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Everything posted by R4nk3d

  1. thats what ive been looking for. i know how to install, jsut not configure
  2. thanks a ton! yeah, i couldnt find a good tutorial to save my life.
  3. I find that tigerdirect.com and newegg.com are the best sites to order computer parts. I built a computer i tigerdirect.com and the total came to $510. if i were to get a computer like it from best buy or circuit city, it wouldve been around $1100.
  4. ill go with a bit of linkin park.
  5. rap, hip hop, r & b, rock
  6. R4nk3d

    Text to Speech

    I dont have any experience in this but i think that you have to make ur code say: for each($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++) { playsound("sounds/$string[$i]"); } The play sound syntax im not saying use that, use whatever command it is in flash. but yeah, just tell it for each letter in the string, play the file named (letter) from the sounds directory.
  7. I've looked everywhere for a tutorial on how to install an ftp server on linux(debian) but i cant find a good one anywhere, Ive spent the past 2 days doing this with atleast 4 hours each day. I cannot find one anywhere. Can anyone answer these two questions for me? 1. What is a good ftp server to run on debian? 2. Do you have a tutorial for any ftp server for debian? Please help. Im looking to set this up for 3 different sites with 3 different document roots. Thank you so much in advance.
  8. ok, that worked but i had to change it to mysql-server-5.0
  9. ok, well it gave me the screen and i changed it but it still wont login. and when i reinstall it, it doesnt restore the default root username.
  10. k. waiting
  11. no, i used apt-get
  12. ok, so that will replace my /etc/mysql/ folder and reinstall it?
  13. Ok, thanks. Is there a way to install it using like apt-get install mysql-server instead of like manually reinstalling it?
  14. i dont. so, do i have to reinstall it?
  15. yes, i have. ive had this installed for a while and i think somehow the password got changed or the user got deleted so how do i get it back/reset it?
  16. R4nk3d


    i liek #18 haha
  17. Ok guys. So ive had mysql installed for a while now on my debian server and im starting to host a couple sites off it but theres 1 MAJOR problem. I dont have a root username. I have a username, but its debian-sys-maint and it doesnt have all priviledges like add user. so im stumped. Ive looked everywhere for some help and i cant find any. So can anyone tell me how to get a root username back on the server?
  18. http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorial/basic-pagination heres a tutorial for you that has some examples. hope it helps.
  19. k, nbm sorry, i thought u did it because it said i deleted it. thought u created that page.
  20. dont fucking delete my homepage u cunt
  21. R4nk3d

    Desktop SS

    I would love to have a dual screen set up. my sister has that at her work and i just fall everytime i see it. 2 22" montiors, one with itunes and firefox, the other excel, and outlook (for work). Right now i have a 20" LG monitor which i got for $230 almost a year ago with the resolution 1440x900. Pretty nice but id really like a dual screen set up. 2 Guys at my sisters work also have 30" monitors which i want to have sex with and steal everytime i see them. ill take a picture next time im there.
  22. R4nk3d

    Desktop SS

    very cool setup. nice monitor too Thanks. The desktop is one that is built in and I caught the monitor on sale about 6 months ago for 250 from Staples. Insert what corbin said here! haha. and also, what are the specs on the desktop?
  23. haha, yeah, some code would be nice
  24. i can use them fine. try and go to the link of the menu.php file and add ?user=bob onto the end to see if it works.
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