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Everything posted by Maq

  1. I actually solved the problem by adding an extra link at the bottom. So first I would have to click the submit button then I would click the "void" link so their is no server side conflict for the pop up. Thanks.
  2. I think this is a client/server side conflict. When you hit submit twice the link before the present one is what pops up...
  3. I still have the same problem. When I click on the submit button a blank pop-up window appears. But if I close the window and click on the submit button again it appears with the right link.
  4. When the user clicks the submit button I want a new pop-up window to appear. The URL for this window is generated through a jsp variable. When I hit the button once a pop-up window appears but is blank. When I close the pop-up window and hit the submit button again the correct page appears. What could be causing this? Here is my code... ","resizable=1,toolbar=no,width=550,height=250") type="submit" name="submit" value="terminate it" class="fancy">
  5. Looks really nice and clean. But like everyone else said, I would probably have an option of playing the music rather than automatic. I'm using FF3 and the site freezes until the audio is buffered all the way. Good job though
  6. Also, what language(s) are these words from?
  7. Haha, that's funny, they're probably all taken, I'm not going to look though. So corny...
  8. Heh, that looks pretty cool, gj!
  9. Oh ok thanks. I took a class on foundations and learned about machines and regular expressions but don't remember anything, as you can see. Thanks for your help though, bye.
  10. I don't think anyone intended to be hostile. Glad you created your flash yourself. Flash is way better than a GIF animation. And when you solve your problem to this thread please click, "Topic Solved" or w/e on the bottom so everyone knows.
  11. Fenway's probably right, double check. Actually check this line: mysql_select_db("$dbname") or die ("could not open db".mysql_error()); I don't think you need quotes around $dbname. Try: mysql_select_db($dbname) or die ("could not open db".mysql_error());
  12. Great, thanks effigy, works perfectly. Could I ask what the purpose of the 'i' at the end is for?
  13. Thanks, akitchin. Everything works now. I used: ","new",",resizable=1,toolbar=no,width=550,height=250") So now the current window stays on terminate.jsp and it also opens a pop-up window to call the URL for the affiliate. -Tim
  14. If you have Flash then read a flash tutorial. I'm sure there's plenty on blood splatter...
  15. Maq


    If Google ever went down we would all be lost... Actually, I would just use Yahoo!
  16. I'm using preg_match_all. Sorry, I'm just not familiar with regex because I usually just google what I need. But overall I just need to find a regex to locate emails with and without parenthesis around it. e.g. tim@yahoo.com and (tim@yahoo.com). Thanks, Tim
  17. Like this: /(^(\(?*[A-Za-z0-9_-]+@[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\.([A-Za-z0-9_-][A-Za-z0-9_]+\))?$)/
  18. I have a regular expression "/({0,1}^(*[A-Za-z0-9_-]+@[A-Za-z0-9_-]+\.([A-Za-z0-9_-][A-Za-z0-9_]+)$){0,1}/" I want to be able to recognize and email address by itself or have parenthesis around it. I tried adding (* in the beginning and )* at the end but PHP doesn't like it. I'm not very good with regex, and help is appreciated. Thanks.
  19. I have messages that I want to scan through and search for email addresses. If found, I want to replace them with XXXXXXX. I tried this with the word "the" and it works. I have also used this regex in another vbScript and it works fine. What am I doing wrong... $myFile = "emails.txt"; $fh = fopen($myFile, 'r+'); $pattern = "/\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b/"; $i=0; while(!feof($fh)) { $theData = fgets($fh); echo preg_replace($pattern, "XXXXXXXXX", $theData); $i++; } fclose($fh); ?>
  20. Do you pronounce it, doodle?
  21. Maq

    Facebook Apps

    Yes (experience and failure)....
  22. In my opinion learning and getting familiar with basic languages like HTML and JS should be a prerequisite to learning server side languages like PHP. Of course you can build basic websites with HTML but they won't be very dynamic. Have you ever considered Ruby on Rails?
  23. Maq


    Yes I have heard of pTerm but never used it, nor do I know anyone who has used this. Check out http://www.instantcocoa.com/products/pTerm/. I am thinking about getting an iPhone and I know there's a bunch of forums and blogs about this but I wanted to hear it from the developers point of view. Is it really worth it? The new iPhone is only $200 but a decent plan is near $100/mo...
  24. Maq sounds like the beginning of my last name.
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