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Everything posted by Maq

  1. Maintaining a server includes updating it...
  2. For starters it's: session_start();
  3. As I mentioned in the thread I linked earlier, if my reply takes a long time I'll just CnP real quick and click on the thread link to see if someone posted. I agree, especially now that there's that new post ranking system (which I personally really like). EDIT: funny, corbin just did it to me...
  4. I actually think the colors are a lot better, keep it simple. But your site doesn't have much to offer, what do you want use to critique? Looks like a table with a little CSS added for style. It's all plain text, black and white looking...
  5. it sure can make your stay behind bars a lot more pleasant
  6. I think there was already a thread related to this topic. Ah yes, here it is.
  7. Relative to what? PHP and Java have many differences and some similarities. It's not like you could copy and code from PHP to Java (maybe some SQL statements). I don't understand this question. A DB is a DB. If you can connect to it, you can operate on it. Java is platform independent. It runs on a Virtual Machine (VM), as corbin mentioned, it can run on windows, solaris, linux and mac os. If the user does not have a internet connection then they won't be able to access the DB. If they download information to their local machines, previous to the internet going down, then yeah they can use that data with the java program.
  8. Why don't you use a pre-made library like jpGraph?
  9. Cause the method is supposed to use POST not GET.
  10. Try this, your code looks weird (and you don't need that extra ampersand at the end). echo "title" . $cant . "=" . $row['title'] . "&link" . $cant . "=" . $row['link'] . "&lyrics" . " . $cant . "=" . $row['lyrics'] . "&";
  11. The almighty *om* The best critique I have ever seen.
  12. A good idea would be to mark this as SOLVED and start a new thread. More people will read it.
  13. Of course you can, what's the problem?
  14. Page name only: If (status==needprofile) if (curPageName()=="profile.php") header('Location: profile.php'); function curPageName() { return substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],strrpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],"/")+1); } echo "The current page name is ".curPageName(); ?>
  15. You don't need a gun to commit a 'bad crime', which is a relative term anyway.
  16. How do I do this? Please do your own research. There are plenty of thread on PHPfreaks and the internet to help you that are much better than us wasting our time explaining it. If you want code I'm sure there are some open source packages you can use. It's much better if you come with specific questions.
  17. That will get all the members over 16. You should probably do this in PHP. What type is birthday? You should just do an ifelse statement to separate them.
  18. Current code please.
  19. $row = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); should be $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); *my fault
  20. ...didn't let me vote >
  21. ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1;
  22. Can I ask what exactly you're trying to do? Is this page going to another server or something? If not, why can't you just access the data straight from the DB?
  23. || = OR
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