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Everything posted by Ayon

  1. hehe no problemo .. havent slept for about 24 hours so it just took some time before my brain managed to process the question right xD EDIT: In my own defense.. You can put the include() inside a <div> tag with "overflow:auto;" xD haha
  2. my bad... missunderstood your question... maybe I get it right this time then you could make a file named "lastupdates.php" or w/e you want.. the just place <?php include("lastupdates.php"); ?> wherever you want it on your page... if i missunderstood again, ima give up
  3. try using <div> with "overflow:auto;" in the styles
  4. how about changing the comma to a dot?
  5. Well as topic sais.. I need some feedback on the design. It's my first attempt on CSS design.. There are a cpl of link on there, but they're linking to non-existing files atm.. I've tried it in IE8, Firefox, Opera, Chrome & Safari. Haven't found any design flaws yet... But maybe you guys will find some www.hadrstyledb.com/wip/ CSS validates nicely (just some warnings).. But there's a repeating issue in the html validation.. was wondering how I could fix this problem? tried using span instead of p, but then it didn't look right :S http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fhardstyledb.com%2Fwip%2F&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0
  6. for more color mathes you could check out the www.colorblender.com .. nice site to find matching colors
  7. some code would be helpfull here.. to see how you check if user is logged in etc... like i use sessions.. then i just do <?php if ($_SESSION['user']['user_level'] == 'admin') { redirect to admin page } ?>
  8. something like this? <?php $string = 'This is the text to check'; if (strlen($string) > 10) { $string = substr($string, 0, 10); } echo $string; } ?> google is a great source... just add "php" first and the question.. I.E: php check length of string Result i got: http://www.google.no/search?hl=no&q=php+check+length+of+string&meta=&aq=f&oq=
  9. If you need to add alot of text, this would probably be the best one.. <?php echo $_POST['hour']; echo "Add your text here"; echo $_POST['minute']; ?> but if you only need to add the : between hour and minute you should just use this <?php echo $_POST['hour'].':'.$_POST['minute']; ?>
  10. it's a good looking site. only thing i would point out is the volunteer section... it should also have the same layout as the rest of the page
  11. to add the popup alert you'll need to include javascript, which i've got no clue about, to your code, also the php validation has to be in the same file as the mainpage <?php // Validation goes here if (OK) { javacode } elseif (FAILED) { javacode } ?> ----- main form stuff goes here as for the MYSQL you could do this function DbConnect() { mysql_connect('host','user','pass'); mysql_select_db('dbname'); } function IsUser($username) { $sql = "SELECT `username` FROM `contacts` WHERE `username`='".$username."'"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $match = mysql_num_rows($result); return $match; } $userExists = IsUser($username); if ($userExists > 0) { // Tell user to find another username } else { // Do all the rest of the registration here } this is really quick written, no testing or anything, but it'll guide you in the right direction i hope
  12. maybe something like this function SearchMovieDb($keyword) { $keyword = str_replace(" ","+",$keyword); $content[0] = "http://www.imdb.com/find?s=all&q=$keyword"; $content[1] = "http://www.fandango.com/GlobalSearch.aspx?wssac=131&tab=Movies+People&q=$keyword&wssaffid=11828_MoviesDotCom&repos=People"; $imdb = file_get_contents($content[0]); $movies = file_get_contents($content[1]); } i might have missunderstood your question completely tho...
  13. dunno why you keep saying broken link... it works just perfect here
  14. try this $sql_update="UPDATE items SET target='".$targets."' WHERE item_ID='".$_SESSION['article_ID']."'";
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