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Everything posted by Destramic

  1. hey guys, i'm trying to set up router so my local host can be visible to users...I've altered options in my router port forwarding but i'm unable to get it to work. i'm currently using nginx on my local host using port 8080 so i'm able to connect via: here are the options i've changed in my router: (port 21 for FTP 80 for nginx server) after there alterations i've tried to connect with my ip followed by the port (ip:80) and also but its not working. can anyone please give me advise on how i can get this working? thank you
  2. oh yeah that would of helped...i'm getting these two errors still: mod_fcgid: read data timeout in 45 seconds, referer: http://bisi.bid/list-item End of script output before headers: index.php, referer: http://bisi.bid/list-item thank you
  3. hey guys i've made a upload script for my site but i'm getting a server internal error 500 when selecting 3+ files at once, but works fine when uploading singular files. when the user browses and selects a image to upload it's send to my send_image() function which will send the image file, where its added to the server via php in my uploaded script...each file has its own request. here is the function function send_image(method, selector, filename, file, cover){ var data = new FormData(), xhr = XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"), message = 'Uploading ' + filename; if (method !== 'upload'){ file = JSON.stringify(file); } if (method === 'crop'){ message = 'Editing ' + filename; } else if (method === 'restore'){ message = 'Retoring ' + filename; } else if (method === 'remove'){ message = 'Removing ' + filename; } else if (method === 'change_cover_image' || method === 'set_cover_image'){ message = 'Changing cover image'; } loader.display(message); if (method === 'upload'){ data.append('cover', cover); } data.append('method', method); data.append('file', file); xhr.open('POST', 'http://bisi.bid/ajax/image', true); xhr.upload.onprogress = function(e) { if (e.lengthComputable) { var percentage = Math.round((e.loaded * 100) / e.total); progress.display(message, percentage); if (percentage === 100){ loader.stop(message); } } } xhr.onerror = function () { upload_status('Image failed to upload.'); }; xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){ if (xhr.readyState == 4) { if (xhr.status == 200) { if (method.match(/^(upload|crop|restore)$/)){ var src = this.responseText; selector.attr('src', src + '?time=' + new Date()); selector.data('uploaded', true); $('#images-uploaded').text($("li[id^='image-'] img").length); } } else { upload_status('Image failed to upload.'); } } console.log(xhr.responseText); console.log(xhr.readyState); console.log(xhr.status); console.log(xhr.statusText); }; xhr.send(data); return xhr; } i believe the error i'm getting is because of the server configuration i'm getting these errors so i made changes to my server config files nginx.config php.ini upload_max_filesize = 40M post_max_size = 40M after i made changes i tried to upload 5 images at once but the server comes back with internal error 500. images I'm uploading altogether are about 8mb. has someone come across this before?...any help on this matter would be appropriated...if you require further details/code please let me know. thank you
  4. what a plonker i am...i took away setting the cover and it worked as i wanted it to UPDATE item_images im1, item_images im2 SET im1.path = im2.path, im2.path = im1.path WHERE im1.item_id = im2.item_id AND im1.path = :cover_image_path AND im2.path = :image_path AND im1.item_id = :item_id sorry for being a fool! haha...thank you for your help barand
  5. yeah cover column dosn't move....here is results upon select before sql. image_id item_id path cover --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 58 1447700481.jpg 1 14 58 1447700522.jpg 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- after sql execution image_id item_id path cover --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 58 1447700522.jpg 0 14 58 1447700481.jpg 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- here is the table i'm using CREATE TABLE `item_images` ( `image_id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `item_id` INT(11) NOT NULL, `path` VARCHAR(130) NOT NULL, `cover` INT(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`image_id`), UNIQUE INDEX `item_images_image_id_UNIQUE` (`image_id`), INDEX `item_images_item_id_INDEX` (`item_id`), CONSTRAINT `item_images_item_id_FOREIGN_KEY` FOREIGN KEY (`item_id`) REFERENCES `items` (`item_id`) ON UPDATE NO ACTION ON DELETE NO ACTION ) COLLATE='utf8_general_ci' ENGINE=InnoDB; somethings not right although it seems it should be...be good to know what's up here. thank you
  6. Wasn't changing cover values on mine....I'll have another play when I'm back home...thanks for your reply, I'll let you know how it goes
  7. hey guys i've tried to run this query on my database but it only partially works...the images paths will change but the values for cover won't budge table --------------------- item_id path - varchar cover - int(1) -------------------- cover will be 1 or 0 depending if the image is the main image. i can see anything i'm doing wrong here...can someone please shine some light on why both path and cover values are not swapping. here is my sql: UPDATE item_images im1, item_images im2 SET im1.cover = im2.cover, im2.cover = im1.cover, im1.path = im2.path, im2.path = im1.path WHERE im1.item_id = im2.item_id AND im1.path = '1447700522.jpg' AND im2.path = '1447700481.jpg' AND im1.item_id = 58 thank you
  8. ok brillaint...if you're saying that seems fine then i'm happy...thanks for your reply and sorry for the delay
  9. hey guys i'm half way through making a upload script for my site which consists of js and php...but i'm a little concerned about its functionality and how the best way it should work. here is a screenshot of how it looks when a user will click and upload a picture i used a XMLHttpRequest which moves the image from a temporary directory and uploads to my selected directory...happy days! now i give the user a option to edit image where they can rotate and crop the image (server side) this is where i need help on the scripts functionality please. now when a user uploads a picture it saves onto my server directory...depending on how big the image is it can sometimes take 45 seconds for a 4/5 meg picture to upload which causes problem with the users experience (i think) because...of time...the only way i can see the user editing a image is when it's 100% uploaded and not before....cause if they try to edit before the upload is complete i'm unable to select the image to crop and rotate server side as it wont be uploaded yet. it all just seems like a long process waiting and i'm a bit stuck on what is best to do here. do i continue to allow editing on a image, when its 100% uploaded or is there a better way? i hope my problem is clear enough...also if you'd like to see any code please let me know. thank you
  10. changing this in my nginx config sorted it client_max_body_size 500M; works great now...but is this the correct debug info i should be getting? as it spits out xhr.onload twice 99% uploaded 100% uploaded 200 Server got: 100% uploaded done 200 Server got: uploaded js: function upload_image(image, name){ var data = new FormData(); xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); data.append('image', image); data.append('name', name); data.append('item_id', 2); xhr.open('POST', 'save.php', true); xhr.upload.onprogress = function(e) { if (e.lengthComputable) { var percentage = Math.round((e.loaded * 100) / e.total); console.log(percentage + '% uploaded'); } } xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if(xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) { console.log("done"); } } xhr.onload = function() { console.log(this.status); if (this.status === 200) { var response = this.response console.log('Server got:', response); } } xhr.send(data); } thank you
  11. well i'm using my localhost at the moment...running nginx...so there should be no reason why 413 error should come up =/
  12. ok well i did what you said and it came back with Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user's experience. For more help http://xhr.spec.whatwg.org/ 413 still 413 error...still working fine on smaller image size thanks for your post
  13. hey guys im running a XML HTTP request and i'm getting the error 413 - ie. image too large. I know its js i'm executing but i think its a php problem so i changed some settings in my php.ini post_max_size = 10M upload_max_filesize = 10M here is the js i'm using function upload_image(image){ var data = new FormData(); xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); data.append('image', image); xhr.open('POST', 'save.php', true); xhr.upload.onprogress = function(e) { if (e.lengthComputable) { var percentComplete = (e.loaded / e.total) * 100; console.log(percentComplete + '% uploaded'); } } xhr.onload = function() { console.log(this.status); if (this.status === 200) { var response = this.response console.log('Server got:', response); } } xhr.send(data); } it works with smaller images but when trying to upload a 4.4 mb image i get the error 413...now i'm a little confused on how i'm getting this error as i've changed my post and upload max sizes is there something obvious i'm missing here please? thank you
  14. brilliant..thanks for the help Jacques! $base = ""; function is_image_string($image) { $image = preg_replace('#data:image/[^;]+;base64,#', '', $image); if (@imagecreatefromstring(base64_decode($image))) { return true; } else { return false; } } if (is_image_string($base)) { echo 'yeah!'; }
  15. i'm just trying to test to see if image is base64 but i'm getting an error: Warning: imagecreatefromstring(): Empty string or invalid image in ... now i know the image exists cause i found it here: http://jsfiddle.net/casiano/xadvz/ what am i doing wrong here please guys?...also is this the best method to test if a image string? $base = ""; function is_base64_image($image) { if (@imagecreatefromstring(base64_decode($image))) { return true; } else { return false; } } if (is_base64_image($base)) { echo 'yeah!'; } thank you
  16. Hey guys just wanted to post the cropping function i made. which goes well with something like this: http://jsfiddle.net/...ramic/ybq2mab5/ if the image you are cropping is smaller/bigger or same size as orginal it will return crop exact for orginal image...works with x y co-ordinates too...hope it can help someone as much as it's helped me thanks for your help guys! function crop($image_source, $selected_x, $selected_y, $selected_x2, $selected_y2, $image_x = null, $image_y = null, $image_x2 = null, $image_y2 = null) { list($orginal_x2, $orginal_y2) = getimagesize($image_source); if (!is_null($image_x)) { if (is_null($image_x2) || $image_x2 === $orginal_x2) { $selected_x -= $image_x; } else if ($image_x2 > $orginal_x2) { $difference = (($image_x2 - $orginal_x2) / $image_x2 * 100); $image_difference = $image_x * ((100 - $difference) / 100); $select_difference = $selected_x * ((100 - $difference) / 100); $selected_x = ($select_difference - $image_difference); } else if ($image_x2 < $orginal_x2) { $difference = ($orginal_x2 / $image_x2); $image_difference = $image_x * $difference; $select_difference = $selected_x * $difference; $selected_x = ($select_difference - $image_difference); } } if (!is_null($image_y)) { if (is_null($image_y2) || $image_y2 === $orginal_y2) { $selected_y -= $image_y; } else if ($image_y2 > $orginal_y2) { $difference = (($image_y2 - $orginal_y2) / $image_y2 * 100); $image_difference = $image_y * ((100 - $difference) / 100); $select_difference = $selected_y * ((100 - $difference) / 100); $selected_y = ($select_difference - $image_difference); } else if ($image_y2 < $orginal_y2) { $difference = ($orginal_y2 / $image_y2); $image_difference = $image_y * $difference; $select_difference = $selected_y * $difference; $selected_y = ($select_difference - $image_difference); } } if (!is_null($image_x2)) { if ($image_x2 > $orginal_x2) { $width_difference = (($image_x2 - $orginal_x2) / $image_x2 * 100); $selected_x2 *= ((100 - $width_difference) / 100); } else if ($image_x2 < $orginal_x2) { $width_difference = (($orginal_x2 - $image_x2) / $image_x2 * 100); $selected_x2 *= (1 + $width_difference / 100); } else { $width_difference = 100 - (($image_x2 - $selected_x2) / $image_x2 * 100); $selected_x2 = $width_difference / 100 * $orginal_x2; } } if (!is_null($image_y2)) { if ($image_y2 > $orginal_y2) { $height_difference = (($image_y2 - $orginal_y2) / $image_y2 * 100); $selected_y2 *= ((100 - $height_difference) / 100); } else if ($image_y2 < $orginal_y2) { $height_difference = (($orginal_y2 - $image_y2) / $image_y2 * 100); $selected_y2 *= (1 + $height_difference / 100); } else { $height_difference = 100 - (($image_y2 - $selected_y2) / $image_y2 * 100); $selected_y2 = $height_difference / 100 * $orginal_y2; } } $image = imagecreatetruecolor($selected_x2, $selected_y2); $image_source = imagecreatefrompng($image_source); imagecopyresized($image, $image_source, 0, 0, $selected_x, $selected_y, $selected_x2, $selected_y2, $selected_x2, $selected_y2); imagepng($image, 'percentage.png'); imagedestroy($image); imagedestroy($image_source); } crop('image.png', 302, 1008, 525, 445, 23, 20, 2000, 1600);
  17. thanks but i've made my own cropper (with help from scootstah) as seen here: http://jsfiddle.net/destramic/ybq2mab5/ barand thank you for help...worked perfectly ....sorry for such a late reply also using the following worked great to get selected part of image. var selected = $('whatever'), offset = selected.position(), selected_x = offset.left, selected_y = offset.top, selected_x2 = selected.width(), selected_y2 = selected.height(); i will try and post my code to help future developers when i'm done (hopefully in the next couple of weeks) thanks guys!!!!
  18. yes thank you ...seems i was no where close to what i wanted haha...i'm bit confused on your x, y positions barand...obviously mine must be wrong but how are you getting yours please? i'd like to get by JavaScript if possible thanks for your help!
  19. hey guys i'm trying to crop a certain part of a image using imagecopyresized...i'm using js to get the coordinates of the image and the selected area that i'm after here is how i get the co-ordinates: var offset = image.position(), image_x = offset.left, image_y = offset.top, image_x2 = selected.width(), image_y2 = selected.height(), offset = selected.position(), selected_x = offset.left, selected_y = offset.top, selected_x2 = selected.width(), selected_y2 = selected.height(); co-ordinates image ----------------- x = 8 y = 8 selected area ----------------- x = 172 y = 75 x2 = 327 y2 = 292 i'm then using this function to try and get just the selected area as a image but it's not outputting correctley function crop($image, $selected_x = 0, $selected_y = 0, $image_x = 0, $image_y = 0, $selected_width = null, $selected_height = null) { list($width, $height) = getimagesize($image); $thumbnail = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); $image_source = imagecreatefromjpeg($image); imagecopyresized($thumbnail, $image_source, $selected_x, $selected_y, $image_x, $image_y, $selected_width, $selected_height, $width, $height); imagejpeg($thumbnail, "image-cropped.jpg", 100); } crop('image.jpg', 172, 75, 8, 8, 327, 292); image output: is it possible to get the selected image in the blue grid saved as a image please? any help on what i'm doing wrong would be great..please let me know if you need more info thank you
  20. ouch!...now that is bad boy! thank you
  21. brilliant stuff, just what i need thanks all
  22. Ops sorry...i thought when testing before putting window location in it was working. Just think it looks ugly being in the handlers...but doesn't look like I have much of a choice...thank you for your patience guys
  23. yeah sorry... ok well i think something like this would work a lot better $(document).ready(function(){ function socket_open(port, https){ var location = window.location, host = location.hostname, protocol = "http"; if (https){ protocol = "https"; } var url = protocol + '://' + host + ':' + port; console.log(url); $.ajax({ 'url' : url, 'success' : function() { return true; }, 'error' : function() { return false; } }); } if (socket_open(8080)){ console.log("successful"); } else{ console.log('error'); } }); just one problem with this though the url has apostrophes around it causing the function to always return false. i tied to replace apostrophes in var url but still didnt work like i said i just want a script like this just in case the socket goes down, that way i can show something like page temporary down / redirect thanks guys
  24. the only problem i can see with it really is the span containing the + doesn't align centre or vertically middle. once i have the cropper and upload working correctly i'll put a link up for you to see
  25. sorry requinix im not sure if what i'm trying to do is not possible of i'm doing something wrong here: $(document).ready(function(){ function web_socket_open(){ var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readyState === 4) { if (xhr.status === 200){ console.log('yes'); // returns return true; } return false; } } xhr.open('GET', '', true); xhr.send(null); } if (web_socket_open()){ console.log('yes'); } else { console.log('no'); } }); when executing the web_socket_open function it returns no (returning false in if statement)...then in console log it shows yes during the http request, which comes from the function itself.. ideally i would like it just to return true as it should do? as url is correct thanks for your help.
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