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Everything posted by peter_anderson

  1. I'd like to request testing of my forum script. http://www.calicosoft.com/community (Validation: http://www.calicosoft.com/phpfreaks.txt) Thanks in advance.
  2. Here's a decent auto suggest tutorial: http://woork.blogspot.com/2008/03/php-components-autosuggest.html
  3. I have a database called "mp_users" with the following setup: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mp_users` ( `id` int(10) unsigned default NULL auto_increment, `uid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, `username` varchar(100) NOT NULL, `email` varchar(50) NOT NULL, `points` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; When I try to run the following query, I get an error: Error: Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in /home/user/public_html/marketplace-functions.php on line 52 Here is the code: <?php require_once "config.php"; $sql = new mysqli($db1['host'], $db1['user'], $db1['pass'], $db1['db']); function checkUserExists($uid){ // Query $q = "SELECT COUNT(id) AS user_exists FROM `mp_users` WHERE uid=$uid LIMIT 1;"; echo $q; $q = $sql->query($q); $r = $q->fetch_assoc(); // Any results? if($r['user_exists'] == 0){ // redirect to runonce... header('Location: marketplace.php?do=runonce&return='.urlencode($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])); exit(); } } ?> Line 52 is the $q query. I really cannot see what the problem is. The database exists, I've tried it in phpMyAdmin and it runs without trouble, but this wont! Can anyone help? Thanks in advance
  4. Thank you, that's fixed it. I know there was something small
  5. I need to find <<!--{rep_[A NUMBER]}-->> and replace it with a function. I am currently using: <?php $rep['find'] = '<<!--{rep_(.*?)}-->>'; $rep['replace'] = ''.$reputation->postRating('$1').''; $html = preg_replace($rep['find'],$rep['replace'],$html); ?> But when I check the value in reputation->postRating, it doesn't match. Eg, <<!--{rep_4}-->> in the function is passed as 0 (after being passed through intval()). Can anybody help? It's probably something silly but I can't work it out.
  6. Hi, There is an if statement, depending on which the Get variable 'offer' is set as. The variable for the number of points is $remove_points. Thanks for the proper way to do the sum
  7. I have a file sharing script, where each file has a certain number of points. I need to subtract a set number of points from the total. I'm unsure about the logic of it. This is how I total the number of points: <?php $fq = "SELECT * FROM `files` WHERE owner='$username' AND active=1"; $fw = $sql->query($fq); $reward = 0; while($fr = $fw->fetch_assoc()){ $reward = $fr['points'] + $reward; }?> I'm thinking I should use a loop, while a the number to subtract is greater than or equal than 0. Can anyone help?
  8. @radar, it prints: Array ( ) When no fields or some fields are filled in. $e = array(); if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $fullname = $sql->real_escape_string($_POST['fullname']); $email_a = $sql->real_escape_string($_POST['email_a']); $email_r = $sql->real_escape_string($_POST['email_r']); $orderid = $sql->real_escape_string($_POST['orderid']); $subject = $sql->real_escape_string($_POST['subject']); $problem = $sql->real_escape_string($_POST['problem']); # Error Message function show_error($error){ $err = ' <span style="color: #ff0000"><strong>'.$error.'</strong></span>'; return $err; } # Check for isset if(!isset($_POST['fullname'])){ $e['fullname'] = show_error('Please enter your full name'); $continue = 0; } if(!isset($fullname)){ $e['fullname'] = show_error('Please enter your full name'); $continue = 0; } if(!isset($_POST['email_a'])){ $e['email_a'] = show_error('Please enter your email address.'); $continue = 0; } if(!isset($_POST['email_r'])){ $e['email_r'] = show_error('Please re-enter your email address.'); $continue = 0; } if(!isset($_POST['subject'])){ $e['subject'] = show_error('Select a subject.'); $continue = 0; } if(!isset($_POST['problem'])){ $e['problem'] = show_error('Describe your problem.'); $continue = 0; } if(isset($_POST['email']) AND isset($_POST['email_r']) AND $email_a != $email_r){ $e['email_r'] = show_error('Your email addresses do not match.'); $continue = 0; } echo "<pre>"; print_r($e); echo "</pre>"; } $content = '<h2> Customer Support - Contact</h2> <p> For technical support, sales and product related questions: <a href="'.$tech_support.'" target="_blank">Technical Support</a>.</p> <p> For downloading, ordering, refund or other store related questions, please fill out the form below:</p> <form method="post" name="csupport"> <p> Please enter your full name:<br /> <input name="fullname" type="text" value="'.$fullname.'" />'.$e['fullname'].'</p> <p> Please enter your email address:<br /> <input name="email_a" type="text" value="'.$email_a.'" />'.$e['email_a'].'<br /> Please re-enter your email address:<br /> <input name="email_r" type="text" value="'.$email_r.'" />'.$e['email_r'].'</p> <p> Please enter your order number:<br /> <input name="orderid" type="text" value="'.$orderid.'" /></p> <p> Please select a subject for your enquiry:<br /> <select name="subject"><option selected="selected" value="">--Select--</option><option value="Billing Question">Billing Question</option><option value="Cancel / Refund Order">Cancel / Refund Order</option><option value="Download Question">Download Question</option><option value="Password Issues">Password Issues</option><option value="Order Question">Order Question</option><option value="Shipping Question">Shipping Question</option><option value="Other">Other</option></select>'.$e['subject'].'</p> <p> Describe your problem as best you can:<br /> <textarea cols="45" name="problem" rows="4">'.$problem.'</textarea>'.$e['problem'].'</p> <p> <input name="sb" type="hidden" value="sb" /><input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit" /></p> </form> '; $title = 'Contact Support'; break;
  9. @radar, no that doesn't fix it. Thanks anyway I'm struggling to see the problem.
  10. Do your headers have "From" set? Is your internal site an IP address?
  11. If I change the code so that the error shows if it is filled out, it shows the error: $e = array(); if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $fullname = $sql->real_escape_string($_POST['fullname']); $email_a = $sql->real_escape_string($_POST['email_a']); $email_r = $sql->real_escape_string($_POST['email_r']); $orderid = $sql->real_escape_string($_POST['orderid']); $subject = $sql->real_escape_string($_POST['subject']); $problem = $sql->real_escape_string($_POST['problem']); # Error Message function show_error($error){ $err = ' <span style="color: #ff0000"><strong>'.$error.'</strong></span>'; return $err; } # Check for isset if(isset($_POST['fullname'])){ $e['fullname'] = show_error('Please enter your full name'); $continue = 0; } if(!isset($fullname)){ $e['fullname'] = show_error('Please enter your full name'); $continue = 0; } if(!isset($_POST['email_a'])){ $e['email_a'] = show_error('Please enter your email address.'); $continue = 0; } if(!isset($_POST['email_r'])){ $e['email_r'] = show_error('Please re-enter your email address.'); $continue = 0; } if(!isset($_POST['subject'])){ $e['subject'] = show_error('Select a subject.'); $continue = 0; } if(!isset($_POST['problem'])){ $e['problem'] = show_error('Describe your problem.'); $continue = 0; } if(isset($_POST['email']) AND isset($_POST['email_r']) AND $email_a != $email_r){ $e['email_r'] = show_error('Your email addresses do not match.'); $continue = 0; } } $content = '<h2> Customer Support - Contact</h2> <p> For technical support, sales and product related questions: <a href="'.$tech_support.'" target="_blank">Technical Support</a>.</p> <p> For downloading, ordering, refund or other store related questions, please fill out the form below:</p> <form method="post" name="csupport"> <p> Please enter your full name:<br /> <input name="fullname" type="text" value="'.$fullname.'" />'.$e['fullname'].'</p> <p> Please enter your email address:<br /> <input name="email_a" type="text" value="'.$email_a.'" />'.$e['email_a'].'<br /> Please re-enter your email address:<br /> <input name="email_r" type="text" value="'.$email_r.'" />'.$e['email_r'].'</p> <p> Please enter your order number:<br /> <input name="orderid" type="text" value="'.$orderid.'" /></p> <p> Please select a subject for your enquiry:<br /> <select name="subject"><option selected="selected" value="">--Select--</option><option value="Billing Question">Billing Question</option><option value="Cancel / Refund Order">Cancel / Refund Order</option><option value="Download Question">Download Question</option><option value="Password Issues">Password Issues</option><option value="Order Question">Order Question</option><option value="Shipping Question">Shipping Question</option><option value="Other">Other</option></select>'.$e['subject'].'</p> <p> Describe your problem as best you can:<br /> <textarea cols="45" name="problem" rows="4">'.$problem.'</textarea>'.$e['problem'].'</p> <p> <input name="sb" type="hidden" value="sb" /><input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit" /></p> </form> '; $title = 'Contact Support'; break;
  12. I've decided to rewrite one a couple of my forms, to make them more user friendly. But I am having problems returning the error. I've created an array ($e) which has the field name ($e['field_name']) for the error, but it isn't displaying any errors. Here's the code: case "contact": $e = array(); if(isset($_POST['sb'])){ $fullname = $sql->real_escape_string($_POST['fullname']); $email_a = $sql->real_escape_string($_POST['email']); $email_r = $sql->real_escape_string($_POST['email_r']); $orderid = $sql->real_escape_string($_POST['orderid']); $subject = $sql->real_escape_string($_POST['subject']); $problem = $sql->real_escape_string($_POST['problem']); # Error Message function show_error($error,$evar){ $err = ' <span style="color: #ff0000"><strong>'.$error.'</strong></span>'; return $err; } # Check for isset if(!isset($_POST['fullname'])){ $e['fullname'] = show_error('Please enter your full name',$e['fullname']); } if(!isset($_POST['email_a'])){ $e['email_a'] = show_error('Please enter your email address.',$e['email_a']); } if(!isset($_POST['email_r'])){ $e['email_r'] = show_error('Please re-enter your email address.',$e['email_r']); } if(!isset($_POST['subject'])){ $e['subject'] = show_error('Select a subject.',$e['subject']); } if(!isset($_POST['problem'])){ $e['problem'] = show_error('Describe your problem.',$e['problem']); } if(isset($_POST['email']) AND isset($_POST['email_r']) AND $email_a != $email_r){ $e['email_r'] = show_error('Your email addresses do not match.',$e['email_r']); } } $content = '<h2> Customer Support - Contact</h2> <p> For technical support, sales and product related questions: <a href="'.$tech_support.'" target="_blank">Technical Support</a>.</p> <p> For downloading, ordering, refund or other store related questions, please fill out the form below:</p> <form method="post" name="csupport"> <p> Please enter your full name:<br /> <input name="fullname" type="text" value="'.$fullname.'" />'.$e['fullname'].'</p> <p> Please enter your email address:<br /> <input name="email_a" type="text" value="'.$email_a.'" />'.$e['email_a'].'<br /> Please re-enter your email address:<br /> <input name="email_r" type="text" value="'.$email_r.'" />'.$e['email_r'].'</p> <p> Please enter your order number:<br /> <input name="orderid" type="text" value="'.$orderid.'" /></p> <p> Please select a subject for your enquiry:<br /> <select name="subject"><option selected="selected" value="">--Select--</option><option value="Billing Question">Billing Question</option><option value="Cancel / Refund Order">Cancel / Refund Order</option><option value="Download Question">Download Question</option><option value="Password Issues">Password Issues</option><option value="Order Question">Order Question</option><option value="Shipping Question">Shipping Question</option><option value="Other">Other</option></select>'.$e['subject'].'</p> <p> Describe your problem as best you can:<br /> <textarea cols="45" name="problem" rows="4">'.$problem.'</textarea>'.$e['problem'].'</p> <p> <input name="sb" type="hidden" value="sb" /><input name="submit" type="submit" value="Submit" /></p> </form> '; $title = 'Contact Support'; break; Can anyone see what the problem is? Thanks
  13. Hi, I want to list the latest topics in the category, but order them by the one with the latest posts. Here is the queries I use currently (which orders them by ID) $query = 'SELECT * from `topics` WHERE `category` = ' . $catid . ' AND `sticky` = 0 ORDER by `id` DESC '.$limit.''; // this one is within a loop for the results of the above $query = 'SELECT * from `posts` WHERE `topic` = ' . $row['id']; Is there any way I can join these queries, so it sorts DESC by the id in the posts column?
  14. $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM forum_groups") or die (mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($sql)) { $groupid = $row->groupid; $forumid2 = $row->forumid; $groupname = $row->groupname; echo ' <td class="forum-left">'.$groupname.'</td> <td class="forum-middle">Topics</td> <td class="forum-middle">Posts</td> <td class="forum-right">Last Post</td></tr>'; $sql2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM forums WHERE groupid = $groupid") or die (mysql_error()); while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_object($sql2)) { echo '<tr><td class="forum2"> <a href="index.php?f='.$row2->id.'">' . $row2->name . '</a><br /> <h4 style="font-size:10px;">'.$row2->description.'</h4> </td><td class="forum">'; $id = $row2->id; $sql3 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM threads WHERE forumid = '$id'") or die (mysql_error()); $num = mysql_num_rows($sql3); echo $num . '</td><td class="forum">'; $sql4 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM forum_posts WHERE forumid = '$id'") or die (mysql_error()); $num2 = mysql_num_rows($sql4); echo $num2 . '</td><td class="forum">'; echo 'By '.$row2->lastpost.' <h5 style="font-size: 10px;">On '; echo date("F j, Y, g:i a", strtotime($row->date)); echo '</h5></td></tr><tr>'; } } Try this (I cleaned up some of the code, to the way I can read it better )
  15. Have you tried adding session_start() to the very top of ALL files?
  16. You could save the data to a database.
  17. I think you want to post data from a form, mail it to your autoresponder with the headers set as "from: $_POST['email']", which the autoresponder would then respond to? Yes, it's possible.
  18. Are you connected to the database? Not tested, but: <?php if(isset($_POST['box'])){ foreach($_POST['box'] AS $id) { mysql_query("UPDATE chair_appointments SET `allow_participation` = '1' WHERE `resid` = '$id'"); } } ?>
  19. I'm not very good with procedural PHP, but $_SESSION = mysql_fetch_array ($r, mysql_ASSOC); looks like it should be: <?php // ... $rows = mysql_fetch_array ($r, mysql_ASSOC); $_SESSION['userid'] = $rows['userid']; $_SESSION['userlevel'] = $rows['userlevel']; // ... ?>
  20. <?php $q = "SELECT * FROM `groups`"; $result = $sql->query($q); while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){ // display header information $id = $row['id']; $q2 = "SELECT * FROM `forums` WHERE group = '$id'"; $result2 = $sql->query($q2); while($row2 = $result2->fetch_assoc()){ //display forum information //etc...
  21. I would suggest using a more up to date tutorial website, rather than w3schools. You can't beat php.net.
  22. Just noticed that the month is not working. 24/Mar/2010 is changing to 2010-01-24 using SELECT STR_TO_DATE(date, '%j/%M/%Y')... It's the same for all months. What could be the problem?
  23. Just found it, that $order_date should be: <?php $order_date = $r['STR_TO_DATE(date, \'%j/%M/%Y\')']; ?>
  24. Thanks, How do I get the results from the MySql date time function query? Heres what I've got so far. <?php //some was stripped // date $today_date = date("Y-m-d"); // query $q = "SELECT STR_TO_DATE(date, '%j/%M/%Y') FROM `orders` WHERE id='$orderid' AND customer='$email'"; $rs = $sql->query($q); $r = $rs->fetch_assoc(); $order_date = $r['date']; // compare dates function date_diff($date1, $date2){ $current = $date1; $datetime2 = date_create($date2); $count = 0; while(date_create($current) < $datetime2){ $current = gmdate("Y-m-d", strtotime("+1 day", strtotime($current))); $count++; } return $count; } echo(date_diff('2010-01-01', $order_date)." days <br \>"); exit(); ?> How do I get the result of $q? Thanks
  25. Hi there, I need to perform a check against the orders database to see if 30 days since the order has passed or not. The date is stored as "11/Apr/2010" (j/M/Y), but I am unsure of how to do so. Can anyone point me in the right place? Thanks
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