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Everything posted by SchweppesAle

  1. Basically my client wants to receive notification of any new orders via fax "because it makes noise" rather than email. Is there any better way of doing this?
  2. Hi, this might be a stupid question. I was just wondering if it's possible to send out a fax via PHP. Thanks
  3. Alright this is kind of work related, but I was hoping I could get some insight on the field and how you guys all got your "foot in the door" etc. Did you start off part time, where you making over 30k(at least), did you work alone or in a team, etc. Have you ever worked for a start-up company(2years) that intentionally lets you go out seeking new employment only to give you a piss poor reference since you consist of their entire IT department? You know, the usual real life questions. I pretty much just earned my BS degree and I'm trying to go about this is in a professional manner.
  4. Hi, I was told that this is the standard method used in tracking banner impressions, etc. I'm assuming that this would require you appending some data regarding the banner's ID within your own database to the image itself. How would you normally go about doing this though?
  5. Was just wondering what the difference is between the following lines of code. Is the array() function faster maybe? $array['blah'] = 'output'; echo $array['blah']; //returns output or $array = array('blah' => 'output'); echo $array['blah']; //returns output
  6. Encoded in ANSI using Notepad++. This is bugging me out since I have no idea what would cause this
  7. It's currently set to Auto.
  8. Any of you guys ever experience an issue where you type up your script, upload it to the server, then upon re-downloading the script all the white space has been stripped away? Really not sure if Filezilla is doing this or maybe Notepad++ either way it's becoming an issue since if I use a double slash to comment out some line "//" the proceeding code is being clumped together on that line.
  9. Hate to stir up this old debate (log vs page tagging analytics). I've been told that Google Analytics will only track page views incorrectly if it's been set up wrong, despite the following article -> http://www.seomoz.org/blog/how-reliable-is-google-analytics In order to further test our numbers, I set up an AJAX script to test our numbers and they are in fact matching up with Google Analytics;which is waaaay lower than AWSTATs is reporting. I'm starting to think that some javascript on the page is potentially slowing down the execution of these two scripts. Is it possible the following code is causing the issue? I'm not really a javascript guru and it's something I threw together a while back in order to resize images: function checkImageSize() { if (document.getElementById('Latest2') != null) { resize_FrontAuthor(); } if (document.getElementById('Latest') != null) { resize_ListAuthors(); } resize_images(); } function resize_images() { var myDiv = document.getElementById('center'); var myImages = myDiv.getElementsByTagName("img");/* var myImages = myDiv.images;*/ for (i = 0; i < myImages.length; i++) { myImages[i].style.display = "inline"; if ( myImages[i].width > 450 && (myImages[i].className != 'noresize')) { var tempHeight = myImages[i].height; var tempWidth = myImages[i].width; myImages[i].onclick=function() { var picture = window.open(this.src, 'popupwindow' , 'width ='+tempWidth+', height = '+tempHeight+', scrollbars = no, resizable'); picture.focus(); return false; }; myImages[i].style.border = '2px solid #ffffff'; myImages[i].style.padding = '2px'; myImages[i].onmouseover = function(){ this.style.border = '2px solid red'; return false; }; myImages[i].onmouseout = function(){ this.style.border = '2px solid #ffffff'; return false; }; var scaleheight = 450/(myImages[i].width) *(myImages[i].height); myImages[i].width = 450; myImages[i].height = scaleheight; myImages[i].style.cursor='pointer'; } myImages[i].style.visibility = "visible"; } } function resize_ListAuthors() { var myDiv = document.getElementById('Latest'); var myImages = myDiv.getElementsByTagName("img"); for (i = 0; i < myImages.length; i++) {/* while ( !myImages[i].complete ) { }*/ myImages[i].style.display = "inline"; var tempHeight = myImages[i].height; var tempWidth = myImages[i].width; if ( myImages[i].width > 100 && (myImages[i].className != 'noresize')) { var scaleheight = 100/(myImages[i].width) *(myImages[i].height); myImages[i].width = 100; myImages[i].height = scaleheight; myImages[i].style.cursor='pointer'; } myImages[i].style.visibility = "visible"; } } function resize_FrontAuthor() { var myDiv = document.getElementById('Latest2'); var myImages = myDiv.getElementsByTagName("img"); for (i = 0; i < myImages.length; i++) {/* while ( !myImages[i].complete ) { }*/ myImages[i].style.display = "inline"; var tempHeight = myImages[i].height; var tempWidth = myImages[i].width; if ( myImages[i].width > 75 && (myImages[i].className != 'noresize')) { var scaleheight = 75/(myImages[i].width) *(myImages[i].height); myImages[i].width = 75; myImages[i].height = scaleheight; myImages[i].style.cursor='pointer'; } myImages[i].style.visibility = "visible"; } } probably not the cleanest code. If this where configured to run onload within the body, could it potentially prevent any other scripts from executing though? The page itself is reporting no errors within IE. Is it really possible that Awstats numbers are so completely skewed?
  10. you cannot put most of the commercial tracking codes into your header, because most of them boil down to outputting an image tag with data appended to the src url. You cannot have image tags in the head tag. Still don't see any scripting errors on that page. This is old news though
  11. Thanks, that's actually pretty similar to what I'm doing right now. That link you provided looks useful though. I should be able to write a script which parses each line then updates our database periodically.
  12. All good points. That being said, suppose I was designing a banner serving web application and had to track impressions to each banner somehow. Wouldn't I need AJAX to tally each impression after a banner has finished loading? Or for that matter, if I where to use page views as an indicator of impressions(I know there's a difference), are there any reliable repositories where I can periodically download a list of all known bots, etc? That way I would at least be able to filter out most bot user agents/IPs from our Raw Access Logs. Feeling like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place. Ajax is unreliable and PHP/Access Logs have their limitations.
  13. I actually had to try placing the Google Analytics tracking Code directly into the header in one of our smaller sites. http://nptechnews.com/ Pageviews are still not matching up with Awstats though.
  14. Should have called this topic "Tracking Pageviews", I guess it can be further applied to impressions as well though.
  15. Should you use PHP, AJAX, or Server Log Files. Granted most commerical analytical tools today will use Javascript(AJAX); does anyone know why these tools often report significantly lower page views than other methods, ex: PHP or even filtered server logs(AWSTATS). I already just started a test using 3 different methods for gathering the number of "page views" 1) PHP 2) PHP with Filtration of known Bots 3) AJAX(Post Request to PHP Script) Seems #3 is already falling behind
  16. Hi, I'm looking for something which will allow a team of developers to more efficiently modify the same code, monitor any changes, and also undo those changes. I know there are applications out there which allow you to do this. Does anyone have a few suggestions? Thanks
  17. Try changing the attribute(column) into another datatype http://php.about.com/od/mysqlcommands/g/mysql_change.htm Text Columns http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/string-type-overview.html
  18. inside wrapper.php: $blah = $_GET['x'] if(isset($blah)) { //do something }
  19. Table1 Attributes: ID Access(UserId which has access to the photo) URL(url to photo) Table2 UserID Username Password Then Join the tables on login I guess. uploading files: http://www.w3schools.com/PHP/php_file_upload.asp
  20. http://com.w3schools.com/sql/sql_create_table.asp
  21. Store the values within two separate arrays using the explode() function. After that you just run each through a loop statement. $loop1 = explode(";", $string); $loop2 = explode(",", $string); foreach($loop1 as $loop) { //do something } foreach($loop2 as $loop) { //do something else }
  22. How do you do it? 1) Do you parse log files via php then filter out known bots? 2) Ajax requests which executes eventually at some point during page load? 3) Hybrid which...does anyone know how hybrid works exactly? What method has the smallest margin of error? Speak your mind. Material: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_analytics
  23. Man i love google. Thanks again, I think I understand now. http://www.danielnorton.com/nerd/code/php/isdef I was assuming that undefined == NULL.
  24. I guess that's true if I hadn't declared $bar at all. Still, I guess it comes down to performance if that's the case. Should I avoid "!= NULL" condition statements and stick with isset() for now on?
  25. right, so I'm assuming isset($foo) will return false and isset($bar) will return true. in a conditional statement I would say if(isset($bar)) { echo var_dump($bar); } how is that any different from the following though? if($bar != NULL) { echo var_dump($bar); }
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