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Posts posted by newbtophp

  1. I've been inserting the referer information like this:


    mysql_query("INSERT INTO site_referrals (referer_id, referer_date, referer_ip, referer_type)
    VALUES ('$id', '$referer_date', '$referer_ip', 'in')");


    But now was wondering how would i echo the total number of referalls this week?


    I was thinking something such as:


    $id = 1;
    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM site_referalls WHERE referer_id = $id");
    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){
    $todaysweek = (int)date('W', time());
    $week = (int)date('W', $row['referer_date']);
    if($week == $todaysweek){
    echo "Total Referalls this Week: ".$i;



  2. OK i've managed to progress:




    function count_word_occurrences($str, $case_sensitive = true)
    $str = $case_sensitive ? $str : strtolower($str);
    $occurrences = array();
    foreach(str_word_count($str, 1) as $word){
    $word = $case_sensitive ? $word : strtolower($word);
    if(!in_array($word, array_keys($occurrences))){
    $occurrences[$word] = preg_match_all("~\b$word\b~", $str, $matches);
    return array_slice(array_keys($occurrences), 0, 3);
    function count_c($arr, $find)
    $count = 0;
    foreach($arr as $words)
    $count += preg_match("~\b$find\b~", $words);
    return $count;
    $oldarray = array('php coding united kingdom',
    'united kingdom rocks',
    'php is the best',
    'united kingdom uses php',
    'united kingdom coding',
    'php has a united kingdom tld');
    $newarray = array('coding', 'rocks', 'is the best', 'uses', 'coding', 'has a tld');
    $titles = array();
    foreach($newarray as $title)
    $titles[$title] = count_c($oldarray, $title);
    foreach($titles as $k=>$v)
    if($v > 1)
    	$realtitles[] = $k;
    	$others[] = $k;
    echo "<br><br><b>titles</b>: ";
    echo "<br><br><b>others</b>: ";


    Now it gives:


    Titles: Array ( [0] => coding )


    Others: Array ( [0] => rocks [1] => is the best [2] => uses [3] => has a tld )



    Just need to figure out how to display it in the following format:


    Title: coding


    php coding united kingdom,
    united kindom coding


    Title: others


    united kingdom rocks,
    php is the best,
    united kingdom uses php,
    php has a united kingdom tld


    If the $title is in one of the values in $oldarray then echo that value below the title, if the title is not or has occured 1 time then it's echo'd under the title "others".

  3. print_r($titles) produces:

    Array ( [coding] => 2 [rocks] => 1 [is the best] => 1 [uses] => 1 [has a tld] => 0 ) 


    Im trying to make it so:

    if [$titles] is 2 or above then it becomes a title, otherwise its placed under a global title called "others", then under each title the words from $oldarray are categorized based on if the title is included within the words, if the title doesn't then its placed under "others".


    Current code:


    function count_word_occurrences($str, $case_sensitive = true)
    $str = $case_sensitive ? $str : strtolower($str);
    $occurrences = array();
    foreach(str_word_count($str, 1) as $word){
    $word = $case_sensitive ? $word : strtolower($word);
    if(!in_array($word, array_keys($occurrences))){
    $occurrences[$word] = preg_match_all("~\b$word\b~", $str, $matches);
    return array_slice(array_keys($occurrences), 0, 3);
    function count_c($arr, $find)
    $count = 0;
    foreach($arr as $words)
    	$count += preg_match("~\b$find\b~", $words);
    return $count;
    $oldarray = array('php coding united kingdom',
    'united kingdom rocks',
    'php is the best',
    'united kingdom uses php',
    'united kingdom coding',
    'php has a united kingdom tld');
    $newarray = array('coding', 'rocks', 'is the best', 'uses', 'coding', 'has a tld');
    $titles = array();
    foreach($newarray as $title)
    $titles[$title] = count_c($oldarray, $title);



    Would Output:


    Title: coding


    php coding united kingdom,
    united kindom coding


    Title: others


    united kingdom rocks,
    php is the best,
    united kingdom uses php,
    php has a united kingdom tld




  4. Well i was given a task to rearrange/format words too related keywords, a visitor would submit a list of keywords and can also submit keywords to ignore (optionally - in another textarea), then it would sort the keywords by two word phrase; top recurring keywords which would give the output.


    When i was assigned the task this example was given:


    INPUT KEYWORDS (Via $_POST ->new line per word):

    real property Miami
    Miami real property for sale
    Miami homes for sale
    homes in Miami
    new homes in Miami
    Miami houses for sale
    Miami houses
    houses in Miami
    real property Los Vegas
    Los Vegas real property for sale
    Los Vegas homes for sale
    homes in Los Vegas
    new homes in Los Vegas
    Los Vegas houses for sale
    Los Vegas houses
    houses in Los Vegas



    IGNORED KEYWORDS (Via $_POST ->new line per word):

    Los Vegas



    OUTPUT (comma separated && new line per word):

    real property,real property Miami
    real property,real property Los Vegas
    real property,Miami real property for sale
    real property,Bevery Hills real property for sale
    homes,homes in Miami
    homes,homes in Los Vegas
    homes,new homes in Miami
    homes,new homes in Los Vegas
    houses,Miami houses for sale
    houses,Miami houses
    houses,Los Vegas houses for sale
    houses,Los Vegas houses
    houses,houses in Miami
    houses,houses in Los Vegas


    The trouble, is i need your help to think of how I could achieve, this ie. the methodology behind this?. I've already started it but im getting to the point where im lost on how to get the output (like the example above).



    My code:


    $words = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $_POST['keywords']);
    //words array
    $wordsArray = explode("\n", $words);
    $words2 = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $_POST['ignorewords']);
    //ignore words array
    $wordsArray2 = explode("\n", $words2);
    //remove found ignore'd words for words array
    foreach(array_intersect($wordsArray, $wordsArray2) as $match)
        foreach(array_keys($wordsArray, $match) as $key)
    $comma_separated = implode(",", $wordsArray);
    $words = array_count_values(str_word_count($comma_separated, 1));
    $words = array_slice($words, 0, 2);
    //this gives the top 2 recurring words.



    All help is appreciated.  :-\


  5. Use preg_replace_callback or use the /e modifier.


    Can you write the full code for me?

    I dont know the function, so .. :i


    function replace_br($input){
    $text = str_replace("<br />","", $input[1]);
    $ret = '<div class="code"><pre class="brush: php;">'.$text.'</pre></div>';
    return $ret;
    $turtorial = stripslashes(nl2br($foresp['turtorial']));
    $turtorial = preg_replace_callback("/\\[ code\\](.+?)\[\/code\]/is", "replace_br", $turtorial);
    echo $turtorial;

  6. Hi, I'm in a bit of trouble.


    If I have a list of words each on a separate line:


    Example Words:

    phpfreaks us all
    php arithmetic
    php functions


    How can i place each word within a variable; (like with foreach)?


    So at the end in this foreach if i echo that variable it should echo 5 words.


    Also how would i retrieve the top recurring word from the words? (like for e.g. in this case its 'php' since that word is mentioned the most)




  7. I'm having some trouble, im using the img bbcode on a forum page and a user page, the forum page layout is different too the user page, theirfore they have different widths etc.


    Currently the user can simply embed any image within the img bbcode, if the image is huge the webpage and layout will literally expload. (out of the width, destroying the layout).


    So i decided to use a image resize function to limit the image to a max width.


    If the image is on topic.php the max width is: 599px


    If the image is on user.php the max width is: 376px


    Heres the function:


    function scaleimage($location){
    if($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] == "user.php"){
    else if($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] == "topic.php"){
        $img = @getimagesize($location[1]);
            $w = $img[0];
            $h = $img[1];
            $dim = array('w','h');
            foreach($dim AS $val){
                $max = "max{$val}";
                if(${$val} > ${$max} && ${$max}){
                    $alt = ($val == 'w') ? 'h' : 'w';
                    $ratio = ${$alt} / ${$val};
                    ${$val} = ${$max};
                    ${$alt} = ${$val} * $ratio;
            $w = round($w);
            $h = round($h);
            return("<img src='{$location[1]}' width='{$w}' height='{$h}'>");




    $Text = preg_replace_callback("/\[img\](.+?)\[\/img\]/", "scaleimage", $Text);


    The trouble is i have to currently define the height, how would i set it so it decides for it self and makes sure the height is within the proportion of the max width for the particular files; (topic.php and user.php), but staying appropriate at the same time?



  8. I have a txt file containing str_replace's, such as:


    $message = str_replace(":icon_wtf:", "<img src=\"../images/smilies/icon_wtf.gif\">", $message);
    $message = str_replace(":icon_yay:", "<img src=\"../images/icon_yay.gif\">", $message);
    $message = str_replace("blank", "<img src=\"../images/icon_wtf.gif\">", $message);
    $message = str_replace("", "<img src=\"../images/icon_.gif\">", $message);


    But I want to; with php rearrange all the str_replaces.



    So they will turn from:


    $message = str_replace(":icon_wtf:", "<img src=\"../images/smilies/icon_wtf.gif\">", $message);




    $message = str_replace("<img src=\"../images/smilies/icon_wtf.gif\">", ":icon_wtf:" $message);


    :-\ All help is greatly appreciated, im assuming i'd need to use preg_replace_callback? and fwrite, just need help to proceed..


    My attempt:


    $file = file_get_contents("replaces.txt");
    $file = preg_replace('#str_replace\(".*", ".*"#', 'str_replace("$2", "$1"', $file);
    $fp = fopen('replaces.txt', 'w');
    fwrite($fp, $file);

  9. Im stuck; basically i have a review system, where an author uploads something and another user can review it, then the author can respond to that review, and their can only be 1 author response per user review.


    I know the concept behind it just unsure how to proceed  :-\


    //the upload id
    $id = clean($_GET['id']);
    //this is the reviewer
    $user = $_SESSION['username'];
    $result = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from portal_main where id = '$id'"));
    //this is the author
    $author = $result['user'];
    //this would be the query to select a review
    $querytoselectareview = mysql_query("SELECT review FROM portal_reviews WHERE id = '$id' AND response='0'");
    //this would be the query to select a author response
    $querytoselectaresponse = mysql_query("SELECT review FROM portal_reviews WHERE id = '$id' AND response='1'");
    //now how would i check if the author can respond to the review?, or if the author cant etc.

  10. I've got alittle problem, the username is defined correctly via $_POST etc.


    But can't get the character length to validate, it proceed without paying any notice. I want to username to be valid if its between 3->15 characters long (3 as minimum and 15 as maximum)


    Heres my attempt using strlen():


    elseif(!strlen($user) >= 3 && strlen($user) <= 15){
    echo 'Username must be atleast 3 characters, and no longer than 15!';


    I then tried doing it with regex:


    elseif(!preg_match("/^\d{3,15}$/", $user)){
    echo 'Username must be atleast 3 characters, and no longer than 15!';



  11. I get the following errors:


    Notice: Undefined index: username


    In the file func.php; in the first line of the auto_logout() function which is this line:


    $username = $_SESSION['username'];


    And this error:


    Notice: Undefined index: user_slashed


    In the file func.php; in the second line of the auto_logout() function which is this line:


    $user_slashed = $_SESSION['user_slashed'];



  12. require("func.php");
    $logged_in = inc_online();
    if($logged_in == 'yes') {
    //protected stuff....

    ^ your telling it to run auto_logout(); when you load the page.


    Still the same problem it logs me out upon page load even though the function aint been declared.


    Besides auto_logout(); only occurs upon a fixed period of time.

  13. I'm having abit of trouble, logging in and out, sometimes when i login it keeps me logged in for a few hours then auto logs out, sometimes once i log in it logs me back out when viewing a protected page, and sometimes when i click logout (run logout.php) it does'nt log me out (and keeps me signed in).




    $logged_in = inc_online();
    if($logged_in == 'yes') {
    	$time = time();
    	$online_query = mysql_query("UPDATE ".$users_table." SET user_online = '0', user_time = '$time', user_lastlog = '$time' WHERE user_username = '".addslashes($_SESSION['username'])."'");
    	$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    	$sql = mysql_query("select userid from site_remember where userip = '$ip'");
    	$num = mysql_num_rows($sql);
    	if ($num > 0) {
    		$sql = mysql_query("DELETE FROM `site_remember` WHERE userip = '".$ip."'");
    echo "You have logged out sucessfully";
    } else {          
    print "You cannot logout if your not logged in!<br /><br><a href=\"login.php\">Login</a>";





    // online function
    function inc_online() {
    $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT `userid` FROM `site_remember` WHERE `userip` = '$ip'");
    $num = mysql_num_rows($sql);
    if ($num > 0)
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
    $userid = $row['userid'];
    $sql2 = mysql_query("SELECT `user_password`, `user_username`, `user_level`, `user_slashed` FROM `site_users` WHERE `user_id` = '$userid'");
    $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($sql2);
    $username = $row2['user_username'];
    $password = $row2['user_password'];
    $user_level = $row2['user_level'];
    $user_slashed = $row2['user_slashed'];
    $time = time();
    mysql_query("UPDATE `site_users` SET `user_online` = '1' WHERE `user_username` = '$username'");
    mysql_query("UPDATE `site_users` SET `user_time` = '$time'  WHERE `user_username` = '$username'");
    mysql_query("UPDATE `site_users` SET `user_ip` = '$ip'  WHERE `user_username` = '$username'");
    $_SESSION['user_id'] = $userid;
    $_SESSION['username'] = $username;
    $_SESSION['user_level'] = $user_level;
    $_SESSION['password'] = $password;
    $_SESSION['user_slashed'] = $user_slashed;
    if (isset($_SESSION['user_id']) && isset($_SESSION['username']) && isset($_SESSION['password']) && isset($_SESSION['user_level']) && isset($_SESSION['user_slashed']))
    $sql44 = mysql_query("select user_id, user_password, user_username, user_slashed, user_level from site_users where user_ip = '$ip'");
    if ($sql44)
    $row2 = mysql_fetch_array($sql44);
    $username = $row2['user_username'];
    $password = $row2['user_password'];
    $user_level = $row2['user_level'];
    $user_slashed = $row2['user_slashed'];
    $_SESSION['user_id'] = $userid;
    $_SESSION['username'] = $username;
    $_SESSION['user_level'] = $user_level;
    $_SESSION['password'] = $password;
    $_SESSION['user_slashed'] = $user_slashed;
    $logged_in = "yes";
    $logged_in = "no";
    $logged_in = "no";
    return $logged_in;
    // auto logout
    function auto_logout() {
    $username = $_SESSION['username'];
    $user_slashed = $_SESSION['user_slashed'];
    if (isset($username))
    $offline = 500;
    $current = time();
    $offline = ($current-$offline);
    $time = time();
    $sql_query = mysql_query("SELECT `user_id` FROM `site_users` WHERE `user_time` >= '$offline' AND `user_online` = '1' AND `user_slashed` = '$user_slashed'");
    if (mysql_num_rows($sql_query) == 0)
    mysql_query("UPDATE `site_users` SET `user_online` = '0' AND `user_lastlog` = '$time' WHERE user_slashed = '$user_slashed'");
    mysql_query("UPDATE `site_users` SET `user_time` = '$time' WHERE `user_slashed` = '$user_slashed'");





    $logged_in = inc_online();
    if($logged_in == 'yes'){
    print "You are already logged in!<br /><a href=\"logout.php\">Logout?</a>";
    } else {
    if ($_GET['pg'] == '') {
    <form action="?pg=login" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <input name="username" type="text" class="textfield3" />
    <input name="password" type="password" class="textfield3" />
    <input type="hidden" name="auto" value="" />
    <input name="Submit" type="submit" class="button" value="Login" />
    } elseif ($_GET['pg'] == 'login') {
    $username = clean($_POST['username']);
    $password = clean($_POST['password']);
    $auto = $_POST['auto'];
    if (!$username) {
    echo "Fill in username";
    elseif (!$password) {
    echo "Fill in password";
    } else{
    $username = clean($username);
    $password = clean($password);
    $pass = md5($password);
    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT user_id, user_password, user_username, user_slashed, user_level FROM ".$users_table." WHERE `user_slashed` = '".$username."' and `user_password` = '".$pass."' and (`user_verified` = 'Y' || `user_verified` = 'B')");
    $sql1 = mysql_query("SELECT user_verified FROM ".$users_table." WHERE `user_slashed` = '".$username."' and `user_password` = '".$pass."' and `user_verified` = 'B'");
    $time = time();
    $online_query = mysql_query("UPDATE ".$users_table." SET user_online = '1' WHERE user_username = '$username'");
    $online_query2 = mysql_query("UPDATE ".$users_table." SET user_time = '$time'  WHERE user_username = '$username'");
    mysql_query("UPDATE ".$users_table." SET user_lastlog = '$time'  WHERE user_username = '$username'");
    $row = mysql_fetch_array($sql);
    $user_id = $row['user_id'];
    $username = $row['user_username'];
    $password = $row['user_password'];
    $user_level = $row['user_level'];
    $user_slashed = $row['user_slashed'];
    $user_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
    if ($auto == 'yes')
    $sql = mysql_query("select userid from site_remember where userip = '$user_ip'");
    $num = mysql_num_rows($sql);
    if ($num == 0)
    $auto_query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `site_remember` ( `userip` , `userid` ) VALUES ('".$user_ip."', '".$user_id."')");
    mysql_query("UPDATE `site_users` SET `user_ip` = '$user_ip'  WHERE `user_username` = '$username'");
    // Get them logged in
    $_SESSION['user_id'] = $user_id;
    $_SESSION['username'] = $username;
    $_SESSION['user_level'] = $user_level;
    $_SESSION['user_level1'] = $user_level;
    $_SESSION['password'] = $password;
    $_SESSION['user_slashed'] = $user_slashed;
    echo "You are not logged in";
    if ($auto == 'yeS') { 
    print "<br />You have also enabled auto login. You will be logged in automaticlly now until u click log out.";   
    echo "You will be logged in until you close your browser or click on log out.";                 



    When logged in and i access a protected page it logs me back out, its usually when i have the following code on the protected page:


    $logged_in = inc_online();
    if($logged_in == 'yes') {
    //protected stuff....


    Can anyone, help identify the problem?  :-\




  14. I've got pagination links and they look a mess - especially if the topic/thread is very large, so im wanting to contain the links within a dropdown, and then make the dropdown selected value the current page.


    Heres the code:


    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT `post_id` FROM `site_posts` WHERE `post_topic` = '" . $topic_id . "'");
    print "Page: ";
    if($f%$limit==0) { 
    if ($start == $d) {
    print " $g |";
    } else {
    //$g = page number
    print " <a href='view_topic.php?start=$d&id=$topic_id'>$g</a> |";



    I tried myself, it works however it doesnt make the default selected value the current page.


    $sql = mysql_query("SELECT `post_id` FROM `site_posts` WHERE `post_topic` = '" . $topic_id . "'");
    <FORM NAME="nav"><DIV>
    print "Page Select: ";
    <SELECT NAME="SelectURL" onChange=
    if($f%$limit==0) { 
    if ($start == $d) {
    print " $g |";
    } else {
    //print " <a href='view_topic.php?start=$d&id=$topic_id'>$g</a> |";
    <option value="view_topic.php?start=<?php echo $d; ?>&nav=<?php echo $g; ?>&id=<?php echo $topic_id; ?>" <?php if($_GET['nav'] == $g){ echo 'SELECTED'; } ?>><?php echo $g; ?></option>



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