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Everything posted by BoltZ

  1. Too bad its probably in the mod section since I have no permission to be there
  2. BoltZ

    Porn Site

    Depends on where you live sir..
  3. Again I'd suggest spricing up the colors a bit
  4. Hm try putting all that in one rounded corners div instead of two
  5. BoltZ

    Porn Site

    Wow sorry about my previous post I was doing some JS n I guess I forgot I copied something else instead. Sorry for the confusion/coldfusion
  6. I think that putting the navbar in another rounded border div would be bad looking
  7. Yea and your picture names arent very descriptive. 0002134 or whatever? Maybe your doing that at purpose so the user doesn't know what they are getting?
  8. <?php $terrorist = array(1 => 'Iraq', 'Saudi Arabia', 'Random'); ?>
  9. The navbar looks totally out of place. You have rounded border divs then the navbar is just plain??
  10. I want to learn jquery but i have mixed results by you guys. I kinda like simple
  11. I would buy stocks now because it seems the economy will go up soon. I am not an economist nor do I want to be.
  12. Well it really comes down to what the library is capable of
  13. Same reason here. I see no point especially if someones going to steal the code
  14. Ok thanks I'll check out the link ^^
  15. Its probably because you are using the activexobject which is only supported in IE. All other browsers don't use that.
  16. Hey title says it all. I need help simply educational purposes as I am a newbie in photoshop, I need help creating the logo just like on predictify.com. I know the text but i am baffled by the logo part. help anyone? sorry if tihs isnt the place to put this but I see no photoshop help forum..maybe a future sub forum ?
  17. Well I don't pretend to be an expert at cross browser compatible code so I hope someone else comes here and helps. I don't want to mislead you for a while until you yourself figure it out.
  18. Well unless you can find a way to edit the files theres no help possible. I would suggest contacting them
  19. Yea that was my point. Lets call it even
  20. I thought joomla was a CMS. They don't have a space for editing that? Try contacting them
  21. Oh well thats why I asked if thats what he was asking before posting my code.
  22. The reason that it was extending so far is because you had a <ul> inside of your navbar which would stretch it. If you take that out then try putting that on a new line or just use javascript to make it onhover to display information then your problem is fixed.
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