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Everything posted by CroNiX

  1. you just tell apache or IIS to run on port 8080. I ran IIS on port 8080 because I was rewriting a clients old vbscript and converting it to php. I had apache running on standard port 80.
  2. Try searching for wampserver 2 or WAMP. You can run WAMP or wampserver 2 on a box that has IIS, but only one can run at a time. It's easy to turn them off/on though. actually you can run them at the same time on different ports.
  3. In you php.ini, is the extension_dir set to the actual directory the extensions are located?
  4. What if you did this: <?php $array_details = array(); //changed this foreach($colors_array as $key) { $bit = explode("[",$key); $a = $bit[0]; $b = $bit[1]; if (!empty($b)) { $array_details[$b] = $a; // added this //$array_details .= "$b => \"$a\" ,"; } }
  5. ?? .htaccess works on my windows box... Don't worry about removing the title tags, they should be there. But Im just saying it makes it really annoying for those with working eyes
  6. Right under tempobj.disabled=true add tempobj.value='Loading...';
  7. Yes, I understand why they are there, and it's good practice. Im just saying most people aren't visually impaired so it will annoy most people. I know you can easily hide (remove) them using a JS framework like mootools, but as far as straight JS I wouldn't know how to do it, especially cross-browser.
  8. Thats basically a styled <div> with display set to none. Then when you want it to show you set the display to block so it shows. You can use JS to change the message in your div using the innerHTML.
  9. I see this too in FF3/winXP and also Safari. Looks OK in IE7 (right and left panels are equal height) In Opera, the right panel does not come down to the bottom of the left content panel One thing I would get rid of is your title tags (or better yet hide them with JS) in your (nice) drop down menus. Its annoying to hover over a link and have the title pop up covering the link below it.
  10. Um, once again, that is NOT a form, it is a form ELEMENT. ??? ??? I think this is way over your head and I don't know how to explain it any better.
  11. Where is the form? Once again, I see the form ELEMENTS, but not the actual FORM; <form id="blah" action="processingScript.php" method="post"> then your form elements, then </form>
  12. No prob, it gave me a nice little break from writing these stupid legal contracts for upcoming client work It's the worst part about being an independent contractor. Did it work? I would also suggest rewriting your code so that you are mixing php and html as little as possible. This: 1) makes your html much more readable 2) makes it a lot easier to maintain your PHP code Something like this: <?php include("functions.php"); //include your function(s) ?> <html> <head> <title>View All Work Orders Completed by One Employee</title> <link href="css/gobal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <div id="header1"> <img src="images/hi_logo.gif" alt="Holiday Inn Logo" width="200" height="83" id="logo"/> <p align="right"><a href="home.html" target="_self" class="headlink">Home</a> </p> <h1 align="center">Maintenance Request Tracking</h1> </div> <form action="viewEmp.php" method="POST"> <select name="EmployeeName"> <?php createOptions(); //execute your function defined in 'functions.php' ?> </select> <input type="submit" value="Submit"> </form> </body> </html> Then create a 'functions.php' page like: <?php function createOptions(){ $host="localhost"; $user="root"; $password=""; $cxn = mysql_connect($host,$user,$password) or die ("Couldn't connect to database."); $dbname = 'holidayinn'; mysql_select_db($dbname); $query = "SELECT DISTINCT `Name` FROM `employee` ORDER BY `Name`"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo $row["Name"]; } /*This is the form used to display the drop down box to select an employee. */ while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) // Loop thru recordset and get values { echo "<option value=\"".$row["Name"]."\">".$row["Name"]; echo "</option>"; } } // End createOptions() ?> This is a very basic example and there is really more that should be done, but I hope you see the benefit.
  13. Wow, you are really mixing a lot of things that shouldn't be. <html> <head> <title>View All Work Orders Completed by One Employee</title> <link href="css/gobal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> </head> <body> <?php $host="localhost"; $user="root"; $password=""; $cxn = mysql_connect($host,$user,$password) or die ("Couldn't connect to database."); $dbname = 'holidayinn'; mysql_select_db($dbname); $query = "SELECT DISTINCT `Name` FROM `employee` ORDER BY `Name`"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_error()); echo "<div id=\"header1\"><img src=\"images/hi_logo.gif\" alt=\"Holiday Inn Logo\" width=\"200\" height=\"83\" id=\"logo\"/><p align=\"right\"><a href=\"home.html\" target=\"_self\" class=\"headlink\">Home</a> </p><h1 align=\"center\">Maintenance Request Tracking</h1></div><div>"; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { echo $row["Name"]; } /*This is the form used to display the drop down box to select an employee. */ echo "<form action=\"viewEmp.php\" method=\"POST\">"; echo "<select name=\"EmployeeName\">"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) // Loop thru recordset and get values { echo "<option value=\"".$row["Name"]."\">".$row["Name"]; echo "</option>"; } echo"</select>"; echo"<input type=\"submit\" Value=\"Submit\"></form>"; ?> </div> </body> </html> In my original post, for #2 I didn't mean just where I showed you, I meant properties in all html tags.
  14. by googling "website screenshot howto"... http://www.ozzu.com/website-design-forum/howto-integrate-website-screenshot-thumbnails-your-site-t69269.html
  15. 1) Are you connected to a DB? You code doesn't show that part if you are. 2) You shouldn't use single quotes in tag properties, like <?php echo "<form action='viewEmp.php' method='POST'> should be: <?php echo "<form action=\"viewEmp.php\" method=\"POST\"> 3) You are not closing your option tags with </option>
  16. You are being really vague. Please rephrase your question and post all of your code with the complete form tags.
  17. Maybe because you have no form tags at all? You have form elements (input) but they are not in a form!
  18. Theres actually 4 images in the header. Those colors clash a lot and are not friendly. They should be lighter color IMO. That dark brown color is not good. The scrolling text is black and is hard to read against the dark brown. Try using lighter colors with dark text.
  19. The flash logo is very jittery when changing pics. I would just use JS to do what you are doing since there is nothing flash specific that you are doing for that, it would probably come out a lot smaller as well.
  20. The PHP APC extension has this ability. Google it.
  21. I believe you want to use the onunload event. If I remember though, not all browsers use this the same way so it won't be fullproof. The other thing you can do is run a (php) cleanup script when a user logs into the site, that can check for inactivity after x time of all users in the db and delete those expired entries to get a more accurate picture.
  22. http://mooforum.net http://reghellin.com/milkbox/ http://www.phatfusion.net/index.htm http://www.digitalia.be/software/slimbox Theres lots, just google 'mootools+image' or 'mootools+gallery' or similar
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