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Everything posted by RussellReal

  1. well, your rewrite should work with no problems, and you're not getting a 500 error (which is a way to tell if your htaccess is messed up), so have you restarted your server after you changed your apache configuration files?
  2. a1pro is your account name or something on ur web hosting.. public_html would be your WEB DIRECTORY and euterpedia.com is the folder 1 inside your web directory.. if anything euterpedia.com should show ~a1pro, unless your site directs directly to your euterpedia.com folder which artist_list would be what you're redirecting to from ~a1pro, but anything you do to the url won't affect whether it shows /home/~a1pro/ or /home/a1pro/
  3. Hey, I could do this for you, $60, however, if you want to jump right in and go for it yourself, you might want a database table full of urls linking to the certain file, and use a session to store the user's download attempts, with an if statement you'd check whether or not your user has attempted to download that file's ID, if he has than don't bother checking his email, country, name, BUT if he HASN'T push the form on him, and on submit if the data passes, push teh data.
  4. yes.. $id = (int) $_GET['id']; mysql_query("SELECT users.username, comments.comment FROM comments JOIN users ON (comments.user_id = users.id) WHERE image_id = '{$id}'");
  5. Not according to this according to this.. it wouldn't be smart to get the last ID either way.... just set the id field to auto increment..
  6. no.. make a comments table, and have the following fields comment_id | image_id | user_id | comment
  7. this will either be moved to miscellaneous or PHP Discussion, however, write about.. gee hard decision PHP! <33
  8. change the session directory with session_save_path but remember to put that above every script that will use sessions, or you could set teh save path directly in the php.ini which is session.save_path you set that to somewhere where you DO have access to.. u could do that until someone here like daniel comes and gives you a better way, or solution without having to change the path, but I'm more than sure eventually you'll be editing some sort of configuration file
  9. preg_match_all("/\) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+) ([^ ]+)/",$data,$matches);
  10. $dates = array(); while ($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($dateSelect) ) { $dates[] = $r['dates']; }
  11. oh, lmao I was like WOW WHY DIDN'T I KNOW THAT!
  12. you would probably want to contact your web hosting technical support b4 you try it, but I don't see why not, you might want to set the script maximum execution time to 30 seconds to ensure you don't go over 30 seconds.. but I think it defaults to 30 seconds anyway
  13. in javascript it'd be setTimeout
  14. Why exactly do you NEED to refresh every 5 - 6 minutes..?
  15. the first color you assign to your image is used as the background color..
  16. How long have you been using PHP? 4 yrs How did you learn it? Self taught through php.net What do you normally use it for? EVERYTHING lol, cookies.. images.. sessions.. making files.. reading directories.. What are some key aspects of PHP you think need to be learned really well? Arrays (lol) Why? Because you'll always use them, in every single script you'll ever write, there will be an array, unless its a hello world app lol. What are some things that I shouldn't stress over if I don't really understand? cookies, you'd more than likely want to go with sessions, and php gd isn't that big of a deal if youdon't learn it.. what other languages/features would be beneficial for me to learn before embarking on this adventure? my first ever scripting language was mSL (mIRC Scripting Language), very similar, but can confuse someone from that to php, just go str8 for php, its easy enough Any other tips/references/suggestions? http://php.net/ | http://w3schools.com | http://phpfreaks.com/
  17. #1 you shouldn't need to "strip slashes" and you can display html tags with htmlentities applied to it try this: $title = htmlentities($row['title']); and that should work just fine, but you could do ENT_QUOTES to keep the quotes from killing anything other than that, with all the < and > turned to html entities, they can't do any html, with no html they can't do javascript, with no javascript they can't do anything to anybody
  18. taquito, I'm not exactly sure what you're getting at but he WANTS the last ID.. lol so if sum1 adds a row to the database, I'm sure he'd want that row's id instead of the one before it.. lol
  19. depends on the operations, I don't really think when php sleeps it uses the CPU Usage alot, but I've never tested that theory, but it shouldn't. but, you'd be doing php for 720 minutes a day lol and in those 30 seconds it MIGHT be a little laggy... BUT I've run a php server script which runs itself into an infinate loop and ran that for weeks at a time and still no lag, so its really up to you if you wanna try it. just if you're gonna be sending mail mail mail mail mail for 30 seconds.. that might kill your server or even get your hosting plan terminated.
  20. you'd hafta show somebody some code to actually get some help lol.. but are you connecting to the database?
  21. mysql_insert_id will only output a number after you perform an insert operation in the same script... want the ultimate last used? try this: <?php $q = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM table ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"); $id = mysql_fetch_object($q); $id = $id->id; ?>
  22. view the html source and see if it still have newlines in teh source..
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