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Everything posted by arneman

  1. Thanks for the review
  2. not a problem at all, it's exactly what I need. I'll try to improve according to this review Thanks Arne
  3. I think Google has to spider your site before it can see your new update. Just a wild guess ...
  4. I was just looking for some tips on improving my website. I know it still lacks content, but I'm working on it The site is: http://www.cubevision.eu
  5. You are already using classes, so if you would use your CSS like below it can be even more simple. .Classname { /*CSS Stuff*/ }
  6. Some Youtube videos have embedding turned of though...
  7. Well I'm no expert on this, and I'm having some problems with the FCKeditor myself. But you should take a look at their forums, they helped me a lot.
  8. I want to give my users a chance to change their profile. But I want the selectable date to show up in comboboxes but the data from the MySQL DB should be selected. For the gender I managed to solve this with a simple IF structure. But I'm not planning on doing this 12 times for the months or even 60 times for the years. I'm looking forward to hearing your ideas. My current code is at : http://www.plaatscode.be/137085
  9. I would suggest you take a look at FCKEditor, http://www.fckeditor.net
  10. Well, You get the length of the string: http://php.net/manual/en/function.strlen.php You take that number and subtract 4 from it. This way you will have your starting value for a substring function: http://be2.php.net/substr And then you compare that to the string ".jpg" or ".gif" or something like that. I would put every letter in a for loop and then use strtolower (http://php.net/manual/en/function.strtolower.php) or (http://php.net/manual/en/function.strtoupper.php) to compare. Since caps are not the same as small letters. But maybe there's a better way to do so.
  11. Yes I solved it liked that. Thanks for the quick and good help though
  12. You can check if the last 4 digits are .GIF or .JPG
  13. True, but doing that you will still see the <p> tags.
  14. Nevermind I worked around it using a second field containing the PHP code. Thanks anyway.
  15. Do you get any type of error, or does it just do nothing at all?
  16. I think the error is in the way I put it on my screen: echo '<p>'.$tutorial.'</p>'; I think something is going wrong with the quotes?
  17. Well I tried the Eval() but the PHP manual on that part isn't completely clear to me. So I put the following in my DB: <?php $code = 'highlight_string(\'echo "test";\')'; eval($code); echo $code; ?> Unfortunately it doesn't work
  18. You are correct! In my PHP file, I query a MySQL database containing the complete tutorial written in HTML. As I said before, the HTML executes, but the PHP doesn't, or at least not correctly. Edit: Yes I am on a webserver with everything installed.
  19. The MySQL data will be placed in there by me, so it should be harmless right?
  20. If I view source in Firefox I see the following: <?php highlight_string('Hello world! <?php phpinfo();?>') ?>
  21. I want to make a tutorial website, but making the PHP tutorial I ran into a little problem. I usually save my tutorials in MySQL in HTML. This works fine, the HTML is shown as text with the correct layout. The PHP only works partially. I want to do the following: On my screen i see, 'echo "test"' but without the highlights. Any suggestions on how to change this?
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