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Everything posted by ldb358
what do you mean? what i have is a users table with all of the users information then each user has a table in order to store the the source, size artist, ect. for all of the users uploaded art
i have a database that im using for my site first i have my table "users" that stores all of my data for the user on my site username password ect. then each user has a table that is used to store the information about all of there uploaded files but now i need a way to save messages to a database how can i do this should i use a type collum in the user's table so i can put type=message type=photo in the same table or will this slow it down to much
looks pretty good, although i dont know if you did it intetionally but the black box when you click on a page only goes down to about the bottom of you logo at least in ie, but other than that it looks really good
the back ground is really distracting and the body is way down on the bottom of the page under the login section in ie
thats really cool expecally if your looking for a certain font for a site really cool idea.
thank you both of you all get on fixing that error
This is a site that i have been working on that is still in the very early stages but i think that it is important that some people can check it out and let me know of any glitchs, error, ect. that may be on the site. thanks foe the help for a login you can use: lane2 enter1 lbflash.summerhost.info/test
thank you very much
it still doesnt work and the underscores are still there
i made a script to upload images to a site and for the most part every image worked but ones where the name contained (, ) , or _ whats up with this i tried to fix it with this: $nameFill3 = str_replace("_","",$upload['name']); $nameFill2 = str_replace("(","",$upload['name']); $nameFill = str_replace(")","",$upload['name']);
thanks for the help
i want it to list the first 10 results thanks in advanced heres my code: function runBrowse($search){ $qSearch = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username LIKE '%$search%'"); $results = mysql_fetch_array($qSearch); if($results['username'] != ""){ echo $results['username']; }else{ echo "no results"; } }
The problem is that i need to return a varable to create a button for every image in a loop but right now it only loads the first button heres my code: function userPage(){ $username = $_SESSION['username']; $qFirst = mysql_query("SELECT firstName FROM users WHERE username='$username'"); $qLast = mysql_query("SELECT lastName FROM users WHERE username='$username'"); $qEmail = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM users WHERE username='$username'"); $firstb = mysql_fetch_array($qFirst); $first = $firstb['firstName']; $lastb = mysql_fetch_array($qLast); $last = $lastb['lastName']; $emailb = mysql_fetch_array($qEmail); $email = $emailb['email']; $qgetImagesrc = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$username." WHERE id='1'") or die(mysql_error()); $qImagesrc = mysql_fetch_array($qgetImagesrc); //working on designing the page here echo "<div class='body3'><div style='width:800px; height:20px;'></div><div class='pictureFill'><img src='". $username . "/" . $qImagesrc['name'] ."' style='width:100; height:150;'/></div><div class='userInfo'><blockquote><h3>$username</h3><p>$first $last<br/>$email<h4>$rating</h4></p></blockquote></div><br/><div class='pictureSelect' id='picSelect'>".loadImages($username)."</div><div class='pictureGallery'><img name='mainImage' /></div></div>"; //add an if(isset(img1) else load upload first page } function loadImages($username){ $numberOfImages = mysql_query("SELECT imgNumber FROM users WHERE username='$username'"); $numImages2 = mysql_fetch_array($numberOfImages); $numImages = (int)$numImages2['imgNumber']; for( $i=1; $i<=$numImages; $i++){ $getName = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM ".$username." WHERE id='$i'"); $loadName = mysql_fetch_array($getName); $name = $loadName['name']; $output = "<input type='button' value='$name' onClick=\"mainImage.src='" . $username . "/" . $name . "' \"/><br/>"; return $output; } } would it be something like this function userPage(){ $username = $_SESSION['username']; $qFirst = mysql_query("SELECT firstName FROM users WHERE username='$username'"); $qLast = mysql_query("SELECT lastName FROM users WHERE username='$username'"); $qEmail = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM users WHERE username='$username'"); $firstb = mysql_fetch_array($qFirst); $first = $firstb['firstName']; $lastb = mysql_fetch_array($qLast); $last = $lastb['lastName']; $emailb = mysql_fetch_array($qEmail); $email = $emailb['email']; $qgetImagesrc = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$username." WHERE id='1'") or die(mysql_error()); $qImagesrc = mysql_fetch_array($qgetImagesrc); //working on designing the page here echo "<div class='body3'><div style='width:800px; height:20px;'></div><div class='pictureFill'><img src='". $username . "/" . $qImagesrc['name'] ."' style='width:100; height:150;'/></div><div class='userInfo'><blockquote><h3>$username</h3><p>$first $last<br/>$email<h4>$rating</h4></p></blockquote></div><br/><div class='pictureSelect' id='picSelect'>".loadImages($username)."</div><div class='pictureGallery'><img name='mainImage' /></div></div>"; //add an if(isset(img1) else load upload first page } function loadImages($username){ $numberOfImages = mysql_query("SELECT imgNumber FROM users WHERE username='$username'"); $numImages2 = mysql_fetch_array($numberOfImages); $numImages = (int)$numImages2['imgNumber']; for( $i=1; $i<=$numImages; $i++){ $getName = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM ".$username." WHERE id='$i'"); $loadName = mysql_fetch_array($getName); $name = $loadName['name']; $output$i = "<input type='button' value='$name' onClick=\"mainImage.src='" . $username . "/" . $name . "' \"/><br/>"; return $output$i; } }
what this is should do is echo the put the output in the picSelect div but instead they apear on top see what i mean on my site: username:Lane password:enter1 heres my code: function userPage(){ $username = $_SESSION['username']; $qFirst = mysql_query("SELECT firstName FROM users WHERE username='$username'"); $qLast = mysql_query("SELECT lastName FROM users WHERE username='$username'"); $qEmail = mysql_query("SELECT email FROM users WHERE username='$username'"); $firstb = mysql_fetch_array($qFirst); $first = $firstb['firstName']; $lastb = mysql_fetch_array($qLast); $last = $lastb['lastName']; $emailb = mysql_fetch_array($qEmail); $email = $emailb['email']; $qgetImagesrc = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM ".$username." WHERE id='1'") or die(mysql_error()); $qImagesrc = mysql_fetch_array($qgetImagesrc); //working on designing the page here echo "<div class='body3'><div style='width:800px; height:20px;'></div><div class='pictureFill'><img src='". $username . "/" . $qImagesrc['name'] ."' style='width:100; height:150;'/></div><div class='userInfo'><blockquote><h3>$username</h3><p>$first $last<br/>$email<h4>$rating</h4></p></blockquote></div><br/><div class='pictureSelect' id='picSelect'>".loadImages($username);."</div><div class='pictureGallery'><img name='mainImage' /></div></div>"; //add an if(isset(img1) else load upload first page } function loadImages($username){ $numberOfImages = mysql_query("SELECT imgNumber FROM users WHERE username='$username'"); $numImages2 = mysql_fetch_array($numberOfImages); $numImages = (int)$numImages2['imgNumber']; for( $i=1; $i<=$numImages; $i++){ echo $i; $getName = mysql_query("SELECT name FROM ".$username." WHERE id='$i'"); $loadName = mysql_fetch_array($getName); $name = $loadName['name']; echo "<input type='button' value='$name' onClick=\"mainImage.src='" . $username . "/" . $name . "' \"/><br/>"; } }
thank you very much it just started working... but it was the wrong variable being used so thanks for the help
that is actually a variable from a different part of the script it is fixed now but still wont work function upload($maxsize, $upload){ if((($upload['type'] == "image/jpeg") || ($upload['type'] == "image/pjpeg") || ($upload['type'] == "image/gif") || ($upload['type'] == "image/png")) && ($upload['size'] < "104857600")){ if($upload['error'] == 0){ $newSrc = $username . "/" . $upload['name']; if(!file_exists($newSrc)){ $nameFill = $upload['name']; $artistFill = $_SESSION['username']; $sizeFill = (int)$upload['size']; $check = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM ".$artistFill." LIMIT 0,1"); if($check){ echo $upload['tmp_name']; $thisdir = getcwd(); mkdir($thisdir ."/" . $artistFill); move_uploaded_file($upload['tmp_name'], $artistFill . "/" . $upload['name']); mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$artistFill." ( name, fType, fSize, artist) VALUES( '$nameFill', 'photo', '$sizeFill', '$artistFill');") or die(mysql_error()); //move_uploaded_file($upload['tmp_name'],"/users" . $upload['name']); mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$artistFill." ( name, fType, fSize, artist) VALUES( '$nameFill', 'photo', '$sizeFill', '$artistFill');") or die(mysql_error()); echo "file uploaded"; }else{ //if table doesnt exsist $thisdir = getcwd(); mkdir($thisdir ."/" . $artistFill, 777); move_uploaded_file($upload['tmp_name'],"/" . $artistFill. "/" . $upload['name']) or die("cant copy file"); mysql_query("CREATE TABLE ".$artistFill."(id INT(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR( 30 ) NOT NULL ,fType VARCHAR( 30 ) NOT NULL ,fSize INT NOT NULL ,artist VARCHAR( 30 ) NOT NULL ,fDesc TEXT NOT NULL ,rating INT(10) NOT NULL ,PRIMARY KEY (id))") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$artistFill." (name, sType, fSize, artist) VALUES ('$nameFill', 'photo', 'sizeFill', '$artistFill');") or die(mysql_error()); echo "added"; } } } } }
heres the error i got Warning: move_uploaded_file(/Copy of Cross3Trans.jpg) [function.move-uploaded-file]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/vol4/summerhost.info/sum_2677639/htdocs/test/functions.php on line 339 Warning: move_uploaded_file() [function.move-uploaded-file]: Unable to move '/tmp/phpOwiLML' to '/Copy of Cross3Trans.jpg' in /home/vol4/summerhost.info/sum_2677639/htdocs/test/functions.php on line 339
also to test the issue your self on my site http://lbflash.summerhost.info username:Lane password:enter1
this probably a simple issue but what the code is supposed to do is a) check if the user has a table if he doesn't it creates one then b) it creates a new directory for the file c) moves the temporary file there then finally inserts all the information about the file in the database but the problem is all of it works but the file doesn't exists afterwards function upload($maxsize, $upload){ if((($upload['type'] == "image/jpeg") || ($upload['type'] == "image/pjpeg") || ($upload['type'] == "image/gif") || ($upload['type'] == "image/png")) && ($upload['size'] < "104857600")){ if($upload['error'] == 0){ $newSrc = $username . "/" . $upload['name']; if(!file_exists($newSrc)){ $nameFill = $upload['name']; $artistFill = $_SESSION['username']; $sizeFill = (int)$upload['size']; $check = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM ".$artistFill." LIMIT 0,1"); if($check){ echo $upload['tmp_name']; $thisdir = getcwd(); mkdir($thisdir ."/" . $artistFill); move_uploaded_file($upload['tmp_name'], $username . "/" . $upload['name']); mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$artistFill." ( name, fType, fSize, artist) VALUES( '$nameFill', 'photo', '$sizeFill', '$artistFill');") or die(mysql_error()); //move_uploaded_file($upload['tmp_name'],"/users" . $upload['name']); mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$artistFill." ( name, fType, fSize, artist) VALUES( '$nameFill', 'photo', '$sizeFill', '$artistFill');") or die(mysql_error()); echo "file uploaded"; }else{ //if table doesnt exsist $thisdir = getcwd(); mkdir($thisdir ."/" . $artistFill, 777); move_uploaded_file($upload['tmp_name'],"/" . $artistFill. "/" . $upload['name']) or die("cant copy file"); mysql_query("CREATE TABLE ".$artistFill."(id INT(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, name VARCHAR( 30 ) NOT NULL ,fType VARCHAR( 30 ) NOT NULL ,fSize INT NOT NULL ,artist VARCHAR( 30 ) NOT NULL ,fDesc TEXT NOT NULL ,rating INT(10) NOT NULL ,PRIMARY KEY (id))") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$artistFill." (name, sType, fSize, artist) VALUES ('$nameFill', 'photo', 'sizeFill', '$artistFill');") or die(mysql_error()); echo "added"; } } } } }
added this if($check){ mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$artistFill." (id, name, fType, fSize, artist) VALUES(NULL, ".$nameFill.", ".photo.", ".$sizeFill.", ".$artistFill.");") or die(mysql_error()); }else{ //if table doesnt exsist mysql_query("CREATE TABLE ".$artistFill."(id INT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR( 30 ) NOT NULL ,fType VARCHAR( 30 ) NOT NULL ,fSize INT NOT NULL ,artist VARCHAR( 30 ) NOT NULL ,fDesc TEXT NOT NULL ,rating INT NOT NULL ,PRIMARY KEY (id))") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_query("INSERT INTO ".$artistFill." (id, name, sType, fSize, artist) VALUES (NULL, ".$nameFill.", photo, ".$sizeFill.", ".$artist.");") or die(mysql_error()); echo "added"; } now its saying there is an error with the files im trying to up load "You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'of image.jpg, photo, 56372, lane)' at line 1"
it has been fixed so that the mysql_error is shown and yes when run manually it does work
the best way to test this is to go to the site http://lbflash.summerhost.info/test username: Lane Password: enter1 then upload a "file" has to be an image and you should see the error if you see a 1 or a 2 that means a query error
i guess i forgot to mention that both of the query's generate a mysql error that look like "check your mysql version for syntax error .. then read some of the query the function .. in line 1"
this is part of my php script that is responcable for uploading the users files up to my server and stores the information about the file //assume that all the variables are set <? $check = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM '$artistFill' LIMIT 0,1"); if($check){ mysql_query("INSERT INTO '$artistFill' (id, name, sType, fSize, artist) VALUES('NULL', '$nameFill', 'photo', '$sizeFill', '$artistFill');") or die(mysql_error()); }else{ //if table doesnt exsist mysql_query("CREATE TABLE '$artistFill' (id INT NOT NULL, name VARCHAR( 30 ) NOT NULL ,fType VARCHAR( 30 ) NOT NULL ,fSize INT NOT NULL ,artist VARCHAR( 30 ) NOT NULL ,fDesc TEXT NOT NULL ,rating INT NOT NULL ,PRIMARY KEY (id))") or die("1"); mysql_query("INSERT INTO '$artistFill' (id, name, sType, fSize, artist) VALUES('NULL', '$nameFill', 'photo', '$sizeFill', '$artist');") or die("2"); echo "added"; ?>