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Everything posted by POG1

  1. try changing $row = @mysql_fetch_array($result); to $row = mysql_fetch_array($result,MYSQL_ASSOC);
  2. RewriteRule ^/user:([0-9]+)$ /profile.php?id=$1 [L] Try with the forward slashes
  3. include_once('page/'.(isset($_GET['page']) AND ctype_alnum($_GET['page']) AND file_exsists('pages/'.$_GET['page'].'.php') AND in_array($_GET['page'],array('downloads','home','contactus')) ?$_GET['page']:'index').'.php'); Not perfect but its a start.
  4. Validate the code a bit nicer $page = (isset($_GET['code']) AND ctype_alnum($_GET['code'])) ? strtolower($_GET['code']) : 'default' ; switch($page) {
  5. Can't you use a font on the server.. Not everyone will have something in "C:/Winnows/Fonts/Verdana.ttf" i know i don't
  6. You will need to do it in the opening form tag. <form action="page.php" method="post"> <p align="center"> <input name="submit" value="Input into Database" type="submit" /> </p> </form>
  7. Just use a session or cookie because POST method data doesn't last long.
  8. Take a look at the SET data type for the field. Here is a really short explanation of it: http://www.mysql.com/news-and-events/newsletter/2003-08/a0000000205.html
  9. Take a look at $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']
  10. You could just use preg split find each line feed and use PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE to get the break also.
  11. Can't you just do it dynamically? (e.g PHP)
  12. have you tried an onClick event for the radio?
  13. Be careful when using GET and POST data, if you go on to use them in queries make sure to properly validate it. You could code it a bit cleaner and use a if else instead of if elseif.
  14. have you got error reporting on?
  15. Try something like this: SELECT `date`, SUM(hits) FROM `tableNname` GROUP BY `date`;
  16. Try single quotes for the URL
  17. Have you tried floating the divs as apposed to absolute positioning?
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