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Everything posted by ChaosKnight

  1. Thanks for the reply, everything works correct know except for the drop down, can you please go look what happens when you mouse over the countries link? It's some real unwanted behaviour... How can I possibly fix that? Thanks
  2. Hi all, I have fixed all issues that I've posted before except for one... The whole navigation bar is an entire dud as you can see at: http://www.hotels-tours-safaris.com/new_site/index.php I want to fix it ASAP, and would appreciate any help. The main idea of the nav bar is to use pics to make it more attractive for users, I still use tables for the layout, but later on I'm going to replace it with divs for this site, in my CSS page I define the background pic for the nav bar, and use the appropriate JavaScript for rollovers, but when I start to create the dropdown everything goes wrong, as you can see at the link I gave above, the dropdown doesn't even work and it repeats the background navbar pic for as long as that part of the table continues... Any ideas? Below you'll find my JavaScript, CSS and HTML for the nav bar. Thanks guys ---JavaScript--- function preloadImages() { if (document.images) { var imgFiles = preloadImages.arguments; var preloadArray = new Array(); for (var i=o; i < imgFiles.length; i++) { preloadArray[i] = new Image; preloadArray[i].src = imgFiles[i]; } } } function swap(id, newsrc) { var theImage = locateImage(id); if (theImage) { theImage.src = newsrc; } } function locateImage(name) { var theImage = false; if (document.images) { theImage = document.images[name]; } if (theImage) { return theImage; } return (false); } function displayMenu(currentMenu) { var thisMenu = document.getElementById(currentMenu).style; if (thisMenu.display == "block") { thisMenu.display = "none" } else { thisMenu.display = "block" } return false; } ---CSS--- .nav_bg { background-image: url(images/navbar_bg.gif); height: 35px; } .menu { display: none; margin-left: 20px; } ---HTML--- <td colspan="5" class="nav_bg"><table width="780" height="35" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td> </td> <td width="93"><a href="index.php?page=home" onMouseOut="swap('home','images/home.gif')" onMouseOver="swap('home','images/home_ro.gif')"><img src="images/home.gif" alt="Home" name="home" width="93" height="35" border="0" id="home" /></a></td> <td width="13"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="13" height="13" alt="" /></td> <td width="93"><a href="index.php?page=about" onMouseOut="swap('about','images/about.gif')" onMouseOver="swap('about','images/about_ro.gif')"><img src="images/about.gif" alt="About Us" name="about" width="93" height="35" border="0" id="about" /></a></td> <td width="13"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="13" height="13" alt="" /></td> <td width="93" align="left"> <a href="index.php" onMouseOut="swap('countries','images/countries.gif')" onMouseOver="swap('countries','images/countries_ro.gif')","return displayMenu('resMenu')"><img src="images/countries.gif" alt="Countries" name="countries" width="93" height="35" border="0" id="countries" /></a> <a href="index.php?page=country&country=botswana" onMouseOut="swap('botswana','subnav/botswana.jpg')" onMouseOver="swap('botswana','subnav/botswana_ro.jpg')"><img src="subnav/botswana.jpg" alt="Botswana" name="botswana" width="170" height="19" border="0" id="botswana" /></a> <a href="index.php?page=country&country=namibia" onMouseOut="swap('namibia','subnav/namibia.jpg')" onMouseOver="swap('namibia','subnav/namibia_ro.jpg')"><img src="subnav/namibia.jpg" alt="Namibia" name="namibia" width="170" height="19" border="0" id="namibia" /></a> <a href="index.php?page=country&country=southafrica" onMouseOut="swap('southafrica','subnav/southafrica.jpg')" onMouseOver="swap('southafrica','subnav/southafrica_ro.jpg')"><img src="subnav/southafrica.jpg" alt="South Africa" name="southafrica" width="170" height="19" border="0" id="southafrica" /></a> <a href="index.php?page=country&country=zimbabwe" onMouseOut="swap('zimbabwe','subnav/zimbabwe.jpg')" onMouseOver="swap('zimbabwe','subnav/zimbabwe_ro.jpg')"><img src="subnav/zimbabwe.jpg" alt="Zimbabwe" name="zimbabwe" width="170" height="19" border="0" id="zimbabwe" /></a> </td> <td width="13"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="13" height="13" alt="" /></td> <td width="93"><a href="index.php?page=rental" onMouseOut="swap('car_rental','images/car_rental.gif')" onMouseOver="swap('car_rental','images/car_rental_ro.gif')"><img src="images/car_rental.gif" alt="Car Rental" name="car_rental" width="93" height="35" border="0" id="car_rental" /></a></td> <td width="13"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="13" height="13" alt="" /></td> <td width="93"><a href="index.php?page=maps" onMouseOut="swap('maps','images/maps.gif')" onMouseOver="swap('maps','images/maps_ro.gif')"><img src="images/maps.gif" alt="Maps" name="maps" width="91" height="35" border="0" id="maps" /></a></td> <td width="13"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="13" height="13" alt="" /></td> <td width="93"><a href="index.php?page=bookings" onMouseOut="swap('bookings','images/bookings.gif')" onMouseOver="swap('bookings','images/bookings_ro.gif')"><img src="images/bookings.gif" alt="Bookings" name="bookings" width="93" height="35" border="0" id="bookings" /></a></td> <td width="13"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="13" height="13" alt="" /></td> <td width="93"><a href="index.php?page=contact" onMouseOut="swap('contact','images/contact.gif')" onMouseOver="swap('contact','images/contact_ro.gif')"><img src="images/contact.gif" alt="Contact" name="contact" width="93" height="35" border="0" id="contact" /></a></td> <td> </td> </tr> </table></td>
  3. I'm still busy with the book you suggested... Great book though! I'll recommend it to all JavaScript newbies... How can I call the dropdown correctly? Please go look at www.hotels-tours-safaris.com/new_site/index.php all errors are fixed now, I removed all behavioural scripts and that fixed my javascript errors, before I continue I want to fix the navbar issues I used the javascript you gave me as well as the CSS on the page you reffered to.. Please see if I am doing it correctly: <ul id="nav" <li><a href="index.php" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('countries','','images/countries_ro.gif',1)"><img src="images/countries.gif" alt="Countries" name="countries" width="93" height="35" border="0" id="countries" /></a></li> <ul> <li><a href="index.php?page=country&country=botswana" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('botswana','','subnav/botswana_ro.jpg',1)"><img src="subnav/botswana.jpg" alt="Botswana" name="botswana" width="170" height="19" border="0" id="botswana" /></a></li> <li><a href="index.php?page=country&country=namibia" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('namibia','','subnav/namibia_ro.jpg',1)"><img src="subnav/namibia.jpg" alt="Namibia" name="namibia" width="170" height="19" border="0" id="namibia" /></a></li> <li><a href="index.php?page=country&country=southafrica" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('southafrica','','subnav/southafrica_ro.jpg',1)"><img src="subnav/southafrica.jpg" alt="South Africa" name="southafrica" width="170" height="19" border="0" id="southafrica" /></a></li> <li><a href="index.php?page=country&country=zimbabwe" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('zimbabwe','','subnav/zimbabwe_ro.jpg',1)"><img src="subnav/zimbabwe.jpg" alt="Zimbabwe" name="zimbabwe" width="170" height="19" border="0" id="zimbabwe" /></a></li> </ul> </li> </ul> Thanks, I appreciate your help!
  4. Could anyone have figured out my problem yet? I don't want to make the same mistake again, please assist... Thanks guys
  5. Does anybody know what book I can get that includes the basics, the anvanced stuff and some things about ajax? Does it include browser difference stuff? I learned noyhing from JavaScript for dummies, but I want to fix that with another book that also handles really anvanced things like handling the browser etc... I heard good remarks about JavaScript Bible 6, would you also recommend it?
  6. Thanks for the script will take a look at it... Does anybody know about a good JavaScript book that teaches everything including advanced browser differences, anvanced scripts, even some things about ajax? But seeing that I know so little about JavaScript thanks to JavaScript for dummies, that book must also please include the basics, so that I can see what I missed... I heard some good remarks about JavaScript Bible 6, would you reccomend it, or is there a better book? Thanks a lot guys
  7. Try lighter shades of the colors... I also don't see a direct link to a cart of some sort, that'll also be really useful for clients... Layout looks good, the white space is nice, try and bring in other nice to look at logo's or banners, or try a bit more colors... No offence but I don't like the colors... dhgate looks more modern, has a better colorscheme, etc... Good luck with the rest of the development!
  8. That makes it a lot more clearer thanks! But as you can see below, there is a ) after the MM_preloadImages argument... <body onload="MM_preloadImages('images/web_04_ro.jpg','images/web_05_ro.jpg','images/web_06_ro.jpg','images/web_07_ro.jpg','images/home_ro.gif','images/countries.gif','images/countries_ro.gif,'images/about_ro.gif','images/car_rental_ro.gif','images/maps_ro.gif','images/bookings_ro.gif','images/contact_ro.gif','subnav/southafrica','subnav/southafrica_ro','subnav/kenya','subnav/kenya_ro','subnav/botswana','subnav/botswana_ro' )" > Why do you think that'll make Firebug see a problem? But it shouldn't be too much of a problem... The 2 other error's makes me a bit confused... How will a be able to fix them? Sorry, I'm still a newbie with JavaScript... But that'll change shortly!!
  9. Yes the drop down one doesn't display in IE and Google Chrome, that's what I want to fix, and while I'm at it, I want to minimize the loading time and do all this without such a long script... I know quite a lot about CSS, but not about JavaScript, I learned about the relative positioning for a drop down image, isn't that necessary? Will it be possible to create that roll over drop down image link and to make it easier to have the drop down be a list of images? As you can see here below, this is how I added the drop down image list with JavaScript: s_add( {N:'sub',LV:2,MinW:170,T:'s_getStart("y")+30',L:'s_getStart("x")+5',P:false,S:s_CSS1}, [ {Image:['subnav/botswana.jpg',170,19],OnImage:'subnav/botswana_ro.jpg', U:'index.php?page=country&country=botswana',T:'',Target:'_self'}, {Image:['subnav/namibia.jpg',170,19],OnImage:'subnav/namibia_ro.jpg', U:'index.php?page=country&country=namibia',T:'',Target:'_self'}, {Image:['subnav/southafrica.jpg',170,19],OnImage:'subnav/southafrica_ro.jpg', U:'index.php?page=country&country=southafrica',T:'',Target:'_self'}, {Image:['subnav/zimbabwe.jpg',170,19],OnImage:'subnav/zimbabwe_ro.jpg', U:'index.php?page=country&country=zimbabwe',T:'',Target:'_self'} ] );
  10. Do you think the file s_script_dom throws out the error s_eS undefined seeing that I didn't make it global by using var? And In the code above I used eval, is there another way I could use seeing that I want to disable eval in PHP
  11. Div's, but you have to design correctly with the css or your div's will end up where you didn't want them to be... Personally I prefer to design with tables seeing that it's more stable, but when I revamp my website I'm going over to div's
  12. The s_loader file already get's called in the body Here's s_loader's code: s_The_Arrays_Source='s_arrays.js';// the source of the menu definitions s_Script_DOM_Source='s_script_dom.js';// the source of your script s_Script_NS4_Source='s_script_ns4.js'; s_Script_OLD_Source='s_script_old.js'; s_Any_Add_On_Source='';// if you need any add-on // === s_x=document;s_ua=navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();s_dl=s_x.getElementById?1:0;s_iE=s_x.all&&!window.innerWidth&&s_ua.indexOf("msie")!=-1?1:0;s_oP=s_ua.indexOf("opera")!=-1&&s_x.clear?1:0;s_oP7=s_oP&&s_x.appendChild?1:0;s_oP7m=s_oP&&!s_oP7?1:0;s_nS=s_dl&&!s_x.all&&s_ua.indexOf("opera")==-1?1:0;s_nS4=s_x.layers?1:0;s_kNv=s_ua.indexOf("konqueror")!=-1?parseFloat(s_ua.substring(s_ua.indexOf("konqueror/")+10)):0;s_kN=s_kNv>=2.2?1:0;s_kN3p=s_kNv>=3?1:0;s_kN31p=s_kNv>=3.1?1:0;s_kN32p=s_kNv>=3.2?1:0;s_mC=s_ua.indexOf("mac")!=-1?1:0;s_sF=s_mC&&s_ua.indexOf("safari")!=-1?1:0;s_eS=s_ua.indexOf("escape")!=-1?1:0;s_iE5M=s_mC&&s_iE&&s_dl&&!s_eS?1:0;s_iE4=!s_mC&&s_iE&&!s_dl?1:0;s_ct=0;var s_ML,s_AL;s_=[""];s_a="undefined";s_1=[];s_2=[];function s_add(a,b){s_ct++;s_[s_ct]=[];s_[s_ct][0]={IEF:a.S[17],B:a.S[3],BC:a.S[0],BCNS4:a.S[1],BW:a.S[2],PD:a.S[4],SC:a.S[27],SCT:a.S[28],SCB:a.S[29],SCW:a.S[30],SCH:a.S[31]};for(var k in a)s_[s_ct][0][k]=a[k];for(var i=0;i<b.length;i++){if(s_autoSELECTED){if(b.Show&&b.Show!=""){if(typeof s_1[b.Show]==s_a)s_1[b.Show]=[];s_1[b.Show][s_1[b.Show].length]=[s_ct,i+1]}var u,h,t;h=location.href;u=b.U;t=h.substring(h.length-u.length);if(t==u&&u!=""){s_2[s_2.length]=a.N;b.SELECTED=false;if(!s_autoSELECTEDItemsClickable)b.U=""}}s_[s_ct][i+1]={BgColor:b.SELECTED?a.S[24]:a.S[5],OverBgColor:a.S[6],FontColor:b.SELECTED?a.S[25]:a.S[7],OverFontColor:a.S[8],FontFamily:a.S[9],FontSize:a.S[10],FontSizeNS4:a.S[11],FontWeight:a.S[12],TextAlign:a.S[13],Padding:a.S[14],SeparatorSize:a.S[15],SeparatorColor:a.S[16],UseSubImg:a.S[18],SubImgSrc:b.SELECTED?a.S[26]:a.S[19],OverSubImgSrc:a.S[20],SubImgWidth:a.S[21],SubImgHeight:a.S[22],SubImgTop:a.S[23],Target:s_target,Class:b.SELECTED?a.S[34]:a.S[32],OverClass:b.SELECTED?a.S[34]:a.S[33],BorderColor:b.SELECTED?a.S[38]:a.S[36],OverBorderColor:a.S[37],BorderWidth:a.S[35]?a.S[35]:0,SeparatorSpacing:a.S[39]?a.S[39]:0,SeparatorBgImage:a.S[40]};for(var j in b)s_[s_ct][i+1][j]=b[j];if(b.BgImage){s_[s_ct][i+1].FS=new Image;s_[s_ct][i+1].FS.src=b.BgImage}if(b.OnBgImage){s_[s_ct][i+1].NS=new Image;s_[s_ct][i+1].NS.src=b.OnBgImage}if(b.Image){s_[s_ct][i+1].Fs=new Image;s_[s_ct][i+1].Fs.src=b.Image[0]}if(b.OnImage){s_[s_ct][i+1].Ns=new Image;s_[s_ct][i+1].Ns.src=b.OnImage}}};s_tm1="<script language=JavaScript1.2 src='"+s_The_Arrays_Source+"' type=text/javascript></script>";s_tm2="<script language=JavaScript1.2 src='"+(s_nS4?s_Script_NS4_Source:s_iE&&!s_dl||s_kN&&!s_kN3p||s_oP7m?s_Script_OLD_Source:s_Script_DOM_Source)+"' type=text/javascript></script>";s_tm3=s_Any_Add_On_Source!=""?"<script language=JavaScript1.2 src='"+s_Any_Add_On_Source+"' type=text/javascript></script>":"";if(s_iE||s_nS4||s_nS||s_oP){s_x.write(s_tm1);s_x.write(s_tm2);if(s_tm3!="")s_x.write(s_tm3)}if(s_kN)s_x.write(s_tm1+s_tm2+s_tm3); (Please excuse me for my code not being in a code box, but it didn't display all the lines) As you can see I call the rest through the s_loader seeing that it's s_loader's function... s_loader calls the different scripts depending on the browser... If you think this is unnecessary please advise, or if there is an easier way to get through this mess with some easier code please advise me ASAP... Thanks guys
  13. Hey guys, On the website I'm busy with I use an opensource image preload and rollover swap functions... It works great but the one I use for a drop down doesn't work as advertised in IE and Google Chrome... Please assist The site is situated at: http://www.hotels-tours-safaris.com/new_site/index.php Here's the opensource code I talked about: <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"> <!-- function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array(); var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++) if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}} } function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0 var i,x,a=document.MM_sr; for(i=0;a&&i<a.length&&(x=a[i])&&x.oSrc;i++) x.src=x.oSrc; } function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01 var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) { d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);} if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[i][n]; for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++) x=MM_findObj(n,d.layers[i].document); if(!x && d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x; } function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0 var i,j=0,x,a=MM_swapImage.arguments; document.MM_sr=new Array; for(i=0;i<(a.length-2);i+=3) if ((x=MM_findObj(a[i]))!=null){document.MM_sr[j++]=x; if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc=x.src; x.src=a[i+2];} } function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0 var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new Array(); var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0; i<a.length; i++) if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}} } function s_show(){return false} function s_hide(){return false} if(window.event+''=='undefined')event=0 //--> </script> <body onload="MM_preloadImages('images/web_04_ro.jpg','images/web_05_ro.jpg','images/web_06_ro.jpg','images/web_07_ro.jpg','images/home_ro.gif','images/countries.gif','images/countries_ro.gif,'images/about_ro.gif','images/car_rental_ro.gif','images/maps_ro.gif','images/bookings_ro.gif','images/contact_ro.gif','subnav/southafrica','subnav/southafrica_ro','subnav/kenya','subnav/kenya_ro','subnav/botswana','subnav/botswana_ro')"> //Gets called like this <a href="index.php?page=home" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()" onmouseover="MM_swapImage('home','','images/home_ro.gif',1)"><img src="images/home.gif" alt="Home" name="home" width="93" height="35" border="0" id="home" /></a> As you can see it's really bulky code, the roll over image also take it's time before displaying... Any ideas to make it less hard on the code and faster to load? Here's the code for the one drop down link... // SAMPLE FUNCTION USED FOR RELATIVE POSITIONING function s_getStart(a){ var bodyMarginTop=0;// specify manually to get over bugs var bodyMarginLeft=0;// in Opera 5/6, Konqueror<3.2 and IE5.x/Mac var o=document.images["getStart"];if(!o)return a=="x"?-630:0; if(s_nS4)return a=="x"?o.x:o.y; var oP,oC,ieW;oP=o.offsetParent;oC=a=="x"?o.offsetLeft:o.offsetTop; ieW=s_iE&&!s_mC?1:0; while(oP){if(ieW&&oP.tagName&&oP.tagName.toLowerCase()=="table"&&oP.border&&oP.border>0)oC++;oC+=a=="x"?oP.offsetLeft:oP.offsetTop;oP=oP.offsetParent}; return s_oP7m||s_kN31p&&!s_kN32p||s_iE5M?a=="x"?s_oP7m?oC:oC+bodyMarginLeft:oC+bodyMarginTop:oC}; /* All browsers have problems with finding the real position of an element on the page in certain cases. I have tried to get over some browser bugs with the above function- that's why it's so complex. */ // SAMPLE FUNCTION USED FOR RELATIVE POSITIONING // CODE USED FOR REPOSITIONING PERMANENT MENUS WHILE PAGE LOADING function s_whilePageLoading(){if(typeof s_ML=="undefined"){setTimeout("s_whilePageLoading()",1000);return};var px=s_oP7m||s_nS4?0:"px",os=null,x,y,i,S;for(i=0;i<s_P.length;i++){S=s_[s_P[i]][0];if(typeof(S.T)=="number"&&typeof(S.L)=="number")continue;os=s_nS4?document.layers["s_m"+s_P[i]]:s_getOS("s_m"+s_P[i]);os.left=eval(S.L)+px;os.top=eval(S.T)+px};if(typeof s_Bl=="undefined")setTimeout("s_whilePageLoading()",1000)};s_whilePageLoading();s_ol=window.onload?window.onload:function(){};window.onload=function(){setTimeout('s_Bl=1',3000);s_ol()} // CODE USED FOR REPOSITIONING PERMANENT MENUS WHILE PAGE LOADING // === 4 === MENU DEFINITIONS s_add( { N:'countries',// NAME LV:1, // LEVEL (look at IMPORTANT NOTES 1 in the Manual) MinW:93, // MINIMAL WIDTH T:'s_getStart("y")', // TOP (look at IMPORTANT HOWTOS 6 in the Manual) L:'s_getStart("x")', // LEFT (look at IMPORTANT HOWTOS 6 in the Manual) P:true, // menu is PERMANENT (you can only set true if this is LEVEL 1 menu) S:s_CSS1 // STYLE Array to use for this menu }, [ // define items {U:'url',T:'text' ...} look at the Manual for details {Image:['images/countries.gif',93,35],OnImage:'images/countries_ro.gif', Show:'sub',U:'index.php',T:'',Target:'_self'} ] ); s_add( {N:'sub',LV:2,MinW:170,T:'s_getStart("y")+30',L:'s_getStart("x")+5',P:false,S:s_CSS1}, [ {Image:['subnav/botswana.jpg',170,19],OnImage:'subnav/botswana_ro.jpg', U:'index.php?page=country&country=botswana',T:'',Target:'_self'}, {Image:['subnav/namibia.jpg',170,19],OnImage:'subnav/namibia_ro.jpg', U:'index.php?page=country&country=namibia',T:'',Target:'_self'}, {Image:['subnav/southafrica.jpg',170,19],OnImage:'subnav/southafrica_ro.jpg', U:'index.php?page=country&country=southafrica',T:'',Target:'_self'}, {Image:['subnav/zimbabwe.jpg',170,19],OnImage:'subnav/zimbabwe_ro.jpg', U:'index.php?page=country&country=zimbabwe',T:'',Target:'_self'} ] ); Isn't there an easier way to get the positioning right in every browser and to get the drop down to work correct? I call that image like this: <img name="getStart" src="images/spacer.gif" height="35" alt="" /> Why doesn't this work in IE and Google Chrome? Thanks (Anyone that thinks he want this to use this code, please don't, as I said above it's really slow, doesn't work in 2 browsers and makes the whole page load really long)
  14. Hey guys, I posted on the PHP forum because I originally thought my error had to do with PHP or MySQL but know I found out it's a Javascript runtime error which only occurs in IE... The link to the site is: http://www.hotels-tours-safaris.com/new_site/index.php I have 3 external js files uploaded there: s_loader.js -- Throws out a 'document' is undefined error /s_arrays.js --Throws out an Object unexpected error s_script_dom.js --Throws out 's_Es' is undefined On the PHP forum they said the biggest one of the 3 errors is the 'document' is undefined one... IE says the error is located on Line 8 Char 1, the first thing on line 8 is the following: s_x=document; What can the cause possibly be? Thanks
  15. Okay thanks, I'll post a new thread to the JavaScript forum
  16. Luckily s_loader doesn't have that much code in it, so it'll be possible to debug relatively fast
  17. How can I fix this error? This error is in the external js file called s_loader, but when I remove this file as you suggested I still get the error when going to the website
  18. Thanks for your reply... I also can't find an error in the script, When i directly go the the external javascripts that gets included in Opera, Google Chrome, Safari and Firefox it runs sucessfully, but when I go directly to them in IE, I get numerous runtime errors ??? Can this maybe be the problem? There are 3 external files according to IE's Developer Tools, when I try to access them through IE I get the following 3 error messages... Please help me with their meaning, seeing that I never before got these errors.. 1) 'document' is undefined 2) Object expected 3) 's_eS' is undefined (All of these are Microsoft JScript runtime errors) Please advise if any other info is needed... Oh and there's another error on line 56 char 180, Expected ')', There is a ) on line 56 ??? Thanks
  19. Isn't there a javascript validator like W3C's HTML validator to fix all javascript bugs??
  20. I just tried the try catch statement individually on the scripts, with no luck, then even on all the javascripts together, still no luck... Any other prepositions? Thanks
  21. I just realised that if I try opening my javascript online with Internet Explorer, it throughs out runtime errors... Can this be the reason my include page doesn't work in Internet Explorer? Thanks
  22. Sure, my prototype is uploaded at http://www.hotels-tours-safaris.com/new_site/index.php Can you perhaps also look at the javascript for me, I don't know why it doesn't work, I used javascript to create a roll over drop down link for the countries tab, it doesn't even display in IE or Google Chrome... Thanks a lot, I appreciate it
  23. Hi, I just finished debugging it once more, it's even valid with XHTML strict... It's only in Internet Explorer that this happens... Internet Explorer says that the error is a funcion that was expected on line 96 char 541, but all that's on line 96 is the following: <tr valign="top"> Any advice? Thanks
  24. And why doesn't the mySQL results display in Internet Explorer but it does in all the other, like Opera, Firefox, Safari and Google Chrome?
  25. Please let me know if you need any additional info
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