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Everything posted by DrTrans

  1. Put this at top of file.. ini_set("sendmail_from", "From@Domain.com"); Heres how i do my send / response... your using an if(Mail()) statement.. call the function.. and check the variable for a responce. $sendmail = mail($to,$mailsubject,$message,$headers); $mailreturn = ($sendmail? "ACCEPTED BY SERVER" : "FAILED EMAIL") ;
  2. You need to enable sql server support in the php.ini and install the sql server library.
  3. jQuery("#divResult").live("click",function(e){ var $clicked = $(e.target); [color=#ff0000]var data = $("#divResult");[/color] var $name = $clicked.find('.name').html(); var decoded = $("<div/>").html($name).text(); $('#inputSearch').val(decoded); alert(data); }); What im trying to do is. #divResult gives back the following " This is a test 148 "; what im looking to do is on the click go to " http://domain.com?num=$data" Right now, i cant even get it to display the " This is a test 148 . im sure there is a way to view the content of $("#divResult");
  4. I do use salt to encrypt general passwords, but im using md5 for inner passwords. user accounts are using salt. override passwords are using md5. ( admin override). and the reason they cant use salt is because the passwords are generated in another application and they supply the md5 hash string.
  5. Again, Yes, im new to JS!. im sure i have this wrong. somwhere. <script type=\"text/javascript\"><!-- var rate = \".04\"; function updatesum() { document.check.fee.value = (document.check.sum1.value -0 ) * rate; document.check.sum.value = (document.check.sum1.value -0) + (document.check.fee.value -0); document.check.rfee.value = Math.round(document.check.fee.value*100)\100; document.check.rsum.value = Math.round(document.check.sum.value*100)\100; } </script>
  6. As i was trying to do this i figured out that javascript does not have a md5 generator built it to see if it actually matched.
  7. Hi , Very new JS!. and need some help with Rounding. I got this code and it works but does round the numbers. Is there a way to round to the second decimal point the variables: document.check.fee.value document.check.sum.value <script type=\"text/javascript\"><!-- var rate = \".04\"; function updatesum() { document.check.fee.value = (document.check.sum1.value -0 ) * rate; document.check.sum.value = (document.check.sum1.value -0) + (document.check.fee.value -0); } </script>
  8. Will not load the page with the javascript part. Im completely noob at using JS!.
  9. Im using javascript and php to verify what is typed in the "changepassword" text box = the current password in $password variable from php. print "<script type=\"text/javascript\">"; print " var currentpass = \"$password\"; var oldpass = document.changepassword.oldpassword.value; function chkpass(currentpass,oldpass) { if(currentpass == oldpass) document.changepassword.response.value = \"Match\"; } "; print "</script>" print "<form name=\"changepassword\" method=\"POST\" action=\"dashboardt.php?control=changepass\">"; print "<table width=\"50%\" class=\"table2\">"; print "<tr>"; print "<td align=\"center\">Current Password:</td>"; print "<td class=\"td2\">$icon<input type=\"password\" name=\"oldpassword\" onchange=\"chkpass()\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"response\"></td>"; print "</tr>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td>New Password:</td>"; print "<td class=\"td2\">$icon<input type=\"password\" name=\"newpassword\"></td>"; print "</tr>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td colspan=\"2\"><input type=\"submit\" class=\"submit1\" value=\"Change Password\"></td>"; print "</tr>"; print "</table>"; print "</form>";
  10. Could it be a server side setting?
  11. Why do the html tags show threw when it sends the mail. I have the charset set. $person = $_POST['email']; $submit = $_POST['submit']; if($submit) { //// EMAIL SCRIPT ini_set("sendmail_from", "$dbusername <$dbusername>"); $message = " <html> <p><strong>$dbusername</strong> has sent you a request for Site!</p> <p> Please follow the hyperlink below to fill out your new rental home application. </p> <br /> <a href=\"https://site/application.php?ownerid=$loginid&process=1\">Click Here for Application!</a> <br> </html> "; $mailsubject = "Application Request from Site!"; $headers = "From: Site! <$dbusername>\r\n"; $headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8' . "\r\n"; $sendmail = mail($person,$mailsubject,$message,$headers); //echo "<BR/>mail() returned: " . ($sendmail? "TRUE" : "FALSE") . "<BR/>"; // echo "$property -- $service --- $extra -- $pay --$mainemail"; printf("<script>location.href='dashboard.php?control=managea'</script>"); }
  12. No. Theres other data that i dont want public on the internet from the xml string. Let me format and ill repost the $data code
  13. Theres more xml.. its actually valid. I just need to get the transaction number. and put it into a string
  14. I super duper need some help. I need to be able to store the Transaction Number in my MySql Database. Can Someone please help $data = " <Response> <TransactionNumber>2411314</TransactionNumber> <ReportDate>2012-08-13</ReportDate> <ApplicationDecision>Conditional</ApplicationDecision> <Report><![CDATA[ <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>Applicant Screening Results</title> </head></html></Report> "; $xml = new simplexml_load_string($data); $xml->asXML(); $xml->Responce->asXML(); $xmlnum = $xml->TransactionNumber->asXML(); echo "<br>$xmlnum<br>"; $data2 = $xml->Response->asXML(); $connect = mysql_connect("localhost","****","*****"); mysql_select_db("magic"); $back = "2"; $queryreg = $mysql_query("UPDATE application SET background_num = '$xmlnum' WHERE appID = '$appID'")or die(mysql_error());
  15. DrTrans


    Its only the Select box....however, my <select> in other forms work fine
  16. DrTrans


    Ill post the entire script: print"<form action=\"process.php?process=charge\" name=\"charge\" onSubmit=\"return validateForm();\" method=\"POST\">"; print"<tr>"; print"<td align=\"right\"><b>Property:</b></td>"; get_connect(); $query = "SELECT * FROM props WHERE propid = $propertyid and loginid = $loginid"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $propertyid = $row['propid']; $propertyname = $row['name']; $propertydesc = $row['description']; $propertyaddy = $row['address']; $propertycity = $row['city']; $propertystate = $row['state']; $propertyzip = $row['zip']; $tenantid = $row['tenantid']; $active = $row['active']; $lease = $row['lease']; $leaseamt = $row['leaseamt']; $owner_id = $row['ownerid']; } print"<td align=\"left\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"pay_property\" value=\"$propertyid\">$propertyaddy<br> $propertycity, $propertystate, $propertyzip</td>"; print"</tr>"; print"<tr>"; print"<td align=\"right\">Tenant:</td>"; print"<td align=\"left\"> <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"pay_tenant\" value=\"$tenantid\">$tenantid</td>"; print"</tr>"; print"<tr>"; print"<td align=\"right\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"pay_owner\" value=\"$owner_id\"></td>"; print"<td align=\"left\"></td>"; print"</tr>"; print"<tr>"; print"<td align=\"right\">Date/Time:</td>"; $current_date = date("Y-m-d"); print"<td align=\"left\"><input type=\"text\" class=\"input3\" name=\"pay_date\" value=\"$current_date\"></td>"; print"</tr>"; print"<tr>"; print"<td align=\"right\">Charge Amount:</td>"; print"<td align=\"left\"><input type=\"text\" class=\"input3\" name=\"pay_amount\" value=\"$leaseamt\"></td>"; print"</tr>"; print"<tr>"; print"<td align=\"right\">Charge Amount:</td>"; print"<td align=\"left\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"account1\"value=\"1\"></td>"; print"</tr>"; print"<tr>"; print"<td align=\"right\">Account:</td>"; print"<td><select name=\"account\">"; get_connect(); $query = "SELECT * FROM chartofaccounts ORDER BY AccountNumber ASC"; $result = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $accountnumber = $row['AccountNumber']; $name = $row['Name']; print "<option value=\"$accountnumber\">$accountnumber $name </option>"; } print "</select>"; print "</td></tr>"; print"<tr>"; print"<td align=\"right\>Notes/td>"; print"<td align=\"left\"></td>"; print"</tr>"; print"<tr>"; print"<td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\"><textarea name=\"pay_message\" cols=\"55\" rows=\"10\"> </textarea></td>"; print"</tr>"; print"<tr>"; print"<td align=\"right\</td>"; print"<td align=\"center\"></td>"; print"<tr>"; print"<td align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\"><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submit\" value=\"Charge Account\"></td>"; print"</tr>"; print"</tr>"; print "</form>"; print"</table>"; } process.php?process=charge if($process == "charge"){ print_r($_POST); } The print_r($_POST) : Array ( [pay_property] => 256 [pay_tenant] => 23 [pay_owner] => 5 [pay_date] => 2012-08-01 [pay_amount] => 600 [account1] => 1 [pay_message] => [submit] => Charge Account ) 1
  17. DrTrans


    if i change it to <input type=\"text\" name=\"account\" value =\"1\"> Comes back Array ( [account] => 1) ITS ONLY on the Select
  18. DrTrans


    print "<option value=\"$accountnumber\"> $accountnumber $name </option>"; Nothing came back on the print_r($_POST);
  19. DrTrans


    I put in the double quotes.. nothing.
  20. DrTrans


    I cant seem to figure out why this select wont post data to the form handler print"<td align=\"right\">Account:</td>"; print"<td> <select name=\"account\">"; get_connect(); $query = "SELECT * FROM chartofaccounts ORDER BY AccountNumber ASC"; $result = mysql_query($query); while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $accountnumber = $row['AccountNumber']; $name = $row['Name']; print "<option value=$accountnumber> $accountnumber $name </option>"; } print "</select>"; print "</td></tr>"; my form handler is: <?php $account = $_POST['account']; die($account); ?>
  21. Saw an error in database, one of the dates was set as 2012-00-18. Fixed the Dtae and Got the echo response as "May " anyway to it to do January - Amount Feb - Amount March - Amount .. Right now it only gives me an echo of " May "
  22. Copied and Pasted into new file.. Same issue.
  23. response to the var_dump(); array(2) { ["MONTHNAME(pay_date)"]=> string(3) "May" ["SUM(pay_amount)"]=> string(5) "-1127" }
  24. That is all the code in the function. on the echo mysql_num_rows($r); It game me "4"
  25. My db looks exactly the same, However, no results from the "echo".... My Database: pay_amount | pay_date | pay_controller ---------------------------------------------------------- 107.13 2012-07-07 + 98.10 2012-07-07 - i even copied ur code and edited the fields in mysql statement to function operatingyear($daterange) { print "<center><h3> OPERATING STATMENT REPORT [12-Month]</h3></center>"; print "<hr>"; print "<br />"; getconnect(); $q = 'SELECT MONTHNAME(pay_date), SUM(pay_amount) FROM payment GROUP BY YEAR(pay_date), MONTH(pay_date)'; $r = mysql_query($q) or die(mysql_error()); $sum = mysql_result($r,0); echo $sum; }
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