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Everything posted by R4nk3d

  1. Well, im scripting a new roleplay gamemode that is all sql based. At the moment, it is on my server that i host my websites on(including this one) and other things such as emails. For the time being this server is in my room until i take it into my work next week to be hosted there. PM if you want more info, id like to stay on topic. Anywho, now i have this code. $fp = @fsockopen('udp://' . "IP", 7777, $errno, $errstr, 5); if(!fp) { echo("<img src=\"images/serverdown.png\" alt=\"The Game Server Is Down!\">"); } else if($fp) { $packet = 'SAMP'; $packet .= chr(strtok($ip, '.')); $packet .= chr(strtok('.')); $packet .= chr(strtok('.')); $packet .= chr(strtok('.')); $packet .= chr($port & 0xFF); $packet .= chr($port >> 8 & 0xFF); fwrite($fp, $packet.'i'); fread($fp, 11); $is_passworded = ord(fread($fp, 1)); $plr_count = ord(fread($fp, 2)); $max_plrs = ord(fread($fp, 2)); $strlen = ord(fread($fp, 4)); $hostname = fread($fp, $strlen); $strlen = ord(fread($fp, 4)); $gamemode = fread($fp, $strlen); $strlen = ord(fread($fp, 4)); $mapname = fread($fp, $strlen); echo("<img src=\"images/serverup.png\" alt=\"The Game Server Is Up!\">"); fclose($fp); } It works great when the server is up, but if i shut it down, the page just loads for about 30 seconds straight, then pops up half of it, but all the code i have after this strip doesnt show. And neither does the server down image or anything else.
  2. Well i just found a good tut on the scripting website for the game. It shows $fp = fsockopen('udp://' . "", "1337", $errno, $errstr); the port for the server config file is udp 7777. So if i connect to the server host and udp port, i get a list of the configurations. So now i have my way to ping it. Now i just gotta figure out the rcon
  3. What would be required for me to telnet it?
  4. Grand Theft Auto San Andreas: Multiplayer. I'm gonna work out the code on this format, then convert it to some other games possibly. Another question: I found exactly what you gave me, but I left out a large part of that question. What I needed to say is: Is it possible to ping a server port? Like ping(localhost,80) and it'd return 1;
  5. Ok, ill check it out. Thanks a lot Maq.
  6. Hi everyone. Currently I'm building a website for a multiplayer game. This game is linked into an sql database and so this is where it gets a lot of the information for it from. But what I'm trying to do is: 1. Make a small script saying $result = ping(gameserverhost,gameserverport); if($result) echo("Good connection."); else echo("Bad connection."); 2. Make a live RCON administration page. This way if you are logged in to the site and you click the link to this page itll show you the updated server log(Updated every second?) and then an input line where you can type things like "kick 3" to kick the players who id is 3. Itll pass the string to the server and then it can deal with it from there. Any help would be appreciated. I've been looking for the ping function for awhile but i cant find it. I havent looked into the rcon page too much. Thanks in advance.
  7. that is, assuming the statistic isn't "number of totally badass people in the world." in that case i'd like to become a statistic. hahaha. yeah im that statistic
  8. Im actually hoping to get a masters of science in computer technology/engineering and then an associates/bachelors in art and design.
  9. Im from michigan, us. ive been riding since i was 6.
  10. gay marriage is still banned in michigan too. and also, u cant base laws off of the bible, cause 1. america is a melting pot of color and religion. 2. not everyone uses the bible. it also says playing with urself is a sin, and im guessing 95% of u dont follow that rule.
  11. Haha, very cool. Im thinking about getting the Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14 or the Kawasaki ZZR 600 when i turn 16. Im prolly goin with the zx-14
  12. Medical Marijuana is now legal in Michigan
  13. What kind of motorcycling do you do? Street? I do motocross on a Suzuki RM250.
  14. Haha, i just got a funny text from a friend of mine, even tho im for obama, its still funny. XD
  15. R4nk3d

    Uh Oh!

    Wow, that was really nice of your dad Good luck on this and like P.F. said, just get a general outline of what he wants the site to look like, show/say, and do. Maybe even create a pdf/image file with a preview of the design/layout for him to review before you build it.
  16. Beyond policies, level-headedness, and leadership abilities, it is pretty clear what his victory means to America's legacy and how America is seen around the world and what it means to each and every American from this point on. In his victory you have a black man (in this country if you were 1/16 black, you were black and treated as such) who was once considered 2/5s of man, become the most powerful person in the world. That says a lot about how far we have come as people and it is only the beginning. It was actually 3/5's if youre referring to the 3/5s compromise of slaves for the count of population. Yes, im very glad obama won. ive been rooting for him ever since the beginning. He has pulled through and he should be very happy for being the first black president of the united states. 40 years ago a black man wasnt allowed to drink out of the water fountain i was drinking out of, today, blacks are able to be presidents. thats a big difference there. But i look forward to seeing how he changes the u.s. and if he is to be assassinated, joe biden is also a very good candidate for v.p./president. and to all of u anti-obamas - eff u! j/k, i respect your opinion.
  17. all i can say is post a pic when ur done wanna check out the display.
  18. I can help you master the force... R4nk3d pulls his cloak back over his head... haha. Im hoping to master javascript and flash. oh, and dirtbiking.
  19. Create a new text file and type this in it: <? echo phpinfo() ?> and if it shows you the info, you got all the specs for the version, etc. There ya go, hope it works. EDIT: sorry, save it as name.php and then upload it to his webserver. Then type in the url in a web browser.
  20. Ok, the idea popped into my head so i thought id post it before i forgot it. I do see what ur saying and i do agree too. Thanks for responding.
  21. What do you guys think about having a buying/selling board on these forums? Like to sell scripts or domains, and purchase them. Just an idea i had, tell me what you think.
  22. I saw some a Staples, also, why don't you order a bunch in your store, then make they pay for a copy? Ok, sorry. Where i live no one carries it anymore. Only vista. Thats what all the computers come with too.
  23. Can we maybe get some operating system tutorials? Like setting up apache on linux or email servers, etc.
  24. You could purchase them from a reseller like newegg.com because I don't know any local stores that sell Windows XP, only websites. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16832116058
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