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Posts posted by Masna

  1. When using utf8_decode I get:


    <p><span style="color: #0000ff">Coloured Blue</span></p> <p><span style="color: #00ff00">Coloured Green</span></p>


    When using htmlspecialchars_decode() I get nothing at all. The page just stops at the point where it is meant to display, meaning that the rest of the page template failes to display too.


    Is an error printed when using htmlspecialchars_decode()? Turn error_reporting on:


    error_reporting(E_ALL); //put this at the top of your script

  2. You need to use a while loop so as to loop through the rows contained in the MySQL resource result link. That is:


    $query = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM objects WHERE posebna_ponuda = 1 ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 5");
    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)){
         //do whatever you'd like with each row of "news" -- $row contains an array containing 'id' -- $row['id']

  3. This looks like it should work. But, just to be sure, try replacing this...


    <button type="submit" style="height: 25px; width: 100px"><strong>


    ...with this...


    <input type="submit" name="submit" value="SendIt">

  4. my page is over 3000 lines long at the moment i have the max file size twice on the page the forms are not next to each other in the script and do not display at the same time when you say combine the forms do you mean still have two <form id="uploadimages"></form><form id="editimages"></form> or use the same form id for both forms?


    When I say combine the forms, I mean condense the two separate forms into one form.


    When one form is submitted, are you expecting data passed through the other form to also be available in $_FILES?

  5. Your code is wrong. Please look at this tutorial: http://www.phpfreaks.com/tutorial/basic-pagination


    LOL! Well this is helpful, now isn't it!


    Yes, yes it is. Should we re-invent an inferior and less comprehensive tutorial just for the sake of this thread? He won't learn half as much as he would from CV's introductory tutorial on it.


    Did you actually look at his code? It's clear that he understands the logic behind pagination. He simply has a minor error in this particular instance of practice.


    Reading a 10-page tutorial clearly is not going to help this user.

  6. Question for MODs/Guru's/Pro's


    Is there such a thing a a memory limit on this? would memory limit even apply to what OP is doing in his script?


    Well, there's a memory limit on everything: especially when dealing with digital information.


    Most browsers probably obtain that limit from the header sent here:


    header("Content-length: $dl_size");


    As for whether or not this is the issue in this particular case: I don't know.

  7. Try...


    <?php $shopperid = mysql_query("SELECT UserID FROM users WHERE Username = '$username'");
    				 $getshopperid = mysql_fetch_array($shopperid);
    				 $getshopperid = $getshopperid['UserID'];
    				$shoppercount = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM nordstromlisting WHERE ShopperID = '$getshopperid'
    				UNION ALL SELECT * FROM saksfifthavenuelisting WHERE ShopperID = '$getshopperid'
    				UNION ALL SELECT * FROM gnclisting WHERE ShopperID = '$getshopperid'
    				UNION ALL SELECT * FROM guesslisting WHERE ShopperID = '$getshopperid'
    				UNION ALL SELECT * FROM urbanoutfitterslisting WHERE ShopperID = '$getshopperid'
    				UNION ALL SELECT * FROM americaneaglelisting WHERE ShopperID = '$getshopperid'
    				UNION ALL SELECT * FROM footlockerlisting WHERE ShopperID = '$getshopperid'
    				UNION ALL SELECT * FROM bananarepubliclisting WHERE ShopperID = '$getshopperid'
    				UNION ALL SELECT * FROM neimanmarcuslisting WHERE ShopperID = '$getshopperid'") or die(mysql_error());
    				$test123 = mysql_num_rows($shoppercount);
    				 if (mysql_num_rows($shoppercount) > 2) {
    					echo "You are currently at the maximum (3) amount of listings you can create in a five day span.";
    				else {


    ...and post back here what error is printed.

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