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Everything posted by PugJr

  1. Yeah, I think I understand. I'll work off that. Thanks!
  2. Alright, I get what you mean, pretty well. I'll try that out! Thanks.
  3. Now below would withdraw all data from table and repeat echoing it until it ran out of rows. Now how would I do it so it arranges numerical (assuming $var is always a number). If I do a bad job at explaining like this is what would normally happen: Assuming this is my table content: ID var 1 3 2 7 3 2 4 5 I would get with what I currently have: 3 7 2 5 But which I want is: 2 3 5 7 I would prefer if it would be possible to get a hint on how to solve this or a guide. I'd prefer not having the direct answer as then I learn little. Thank you. $query = "SELECT * FROM table" or die(); $result = mysql_query($query) or die(); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ $var = $row['var']; echo "$var <br>"; }
  4. Um, well I'm still sorta new to all this and like could you give me an example of like .php to .pug or something? I really don't understand what you gave me does in a .htaccses. Thank you. EDIT: Or a guide that helps with the file? I googled it for a guide but I don't seem to find a guide that makes it simple.
  5. Is there any reasonable way to change the way the server recognizes a php file besides the endings of like .php, .phtml, etc. Like change it from .php to .pug perhaps?
  6. I was in quite the same situation as you in I for one would not recommend downloading a pre-built code package. You get confused as you don't really understand what any of it means. I wasted months just trying to figure it out and then I went to a toturial (Not sure if i'm allowed to mention links) and I understood most of it in a couple weeks. Thats just for me though, we all are different.
  7. Okay that'll be all. Thanks everyone!
  8. Oh wait, I also have another question then. Can XSS do anything that damages the server? Only the client right?
  9. Alright. Thanks. Was hopeing there might have been an easy way out but that doesn't look like it.
  10. Is there a way to disable jscript? So far my website has never used any jscript so if I was to disable it all together would that fix it? EDIT: And by disabling it I don't mean by client side but like server side? Edit: Oh wait a minute, what am I saying? All jscript is, is something on the webpage that the client reads, so how could you disable that?
  11. How severe of a condition is it if your page can be attacked with XSS? Like what is the very worst they can do to your website? Completely destroy it? Steal cookies? So more or less is a site inoperable assuming it can be XSSed?
  12. I've seen alot of people use PHP as nothing more than a hobby and a few use it as a job. What do you use PHP for? I personally use it for a hobby.
  13. I'm pretty sure all HTML uses "<" and ">" characters so if you were to strip them from everytime they put something in should disable HTML. Thats what I did for my website atleast.
  14. Well I'm not exactly a professional or anything but I don't think this can be done through PHP. PHP is all server side from what I last recall meaning that you couldn't do that. On the other hand Jscript could do that I think. Do correct me if I'm wrong though about PHP being client side only.
  15. $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM example WHERE id='$id'") Okay that you could say is a rather generic mysql_query. My question is, how would you do a range on that? Like $id is 3 to 7 and it selects each indiviual one. How would one do that? Or if there is another way to do along that would be great but right now I have like 4 queries for each ID and I'm sure there has to be another way. Thanks.
  16. Thanks corbin! According to some other guy he can get the exact location but he failed to prove anything he was saying but quite a few people were backing him up saying he can but I wasn't positive so I had to confirm it.
  17. Thanks corbin, thats something like I would expect. Now I also have a question of is it common at all for the ISP to give out the precise location of ones I.P. assuming the person had no governing authority behind him? Like an average joe was to ask would he get the location?
  18. Is it possible with an I.P. to get the exact location? Well, I was debating with one of my buddies and he sure was bent on thinking that with an I.P. (un-proxy) that you can get the exact location, the exact house for that matter where one lives. I always thought you could get the general area such as the city but not the exact place. Could anyone clarify this for me? Oh and I mean more than 10% of the time. Once in awhile you might get a lucky strike with it but as far as the exact location almost 100% of the time goes.
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