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Everything posted by Cetanu

  1. Anyone have ANY idea why this won't work? :'(
  2. Okay, thanks for the feedback. I'm gonna keep an eye out for that kind of thing.
  3. Thanks But: It still echoes "Not Deleted" no matter what. And, the account doesn't get deleted.
  4. I don't get the second part... Would this work: <input type="hidden" name="radio" value="no"/>No<br/> ?
  5. That's okay I think I've tried everything. It's pro'lly just a stupid little mistake.
  6. I think I completely massacred this form, but you know, I'm learning. I just want it to delete a user's account after they check yes or no... <fieldset style="padding: 10px;"> <legend>Delete Account: <?php echo "{$_SESSION['username']}"; ?></legend> <form action="daccount.php" method="get"> <input type="radio" name="yes" value="Delete Account"/>Yes<br/> <input type="radio" name="no" value="No"/>No<br/> <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="Submit"/> </form> </fieldset> <?php include "db.php"; if($_GET['Delete Account'] && $_GET['Submit']){ $sql = "DELETE FROM users WHERE `id`={$_GET['id']} AND `username`={$_SESSION['username']}"; $query = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); echo " Hope you enjoyed MythScape. Sorry you un-registered."; echo "<a href=\"index.php\"> Click here </a> to Go Home"; } else{ echo "Not deleted!"; } ?> What it's doing is: -Allowing me to highlight yes AND no... -Echoing "Not Deleted" before anything is checked or submitted. -Not deleting the account.
  7. Just looking at it from the standpoint of someone who can't understand ActionScript to save their life, I would say having the var home:Index; thingy and the other code used for purpose of design sort of detracts. Someone who has no idea what code is would be like, WTF is var home:Index;!?!?! Though I'm sure they'd figure it out
  8. I've got this code and I just need to know why it won't display. What have I done wrong? I made the if...else... statement myself, so it's probably around there. <?php $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users") or die(mysql_error()); echo "<b>Username</b><br/>"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) { // Print out the contents of each row into a table echo "<table width='100%'>"; echo "<tr><td width='33%'>"; echo $row['username']; echo "</td>"; echo " <td width='33%'>| <a href=\"profile.php?username=".$row['username']."\">Profile</a> | </td>"; echo "<td width='33%'>"; if (($row['username'])=={($_SESSION['username'])}){ echo "This is YOU."; } else{ echo "Click to read more about" .$row['username'].; echo "</td></tr></table>"; } } ?>
  9. Okay, I have added some dashed borders around the text in the sidebar. Can you tell me if that helps or if it would be better to change the background color? Thanks.
  10. So it's like the whole middle area is just one color, but there should be definition between content and the sidebar? I'll look into borders or different background color. Thanks
  11. Margin: Okay, I fixed it; better? Header: I know, I have to find time to make a new banner because that one was meant for something else. I don't like its dimensions either.
  12. Okay guys, I just upgraded the site to it's version 2.0! I really want to know what you think of it now! http://mythscape.freezoka.com
  13. Okay, someone's going to need to help me before I through some swords through my laptop screen and then chuck the carcass of the computer at my little brother. This PM script WILL NOT work and I've spent 2 hours on it. I cannot fix it! <?php session_start(); include "db.php"; switch($_GET['sa']){ default: inbox(); break; case 'send': send(); break; case 'sent': sent(); break; case 'msg': msg(); break; } echo"<br /> <a href='pmindex.php'>Inbox</a><br/> <a href='pmindex.php?action=messages&sa=send'>Compose</a> <br />"; function inbox(){ print " <br/><h2>Inbox</h2><table width='100%' class='content'>"; print "<tr><td width='35%'><h3>From</h3></td><td width='55%'><h3>Subject</h3></td><td><h3>Content</h3></td></tr>"; $m=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM messages WHERE `to_userid`='{$_SESSION['username']}'") or die(mysql_error()); while($mail=mysql_fetch_array($m)) { $from=$mail['from_userid']; $id=$mail['id']; $subject=$mail['subject']; echo "<tr><td><a href='profile.php?username=$from'>$from</a></td><td><a href='pmindex.php?action=messages&sa=msg&id=$id'>$subject</a></td>"; echo $_POST['content']; echo "<br/><br/><td><a href='pmindex.php?action=messages&go=delete'>Delete</a></td></tr>"; } echo "</table>"; } function msg(){ $id=$_GET['id']; print "<table>"; $ms=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM messages WHERE `to_userid`='{$_SESSION['username']}' AND `id`='$id'") or die(mysql_error()); $mamessage=$ms[content]; $msubject=$ms[subject]; $from=$ms[from_userid]; echo "$msubject<br />"; echo "<b>Sent By:</b> <a href='pmindex.php?action=profile&username=$from'>$from</a><br/> <b>Message:</b><br/> $mamessage</div><br/>"; print "</table>"; if($_POST['reply']){ $message=$_POST['content']; $subject=$_POST['subject']; $to=$_POST['from_userid']; $reply="INSERT INTO messages SET `from_userid`='{$_SESSION['username']}',`to_userid`='$to',`subject`='$subject',`content`='$message',`id`='$id'"; mysql_query($reply) or die("Could not reply"); echo'<div class="done">Message Sent!</div><br />'; } echo "<table><div class='header'>Reply</div><br />"; echo "<form action=\"pmindex.php?action=messages&sa=msg&id=$id\" method=\"post\"> <div class='content'> Subject:<br> <input type='text' name='subject' size='20' value='Re: $subject'><br> Message:<br> <textarea name='content' rows='6' cols='40'></textarea><br> <input type='submit' name='reply' value='Reply'></form></div></table>"; } function send(){ if($_POST['send']){ $to=$_POST['to_userid']; $message=$_POST['content']; $subject=$_POST['subject']; $to=$_POST['to_userid']; $send="INSERT INTO messages SET `from_userid`='{$_SESSION['username']}',`to_userid`='$to',`subject`='$subject',`content`='$message'"; mysql_query($send) or die(mysql_error()); echo "Message Sent!<br />"; } print "<table> <div class='header'>Send</div><br />"; $to=$_GET['to_userid']; echo "<form action=\"pmindex.php?action=messages&sa=send\" method=\"post\"> To:<br> <input type='text' name='to_userid' size='20' value='$to'><br/> Subject:<br> <input type='text' name='subject' size='20'><br> Message:<br> <textarea name='content' rows='6' cols='40'></textarea><br> <input type='submit' name='send' value='Send'></form></table>"; } ?> <? switch($_GET['go']){ case 'delete': delete(); break; } function delete(){ $id=$_GET['id']; mysql_query("DELETE FROM messages WHERE $id=`ID` AND `to_userid`='{$_SESSION['username']}'"); echo "Message Deleted!"; } ?> Messages can be SENT and RETRIEVED if they are sent, BUT they cannot be replied to, deleted, and the content of the message won't show up. -.- Help is greatly appreciated.
  14. So, wait: I did this: <p style="font-size: 1.5em; font-style: italic;"><?php $tag=strip_slashes($row['tagline']); echo $tag; ?></p> And what it does is kill the page content after that ^ And I don't get the post on mysql_real_escape_string();
  15. When I have users type their "about me" section, if they use " or ' it comes out \" I was telling them to use ’ for a while, but then I used htmlentities to prevent malicious attacks. How can I make it so " or ' is displayed properly?
  16. Sounds good. Thanks.
  17. Cha, but I changed it to accommodate my members. The profiles have more fields and stuff. Any luck with this problem?
  18. Me neither. That didn't work. :-\ How do you know I'm using the same login?!
  19. db.php <?php //db_connect.php $con = mysql_connect("-----","------","------") or die(mysql_error()); $db = mysql_select_db("zoka_3628910_users",$con) or die('Error: '.mysql_error()); function protect($string) { $string = mysql_real_escape_string($string); return $string; }?>
  20. LtfOL, no I did that.
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