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Everything posted by BoltZ

  1. Heh the library called and said the books were ready. Too bad the library is closed today AND tomorrow =D. Oh wellsz
  2. What do you mean it didnt work. Did the picture show up at all?
  3. Do <style type="text/css"> body{ background: #FFFFFF url('image.gif'); } It will set the background to that image in the entire page.
  4. If you want to put it at the top of the page no matter what you can do margin-top:0px; margin-left:0px; position:absolute; Not recommended to use absolute positioning though.
  5. margin-left:0px;? padding-left:0px;?
  6. But asp.net is a interpreted language? But its written in C#. If I remember correctly someone said that I would only compile it sometimes and I am not sure what that is supposed to mean. When would I have to compile it vs times when I don't?
  7. So I wouldnt have to compile it myself? Well I got 2 books on asp.net and one in C#, I think that should suffice. Thanks for all your answers guys you really helped
  8. Never heard of it TIME TO GOOGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Whenever I reply in this thread I laugh Re: [sOLVED] website not going anywhere ) Your website is going somewhere now? ^^
  10. Is ASP.Net able to do web stuff like login stuff and stuff that php can do? I repeat to make sure I understand Ok I picked up two books on ASP.Net for beginners, I think one of them is by Sams Should I also get a C# book?
  11. Well sometimes I think they will take my html/css. So I make the code unreadable by adding no white space, + that adds less kb to the file which means faster files
  12. How is that not reading the thread..... Well the only framework I have used is jQuery . Ok well if you have to compile asp.net how can you run it on the web?
  13. I HAD decided on jsp but afteer some research from sitepoint i finally understood that its apparently VERY VERY difficult to learn. ASP.Net seems like the best one to learn here and So when I code asp.net I am really coding in C# but i am using ASP.Net coding ? I have never used frameworks actually so I am confused how one can code in a framework. Can anyone explain alittle more completely?
  14. I would love to do asp.net but it runs on windows When they say that does it mean you can only CODE on windows? Does it work in webpages mainly so that it works on all platforms but you can only code in windwos? Or is asp.net a desktop language mainly?
  15. Ok I decided on JSP and will do some php in my spare time.
  16. You misunerstand me. I didn't say everyone hates open source. Just some people don't trust it.. The languages currently on debate now are PHP JSP ASP.Net ASP.Net is supposd too get good money but when it says its limited to window platforms does it mean you can only CODE it on window platforms or it won't render a site in asp.net on other platforms. I am confused. In your personal experience (if you have any) how hard is JSP to master and what tools would I need to even attempt learning it. PHP I think i will continue my study at this as well as an alternative
  17. More research. I have a question for you guys, if you knew what you do now, pretend your not at a site called phpfreaks.com and answer me this between asp.net, jsd, and php which would you choose. Asp.net can only be run on windows jsd is uh...hard to learn? php is open source and not very good IMO for large-scale websites
  18. I read a wise bit of advice while researching right now. "Go with the money" So I will and researched that ASP.Net jobs are in high demand n paying better. Do i need to download Visual Studio to use ASP.Net or is that just like dreamweaver where its just a notepad type of device
  19. Ugh I have been researching for an hour now trying to decide which language to learn ASP.Net, PHP or JSP, I am already SOMEWHAT familiar with php. They all have their downfalls though. PHP is open source so some businesses don't like to use it. JSP requires a compiler and with larger websites you need to make your own library whatever and reference java beans and all that. and ASP.Net runs only on Microsoft Platforms i think?
  20. Also can they be used on the web and also is vbscript like JS?
  21. So asp.net is a programming language that uses the .net framework. So I don't need to know .net framework. How good is vb and vbscript btw
  22. So .net isnt a programming language but its like a framework of lannguages such as VB? but tehn how is web pages bulid with .net and stuff
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