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Everything posted by RussellReal

  1. add me to msn, I could either work for you, or help you out, whichever your pick is cool, my msn is RussellonMSN@hotmail.com.
  2. echo "<td width='18' valign='top'><input type='checkbox' id='espe' name='id_especialidad[]' ".(($row_espe['id_especialidad'] != $work['id_especialidad'])? 'checked="checked" ':'')."value=''";
  3. and the field in the database is 'checked'? if so do this: echo "<td width='18' valign='top'><input type='checkbox' id='espe' name='id_especialidad[]' ".(($work['checked'])? 'checked="checked" ':'')."value=''";
  4. You're trying to CHECK the boxes that in the database, say they're checked?
  5. $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Bands WHERE bandname LIKE '{$search}%' ORDER BY bandname ASC");
  6. looks like you're playing the guitar without a G.. what I usually do is create an id field, and give that as the index, and auto increment.. but sometimes you might have a field.. like email where you don't want it to ever be a duplicate, in which case you'd set the field 'email' to UNIQUE which is an index but its a unique index, but most of the time you won't need more than a primary index which is just an id field
  7. Learn Regular Expressions, I just happen to know Regular Expressions and I just happen to be looking for work. *hint hint* but, you don't really need regular expressions.. you could use substr nd strpos and parse out the inside of the <divs> but I just noticed.. you only have ONE opening div, and TWO closing divs.. that would be hard either way to parse correctly. Again, I'm looking for work *hint*
  8. you said you want what you looped to show ABOVE the alphabet line.. so move echo $alpha; UNDER the loop... oh and to make your sql order in the right order, just add ORDER BY bandname ASC
  9. +echo the $alpha variable AFTER you output what you want to output on the top of it lol.. echo $alpha; put that after the loop
  10. javascript and AJAX would be better, and when you go into the page you'd want a plain html page and then the jsloading graphic, and then with AJAX trigger the php script to run, when the php script returns data that means that the processing of the data is complete and then AJAX will either find an error or not, if no error, remove the graphic and do whatever iwth the data from PHP, or, if error, display the error.. AJAX really owns but no you can't make a loading screen with php..
  11. do you have php installed? did you set php to your system environment variables? I recommend for your first time, or anytime, to install xamp, it is really good and installs mysql, php, and apache all @ the same time. also you will need to forward your ports, you'd probably not want to use the standard port 80, as that could interfere w ith your incoming and outgoing internet activity, since most activity is on port 80, some ppl go with port 800 or sumfin so that its wayyyy out there lol. this post will probably be moved to installation, but, I tutor php, but I only use MSN so if you have MSN and want to get some examples to work on or anything, feel free to add me, I don't charge to help, and its always good to build a network.. RussellonMSN@hotmail.com
  12. I'm not sure if you mean the LAST insert id, or the next one coming up..? last insert id is simple: mysql_insert_id or you could get the next one up by following this website's instructions: http://blog.jamiedoris.com/geek/560/ note I've never did the second one, only ever the first one, and I'm more than sure there is an easier way to get the next auto increment, but, I don't know that way so here this way is
  13. 'text' => '<!-- webim button --><a href="/webim/client.php?locale=en" target="_blank" onclick="if(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf(\'opera\') != -1 try this instead the problem is, you OPEN your string with ', therefore you can't use it INSIDE your string, without escaping it with a \ before it
  14. you just show us 2 lines, how can we help you? the problem is obviously in show-month.php or your index.php..
  15. what you see in view source is the same that you get returned to you thru file_get_contents, xml looks like html..
  16. I could do it for $30, this is a script request not help. Sorry
  17. <input type="text" id="number" /> <a href="javascript:void(top.location = 'http://www.domain.com/'+document.getElementById('number').value+'.html');">Go!</a>
  18. sorry for a late reply.. but instead of if(!isset($result)) you could just do if ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { } and that essentially will check if the results contain any rows, or not. and if it does, fill $row with the row and inside the if statement is where you'd handle it lol
  19. echo '<img src = "images/thumbs/'. $image_id . '.jpg">'; try this echo "<img src='images/thumbs/{$image_id}.jpg' />";
  20. like.. $abc = new WhoCares(); echo getObjectName($abc); how would I get it to echo 'WhoCares' lol ------------------ NVM I got it, for anybody else: get_class
  21. hahah I shoulda thought of lookarounds, good job
  22. your error reporting is E_ALL set it to E_WARNING I think error_reporting(E_WARNING)
  23. probably, but I find it inappropriate to leave someone hanging you can delete this post if you want
  24. php GD works on any operating system =\ I've never had a problem, just use the same imagecreatefromjpeg or w.e and dive in
  25. I replied, we need to touch base on exactly what you need and what not. Going to enjoy working with you.
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