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Posts posted by justravis

  1. I recently converted this pg from table to mostly css.  Now the menus on the side disapear to quickly and third level menus appear to far to the right.


    Since I'm unfamiliar with that functionality, I tried to preserve that part of the code.  Do you see the difference in the javascript code for the menus on these 2 pgs?





  2. I am trying to find events that MAY (or may not) be linked to a seeker in event-seeker, but not seeker 1


    this sql statement stopped working:

    SELECT event.id, title, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(start) AS start, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(reg_end) AS reg_end FROM event LEFT JOIN `event-skr` ON (event.id=`event-skr`.event_id AND `event-skr`.skr_id=1) WHERE `event-skr`.event_id IS NULL AND  event.coor_id=1 AND event.id!='0' AND event.dmd=1 AND public=1 AND CURRENT_DATE() > event.reg_start AND CURRENT_DATE() < event.reg_end ORDER BY event.reg_end


    no errors, just 0 results when entered into phpmyadmin.


    i did accidently delete the event-skr table and i dont recall if it stopped working immediately afterwards...the foreign key types match thier primary key counterpart.


    can u think of any pitfalls i could hav ran into when recreating the table?




  3. Trying to convert a 1 or 2 digit number representing a month to a 2 digit number including a leading 0 when necessary:

    $skr_grad_date="$_REQUEST[gradyr]-" . date("m", mktime(0,0,0,$_REQUEST[gradmo])) . '-00';


    Warning: mktime() expects parameter 4 to be long, string given in /home/dm/public_html/dmd/app/mentee/index.pwr on line 212


    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

  4. 'confirm' is a string.


    I should have mentioned I tried isset() before posting, but OF COURSE it works now!!!


    Winning Code:

    "echo <span class=hi>$_SESSION['confirm']</span>";




    echo "<span class=hi>$_SESSION['confirm']</span>";


    Resulted in:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE, expecting T_STRING or T_VARIABLE or T_NUM_STRING


    ..BUT this suddenly works now too..wtf?!?!

    echo "<span class=hi>$_SESSION[confirm]</span>";



  5. added quotes...no diff..


    i didnt include some debug code in my first post:

    				echo "$acc_list[id]==$acc_skr[acc_id]<br>";
    					$checked=' checked';


    ..so i know the while loop is not even running...the if statement does not seem to b the issue.

  6. I could have sworn I hav done this b4...but the second while loop doesnt seem to go after the first iteration.


    Any thots?




    $acc_skr_r=mysql_query("SELECT acc_id FROM `acc-skr` WHERE skr_id=$_SESSION[skr_id] ORDER BY id", $db);
    $acc_q="SELECT accomodation.id, accomodation.name, inactive FROM accomodation, `acc-coor` WHERE `acc-coor`.coor_org_id=$_SESSION[coor_id] AND accomodation.id=`acc-coor`.acc_id ORDER BY accomodation.def_ord";
    $acc_r=mysql_query($acc_q, $db);
    					$checked=' checked';
    		#Output all accomodations active or inactive seeker checked when active.
    		if(!$acc_list[inactive] || $checked)
    			echo "\n<input type=checkbox name='acc[]' id='acc_$acc_list[id]' value=$acc_list[id] tabindex=" . $tabi++;
    			echo "$checked><label for='acc_$acc_list[id]'>$acc_list[name]</label><br>";

  7. i resolved all the issues except a few declaration statements...no matter what i cant seem to make it happy.


    i found some sites sugest a table to constrict the width of the fieldset, but if u need to set the width explicitly, u might as well use style in the fieldset.


    i was hoping there was width setting, most likely textual, for fieldset.




  8. Here are the solutions posted in the threads I mentioned above:

    DELETE genres FROM genres LEFT JOIN movie_genres ON genres.genre_id = movie_genres.genre_id WHERE movie_genres.genre_id IS NULL

    select s.* from staff as s left join depts as d using ( staffID ) where d.staffID IS NULL


    I'm confused.  What is the difference between "ON table1.pri_key=table2.for_key" & "USING(foreign_key)"?





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