Javascript is enabled'); </script> <noscript>Javascript is disabled</noscript> Or you could do this: You have like the page you want to show on a get statement and redirect the user with javascript. If the user isn't being redirected, then JS isn't enabled else if the user is Javascript is enabled for them <script type="text/javascript"> document.location.href = "page.php?js=enabled"; </script>
  6. <?PHP /* Basically have an animate image for a dice being roled or something. This is the basis of the script on what you can build on */ if($_POST['submit']){ //if they have pressed the submit button $player1roll1 = rand(1,6); $player1roll2 = rand(1,6); $player2roll1 = rand(1,6); $player2roll2 = rand(1,6); $player1sum = $player1roll1 + $player1roll2; $player2sum = $player2roll1 + $player2roll2; if($player1sum > $player2sum){ echo "Player 1 won"; }elseif($player2sum > $player1sum){ echo "Player 2 won"; }else{ echo "Draw"; } echo '<img src="'.$player1roll1.'.jpg" />'; //echo the image for roll 1 of player 1 echo '<img src="'.$player1roll2.'.jpg" />'; //echo the image for roll 2 of player 1 echo '<img src="'.$player2roll1.'.jpg" />'; //echo the image for roll 1 of player 2 echo '<img src="'.$player2roll2.'.jpg" />'; //echo the image for roll 2 of player 2 }else{ ?> <form method="post"> <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Roll dice" /> </form> <?PHP } ?>
  7. Hi, Can someone point me in the right direction. This is what I need to do: I need to choose 12 random numbers from 1 to 80 but they cant be the same. If I do rand(0,80) for say 12 variables there is a chance that it could be the same as one of the others. Thanks
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