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Everything posted by RussellReal

  1. don't use <font> its worthless, use <span style="font-size: 14px;">TEXT HERE</span>
  2. u dun need this for your particular loop $qsamerow++; and, instead of SETTING $clients every time, try appending the data to the end of the list, try this $clients .= instead of $clients = also, your table $clients, it is set NOWHERE in the function, functions have their own scope, so everything outside of the functions in the global scope, they're inaccessible in the function's scope, so you'd hafta request them or use the $GLOBALS superglobal use like this: "SELECT * FROM $GLOBALS['clients']"
  3. I've made a simple captcha which is fully operational and I give it out, session.php holds the value of the image for the session, captcha.php shows the image.. you show the image, then compare the supplied text from the user, with the text in session.php [attachment deleted by admin]
  4. use <li>s and <ul> and inside each expanding menu add an onclick event and onclick make the inner <ul> visible
  5. ok.. try to follow me your first page will most likely have links like Entry 01 | EDIT | DELETE Entry 02 | EDIT | DELETE for the entries, make the links look like <a href="edit.php?row=ID_NUMBER">EDIT</a> then in edit.php do this: <?php // establish connection and pick a database $q = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `the_table` WHERE `id` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['row'])."'"; if ($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)) { print_r($r); } ?> on edit.php use $r to display the information and on submit send it to amend.php or w.e via POST and then use mysql's UPDATE
  6. $file = 'kenny'; $ext = 'pdf'; $count = 0; if (file_exists($file.'.'.$ext)) { while (file_exists("{$file}{$count}.{$ext}")) { $count++; } // save file with name "{$file}{$count}.{$ext}" } else { // save file with correct name }
  7. not to be a stickler but please click the 'Topic Solved' option lol.. it just eerks me sometimes :$
  8. single quotes do not evaluate you mean, and yes I already know that.. my aim was to get it to be literal xx,xx,xx,xx since they are variables I did not want the variables evaluating.. then in the eval I evaluate the variable once, so that it places the string $xx,$xx,$xx,$xx inside the function, then the eval() will evaluate the function with the now in place variables
  9. I'm sure u can do something like: $foo = '$testarray[1],$testarray[2],$testarray[3],$testarray[4],$testarray[5]'; eval('mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, \'sssss\', '.$foo.')');
  10. ok.. jesus christ that is 1 seriously extended sql.. but you don't have single quotes encasing your abbr do: '{$abbr}' instead of ".$abbr." and I'm not sure if u can do all those joins :S but if u can than go for it..but u prolly dun rly need to join all those tables =\
  11. you can probably use AJAX.. sorry I don'ty quite understand your question.. you alrdy have a function to send a PM, all u need to do is make a form and fill in the blanks?
  12. bman you fixed the error correctly lol, but yeah, work on a db as they stated sessions do end when the browser closes well.. unless the session id is in a cookie, than it shouldn't end the session as the cookie will tell php what session to load
  13. or he coulda just googled regex..? and got the same results
  14. // end the menu/form echo '</select> </form>'; you close the form there.. but all the inputs thereafter aren't INSIDE the form.. therefore, when you hit the submit button @ the end, ofcourse none of them are linked to the form.. close the formafter your submit button
  15. anytime bro, if you want to you can add me to MSN or AIM or Yahoo AIM: RussellCrevatas MSN: RussellonMSN@hotmail.com Yahoo: sex.meNOW lol @ my yahoo name, made it a few yrs ago
  16. $checked = ($powermirros == 1) ? 'checked="checked"' : ''; misspelled mirrors oh and uhm.. "/> shouldn't be there, FF tends to overlook certain common errors, where IE is more strict
  17. QUANTIFIERS * + ? {s,n} quantifiers gauge how many occurrences to expect * is 0 to infinity + is 1 to infinity ? is 1 or 0 {s,n} is s to n for example: /o{1,2}/ that regex would expect the following 2 strings 'o' and 'oo' coz its looking for 'o' to occur 1 to 2 times . is a wildcard in regex, it matches everything except new lines I believe. (unless you specify 's' as a modifyer) for example: /.{5}/ that regex would expect any 5 character long string E.G. '12ggh', '11111', etc /<a([^>]+)\>(.*?)\<\/a\>/i this regex is looking for a definate <a then it goes into a capturing group looking for anything which ISN'T '>' 1 or more times so.. once it matches whatever then exits the capturing group, it EXPECTS to find > after the group ends (because it will exit the group once it encounters a '>' BECAUSE it was looking for everything that WASN'T a '>') so now we're at the > teh regex engine has collected so far <a .......> and now entering another capturing group looking for anything ('.' wildcard) 0 or more times, the ? after the * tells the quantifier to look from left to right, instead of automatically push to the end of the string, since .* will match everything anyway so by default the regex engine pushes to the end of the string, which would then look from right to left, so in order to look left to right they append the ? so .*? means look for EVERYTHING from left to right, basically what it's doing is its matching then looking forward to see if it can move on in the pattern. its looking for '<' to exit the capturing group. once it finds the '<' it will store the back reference before the '<' and then proceed to attempt to complete the pattern, once it matches successfully the regex engine stores the result and then attempts to find the next one, since preg_match_all is a global search
  18. yes, but it will probably be slow, mail they recommend using PEAR's mail package instead of using PHP's mail() function, since I guess it handles bulk better, but I'm not sure, I usually just use mail()
  19. some firefox and IE dissimilarities are: padding goes on the outside in firefox, margin also, IE, padding goes on the inside, margin goes on the outside.. to fix this margin/padding problem, whatever you have a padding on, put it inside of a div which stretches 100%, then give the object on the inside, a margin instead of a padding, OR, use a div, don't give it a specific widthm let it stretch 100% wide and then the padding should hold true across all browsers some css properties in firefox, don't really work well in IE6 so don't try to get extensive css going, stick to, left, right, position, display, padding, margin, and the font and background properties, z-index is buggy sometimes, floats are okay.. if you want to make a css hack to fix certain problems in css in ONLY IE6 use this css: * html <object to apply IE6 specific css> { } IE 7+ usually renders very closely to firefox.. IE also supports conditional tags <!--[if IE]> STUFF TO DO ONLY IN IE <![endif]--> more information here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms537512(VS.85).aspx
  20. in the sql use $vehiclemodel instead of $model I'm assuming anyway
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