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Everything posted by CroNiX

  1. can only do that by sending html email
  2. As I stated in my above post, the email program will turn things with http:// into a hyperlink, send one to yourself and see.
  3. No it won't guarantee it. If someone closes their browser and opens it again, it will assign a new session.
  4. There is software that can get past most captcha now. Character recognition
  5. just send it as http://www.thelink.com/ most mail readers will turn it into a link
  6. You have: <?php else { if(blah){ //blah elseif(blah){ //blah } } else { //blah } 2 elses next to each other when it should be elseif...else
  7. And actually, CV did point out exactly where the problem is if you took the time to look. HINT: else...else
  8. If you indented your code you wouldn't be having this problem because you could see it visibly. Guess its just easier to have other people try to fix it for you though.
  9. Did you even read the error messages that the validator gave you? Just about all of them say: Line 154, Column 6: end tag for "div" omitted, but OMITTAG NO was specified. If you look at the source of your page, there are a lot of lines similar to this: <div><p><a href="http://onyahead.com/arsenal/2008/08/adebayor-back-in-business/">Adebayor Back In Business</a></p><p>It&#8217;s what a lot of Arsenal fans were hoping for&#8230;.a new contract swiftly followed by a big performance from our frontman. He is slowly but surely beginning to ooze with a confidence and class reminiscent of what we once experienced when watching Henry. Now I&#8217;m not saying that I think the two can be compared&#8230;because they are [...]</p> See? There is no </div> at the end of all of those lines. In the code you posted above, it uses a table and no divs, so the problem isn't occurring within that code, unless its in the database data being retrieved.
  10. or, create a random number, check db to see if it exists, if not insert it
  11. Ah, the problem seems to be in your query: <?php $result = mysql_query("select * from tblbasicform by email"); I think you want 'ORDER BY email'. <?php $result = mysql_query("select * from tblbasicform ORDER BY email") or die(mysql_error()); also adding the die after will show you if there is a problem in your query...
  12. change: <?php $connect = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass); to this: <?php $connect = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pass) or die(mysql_error()); and see if you get an error
  13. Did you check out the 'AJAX Help' forum? There's a tutorial...
  14. Doesn't look like you have a connection established. Post the code from db_connection.php. You can block out the username/password etc, but we need to see how its connecting (or not).
  15. You don't need javascript to do that. in the head: <?php $seasoncss=""; switch(date("n")){ case 3: $seasoncss="spring.css"; break; case 6: $seasoncss="summer.css"; break; case 9: $seasoncss="fall.css"; break; case 12: $seasoncss="winter.css"; break; } echo "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"$seasoncss\" type=\"text/css\">"; should be close and will work with javascript turned off.
  16. It would be best to use a session. page 1 asks user name in a form and sends to page 2. page 2: <?php session_start(); $_SESSION['username'] = $_POST['username']; //make sure the $_POST username gets sanitized first page 3: <?php session_start(); $username = $_SESSION['username']; you must use session_start() on each page (at the top is best) in order for this to work. **EDIT**: ratcatme beat me to it
  17. maybe on the main page have something like: <?php if(isset($_SESSION['username'])) { //user already logged in, continue normally } else { //not logged in, prompt for login info }
  18. 1) run phpinfo() 2) Look for 'Loaded Configuration File' and check the path 3) Open that php.ini 4) Make sure your extension_dir is pointing to the right place 5) If change made, reboot apache In windows, mine looks like: extension_dir="C:\Apache\PHP5.2\ext" notice its not C:\\
  19. You cPanel display isn't showing how much bandwidth is available. Your ISP is just not limiting how much data you can upload/download, but doesn't mention (and couldn't) how much bandwidth is actually available. I was talking about the actual size of your upstream/downstream pipes, like 100Mbit.
  20. Then its the client connection... And no such thing as unlimited bandwidth LOL.
  21. Yes, get more bandwidth and have the person uploading get more bandwidth. Other than that, not really.
  22. There are still banking systems using code written in the 60's. A lot was updated for y2k, but some still use it.
  23. Maybe you have a default value set in the db?
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