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Posts posted by Masna

  1. Put them in a super container and apply the following to said container:


    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;


    Don't forget to use float: left on the elements you want to place side by side, and give them distinct widths (whether by percentage or invariable pixels).

  2. I've never used fread() either. That's what the docs are for. php.net/fread




    fread returns a string that contains the contents of the file. So...


    $contents_of_file = fread("file.txt");


    From there, you can very easily parse $contents_of_file (using, most likely, explode()).

  3. I'm not opposing your idea as people obviously do buy it and it does make you money, but I would see myself just downloading the documentation and throwing it on a flashdrive instead.  It's not very big.


    Wicked... you have a USB port connected to your brain?! Man you need to tell me how to do this so I can just carry a flashdrive around with all the info I need. Then I can just like scan in my textbooks and load it into my brain flashdrive and I'll ace my classes and exams. This is going to be awesome!


    Haha, fair enough.  I wrote that under the (probably incorrect) assumption most people have access to laptops these days.  (I've gotten a few free ones from clients who buy new ones and would rather throw away the old one then keep it).  All the same, if you have an iPhone (which you would need to buy the app anyways) I would assume (never used an iphone) that one could open some local html documents on it.


    More to the point, you could save the following web address as a bookmark in Safari: http://www.php.net/quickref.php


    Every PHP function, listed alphabetically.  Straight from the source itself.  And without the bloat of having a separate application delivering the same info.


    Not trying to be Captain Buzzkill here, Masna, but I think you're trying to reinvent the wheel.  Good for you if people buy it, but I wouldn't (if I had an iPhone).


    Well the point is it's an offline manual, i.e., you don't have to be connected to the internet to access it.

  4. So what kind of features do you already ..... have.

    If you don't have the actual manual to parse from as of yet.


    What else does it do


    A list of information for each function that I took from my parsing scripts is stored within the program. You can view all functions, search through them, and read basic information on them.


    This is outstanding... I'm getting flamed by moderators.

  5. First up, I don't have (or want) an iPhone. But in what situation would you require the use of a stripped down version of the PHP manual on your phone?


    From my perspective, you surely must be developing a script at the time, on your computer, in a world of 'always-on' internet connctivity - And for those that don't have constant connectivity, they surely have an offline version of the manual on their computer and possibly built into their IDE.


    Clearly not everyone shares your situation: two days after release 180 customers have purchased the application.

  6. i would prefer if it included everything from the php manual


    Alright thanks for the suggestion.


    I was considering incorporating that in future updates. It's just hard because including the ENTIRE manual takes up a lot of space but otherwise I have to write tons of parsing scripts to parse all the information in the manual.

  7. Hey everyone. I posted earlier and I suppose I was coming off as a marketer. That's not what I meant to do at all.


    What I'd love from the community are suggestions for my iPhone application called PHP Ref (it's in the App Store now). You don't have to purchase it to make suggestions, simply read the description and you'll know what it does.


    Again, I'm merely looking for suggestions. Basically, it's an offline PHP functions reference manual for your iPhone. So, I ask, what kind of functionality would please you in an application as such?



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