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Everything posted by laPistola

  1. i read again and i see what you mean what that code is effectivly doing is makeing the query look like "INSERT INTO `vehicle_opt` (`option_id`, `vehicle_id`) VALUES $key,$vehicle_id"; you need to make it surround the values in ( ) so try $sql .= "(" . implode(','$op_ar) . ")";
  2. infact thinking about it are you passing the username and password via the url using the GET method in your form as you really should be using POST and then that code should be $username=$_POST['username']; $password=$_POST['password']; its better security as the password isn't visable in a URL
  3. $username=$_GET['username']; $password=$_GET['password'];
  4. without seeing your code i can only advice that you read up on Specifici (spelling might be wrong) basicly the more selectors a rule has the more points it gets so li { } has less points then li div { } so li div { } having the more Specifici points will over rule any rules its inherting from its parent
  5. you will have to use an image or images as the background, depending on your requirments will depend on how you go about doing it.
  6. as far as i can see you havent told it what the values are $sql = "INSERT INTO `vehicle_opt` (`option_id`, `vehicle_id`) VALUES ('" . $_POST['name'] . "' , '" . $_POST['name'] . "') "; change name to what ever the field name is that it should get the values from.
  7. sorry to butt in im having the same problem on my site, used this code to fix echo substr(htmlentities($row_newsRS['article']),0,700); but all it did was show up the html on the page ie, <p><span style="font-size:12px;">text here</span></p> which like dvdflashbacks will not want the html to show on the page i also just now tried echo substr(htmlentities($row_newsRS['article'],ENT_QUOTES,"utf-8"),0,700); but same results??
  8. the ajax forum http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/board,51.0.html
  9. yes i did mean javascript sorry, i blame my man flu :s
  10. you cant use php inside java like you are, the only way without ajax is to have the php varable in the url on a page reload and use java to read the url varable
  11. well the sites based on story writers (authors), a place where they can write stories save them and go back and add to them or edit them and share them with the community on the site. although most will be short stories 50k charactors or less i did think a few might fancy themselves as long story writers (i fancied doing one) which could hit 1mil for a very long 500 page story, which is unlikely i agree as its been pointed out its billion i dont think ill bother putting a limit or warning cus that will never be reached. It was just something that was on my mind but thanks to you guys its not no more Thank you!
  12. im taking steps in every way i can/know of to stop the causal and the advance users. to be honest all me disabling non js users is really just stopping them signing up with invaild details like username and email and skipping the age verfication, but i do plan to change these scripts to PHP alturnatives in v2 of the site
  13. so the user will not get any nasty errors, maybe just in case i should limit the text field and have a warning come up when so many charactors are reached! Thanks for all your help
  14. well if LONGTEXT gets me 1mil + which it sounds like it will then im sure its enough for the aplication i plan to use it with. One more question though when you submit to a LONGTEXT field and that post is overs its max storage what happens??
  15. yes but these are very very minor, what i have done is stopped the ones thats not so up on hacking from disabling js and get past what i have used js to stop them, no site is 100% secure its just doing your best to try and prevent what you can, plus they cant view the source of the PHP or external js scripts, to my knowledge anyway. i plan to re-write as much of the java in a PHP driven version in v2 of the site anyway.
  16. hi and thank you i read these pages a few days ago but it dont give me the answer im looking for, or i didn't understand it. its saying a longtext can hold 4gb worth of data but how many characters is that??
  17. Hi Thats the point, my site uses alittle javascript as most is done with PHP but the little JS it uses would mean there would be a couple of minor security risks if the user has JS disbled so to prevent this from happening i set all the submit buttons as type=button but if the user has JS enabled the JS changes the type to submit, removing the ablity of any non js users even using the site. The <noscript> explains for them to use the site enable js. anyway i fixed this myself a couple of hours after posting, i used the .innerHTML to change the whole <input type="button" etc etc /> to <input type="submit" etc etc /> which works in ff and ie. cheers anyway
  18. Is there a limit to how many charactors these two can hold? if so whats the limits?? Thanks
  19. laPistola


    show us the code please
  20. use the innerHTML command to change disabled="" to disabled="disabled" in the tags attributes
  21. <input name="login" type="button" class="buttons" id="login" value="login" /> document.getElementById('login').type = 'submit'; works perfect in FF but will not work in IE7 i even tryed changing to .value to see if it would change the button name to submit but that didn't work either? Thanks
  22. php mail function is mail($to,$subject,$message,$from); no idea how to make it work with your actionscript but you would need to use the $_REQUEST['var'] feature as normal this is an example of my PHP script that works with my flash contact form <?php // read the variables form the flash post $name = $_REQUEST["name"]; $message = $_REQUEST["message"]; $tele = $_REQUEST["tele"]; $email = $_REQUEST["email"]; mail("sales@yourDomain.co.uk", "Enquiry From website", "Name: $name\nTelephone: $tele\nEmail: $email\n$message", "From: $email"); ?>
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