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Everything posted by bigbenbuilders

  1. okay this populates the drop down but how would I have it display the categories on the page without having to click a submit button...kind of like a jump menu? <?php require_once('../Connections/cuaa_scholarships.php'); ?> <?php if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) { function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "") { $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue; $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue); switch ($theType) { case "text": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL"; break; case "long": case "int": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL"; break; case "double": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . doubleval($theValue) . "'" : "NULL"; break; case "date": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL"; break; case "defined": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue; break; } return $theValue; } } mysql_select_db($database_cuaa_scholarships, $cuaa_scholarships); $query_Recordset1 = "SELECT DISTINCT financial.Scholarship_group FROM financial order by financial.Scholarship_group ASC"; $Recordset1 = mysql_query($query_Recordset1, $cuaa_scholarships) or die(mysql_error()); $row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($Recordset1); $totalRows_Recordset1 = mysql_num_rows($Recordset1); ?><form name="form1" method="post" action=""> <label for="select"></label> <select name="select" id="select"> <?php do { ?> <option value="<?php echo $row_Recordset1['Scholarship_group']?>"><?php echo $row_Recordset1['Scholarship_group']?></option> <?php } while ($row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($Recordset1)); $rows = mysql_num_rows($Recordset1); if($rows > 0) { mysql_data_seek($Recordset1, 0); $row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($Recordset1); } ?> </select> </form> <?php mysql_free_result($Recordset1); ?>
  2. Hi guys here is the code that I am using for a search of the database which produces the results perfect. What I need to know is how to implement a drop down list or jump list that say for example produces $Scholarship_group list and when selected it only selects those particular rows. But still need the search button. Guess what I am trying to say if someone want to display everything that is fine but then have a drop down to display certain categories? Hope this makes sense. <form name="form" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF ?>" method="get"> <input type="text" name="q" /> <input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Search" /> </form> <?php // Get the search variable from URL $var = @$_GET['q'] ; $trimmed = trim($var); //trim whitespace from the stored variable // rows to return $limit=10; // check for an empty string and display a message. if ($trimmed == "") { echo "<p>Please enter a search...</p>"; exit; } // check for a search parameter mysql_connect("","",""); //(host, username, password) mysql_select_db("") or die("Unable to select database"); $query = "select * from financial where Name like \"%$trimmed%\" order by id"; $numresults=mysql_query($query); $numrows=mysql_num_rows($numresults); $s = $_GET['s'] ; if ($numrows == 0) { echo "<h4>Results</h4>"; echo "<p>Sorry, your search: "" . $trimmed . "" returned zero results</p>"; } if (empty($s)) { $s=0; } $query .= " limit $s,$limit"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die("Couldn't execute query"); echo "<p>You searched for: "" . $var . ""</p>"; $count = 1 + $s; while ($row= mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $title = $row["Name"]; $Scholarship_group = $row["Scholarship_group"]; $Selection_Criterion = $row["Selection_Criterion"]; $Application_Required = $row["Application_Required"]; $Awarded_Committee = $row["Awarded_Committee"]; $Renewable = $row["Renewable"]; $Need_Based = $row["Need_Based"]; $Tuition_Restricted = $row["Tuition_Restricted"]; $GPA_Required = $row["GPA_Required"]; $Class_Level = $row["Class_Level"]; $major_minor_requirement = $row["major_minor_requirement"]; $extracurricular_requirement = $row["extracurricular_requirement"]; $ACT_Score = $row["ACT_Score"]; $SAT_Score = $row["SAT_Score"]; $Religion = $row["Religion"]; $gender = $row["gender"]; $geographic_region = $row["geographic_region"]; $zipcode_range = $row["zipcode_range"]; $Diversity = $row["Diversity"]; echo "$count.) <strong>$title</strong> <br><br> " ; ?> <span class="style3"> <? echo "<strong>Scholarship Info:--></strong>"; echo " "; if(empty($row['Scholarship_group'])){ //empty() returned true : so there is nothing echo 'Scholarship group - None'; }else{ //empty() returned false so it is NOT true that there is nothing //so we can print it out: echo "Scholarship Group - $Scholarship_group"; } echo " | "; if(empty($row['Selection_Criterion'])){ //empty() returned true : so there is nothing echo 'Selection Criterion - None'; }else{ //empty() returned false so it is NOT true that there is nothing //so we can print it out: echo "Selection Criterion - $Selection_Criterion"; } echo " | "; if(empty($row['Application_Required'])){ //empty() returned true : so there is nothing echo 'Application Required - No'; }else{ //empty() returned false so it is NOT true that there is nothing //so we can print it out: echo "Application Required - $Application_Required"; } echo " | "; if(empty($row['Awarded_Committee'])){ //empty() returned true : so there is nothing echo 'Awarded Committee - No'; }else{ //empty() returned false so it is NOT true that there is nothing //so we can print it out: echo "Awarded Committee - $Awarded_Committee"; } echo " | "; if(empty($row['Renewable'])){ //empty() returned true : so there is nothing echo 'Renewable - No'; }else{ //empty() returned false so it is NOT true that there is nothing //so we can print it out: echo "Renewable - $Renewable"; } echo "<br><br>"; echo "<strong>Award Criteria:--> </strong>"; if(empty($row['Need_Based'])){ //empty() returned true : so there is nothing echo 'Need_Based - No'; }else{ //empty() returned false so it is NOT true that there is nothing //so we can print it out: echo "Need Based - $Need_Based"; } echo " | "; if(empty($row['Need_Based'])){ //empty() returned true : so there is nothing echo 'Tuition Restricted - No'; }else{ //empty() returned false so it is NOT true that there is nothing //so we can print it out: echo "Tuition Restricted - $Tuition_Restricted"; } echo " | "; if(empty($row['Need_Based'])){ //empty() returned true : so there is nothing echo 'GPA Required - No'; }else{ //empty() returned false so it is NOT true that there is nothing //so we can print it out: echo "Minimum GPA Required - $GPA_Required"; } echo " | "; if(empty($row['Class_Level'])){ //empty() returned true : so there is nothing echo 'Class Level - No'; }else{ //empty() returned false so it is NOT true that there is nothing //so we can print it out: echo "Class Level - $Class_Level"; } echo " | "; if(empty($row['major_minor_requirement'])){ //empty() returned true : so there is nothing echo 'major/minor academic requirement - No'; }else{ //empty() returned false so it is NOT true that there is nothing //so we can print it out: echo "major/minor academic requirement - $major_minor_requirement"; } echo " | "; if(empty($row['extracurricular_requirement'])){ //empty() returned true : so there is nothing echo 'extracurricular requirement - No'; }else{ //empty() returned false so it is NOT true that there is nothing //so we can print it out: echo "extracurricular requirement - $extracurricular_requirement"; } echo " | "; if(empty($row['ACT_Score'])){ //empty() returned true : so there is nothing echo 'ACT Score - No'; }else{ //empty() returned false so it is NOT true that there is nothing //so we can print it out: echo "ACT Score - $ACT_Score"; } echo " | "; if(empty($row['SAT_Score'])){ //empty() returned true : so there is nothing echo 'SAT Score - No'; }else{ //empty() returned false so it is NOT true that there is nothing //so we can print it out: echo "SAT Score - $SAT_Score"; } echo "<br><br>"; echo "<strong>Personal Info:--> </strong>"; if(empty($row['Religion'])){ //empty() returned true : so there is nothing echo 'Religion - No'; }else{ //empty() returned false so it is NOT true that there is nothing //so we can print it out: echo "Religion - $Religion"; } echo " | "; if(empty($row['gender'])){ //empty() returned true : so there is nothing echo 'gender - No'; }else{ //empty() returned false so it is NOT true that there is nothing //so we can print it out: echo "gender - $gender"; } echo " | "; if(empty($row['geographic_region'])){ //empty() returned true : so there is nothing echo 'geographic region - No'; }else{ //empty() returned false so it is NOT true that there is nothing //so we can print it out: echo "geographic region - $geographic_region"; } echo " | "; if(empty($row['zipcode_range'])){ //empty() returned true : so there is nothing echo 'zipcode range - No'; }else{ //empty() returned false so it is NOT true that there is nothing //so we can print it out: echo "zipcode range - $zipcode_range"; } echo " | "; if(empty($row['Diversity'])){ //empty() returned true : so there is nothing echo 'Diversity - No'; }else{ //empty() returned false so it is NOT true that there is nothing //so we can print it out: echo "Diversity - $Diversity"; } ?></span> <? echo "<br><br>"; $count++ ; } $currPage = (($s/$limit) + 1); echo "<br />"; if ($s>=1) { // bypass PREV link if s is 0 $prevs=($s-$limit); print " <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?s=$prevs&q=$var\"><< Prev 10</a>&nbsp "; } $pages=intval($numrows/$limit); if ($numrows%$limit) { $pages++; } if (!((($s+$limit)/$limit)==$pages) && $pages!=1) { $news=$s+$limit; echo " <a href=\"$PHP_SELF?s=$news&q=$var\">Next 10 >></a>"; } $a = $s + ($limit) ; if ($a > $numrows) { $a = $numrows ; } $b = $s + 1 ; echo "<p>Showing results $b to $a of $numrows</p>"; ?>
  3. friendly bump... I have tried several things to no avail :'(
  4. I need that if the database field is empty it displays a message. Here is what I have tried but I know that the fields have information and is displaying N/A. My if statement must be wrong or if any one knows a better way to do it would be great. Thanks in advance! <?php // Connect database. $host=""; // Host name. $db_user=""; // MySQL username. $db_password=""; // MySQL password. $database=""; // Database name. mysql_connect($host,$db_user,$db_password); mysql_select_db($database); $result=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM financial WHERE financial.Scholarship_group='Art' AND financial.Type='Scholarship'"); ?> <?php while($row=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){ ?> <strong>Name: <?php echo $row['Name']; ?></strong><br> <strong>Selection Criterion:</strong> <?php if (mysql_num_rows($row) == 0) { echo "N/A"; } else { echo $row['Selection_Criterion']; } ?> <br> <strong>Award Information:</strong> <?php if (mysql_num_rows($row) == 0) { echo "N/A"; } else { echo $row['Award_Information']; } ?> <?php } // End while loop. ?>
  5. why is this only showing the name in id 1 instead of all of the ones in the name field? <?php require_once('Connections/cuaa_scholarships.php'); ?> <?php if (!function_exists("GetSQLValueString")) { function GetSQLValueString($theValue, $theType, $theDefinedValue = "", $theNotDefinedValue = "") { $theValue = get_magic_quotes_gpc() ? stripslashes($theValue) : $theValue; $theValue = function_exists("mysql_real_escape_string") ? mysql_real_escape_string($theValue) : mysql_escape_string($theValue); switch ($theType) { case "text": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL"; break; case "long": case "int": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? intval($theValue) : "NULL"; break; case "double": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . doubleval($theValue) . "'" : "NULL"; break; case "date": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? "'" . $theValue . "'" : "NULL"; break; case "defined": $theValue = ($theValue != "") ? $theDefinedValue : $theNotDefinedValue; break; } return $theValue; } } mysql_select_db($database_cuaa_scholarships, $cuaa_scholarships); $query_Recordset1 = "SELECT financial.Name FROM financial"; $Recordset1 = mysql_query($query_Recordset1, $cuaa_scholarships) or die(mysql_error()); $row_Recordset1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($Recordset1); $totalRows_Recordset1 = mysql_num_rows($Recordset1); mysql_free_result($Recordset1); ?> <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><?php echo $row_Recordset1['Name']; ?></td> </tr> </table>
  6. is there a javascript code I could use to get this to happen?
  7. I think is this where it needs to be done with an if or else then echo? if ( $params->get( 'menu_images' ) ) { $menu_params = new stdClass(); $menu_params =& new mosParameters( $mitem->params ); $menu_image = $menu_params->def( 'menu_image', -1 ); if ( ( $menu_image <> '-1' ) && $menu_image ) { $image = '<img src="'. $mosConfig_live_site .'/images/stories/'. $menu_image .'" border="0" alt="'. $mitem->name .'"/>'; if ( $params->get( 'menu_images_align' ) ) { $txt = $txt .' '. $image; } else { $txt = $image .' '. $txt; } } } return $txt; }
  8. Here is the code I have it where is is taking image 1 which is an arrow but on click when the parent clicked and child is open I need the parent image to show an arrow down... <?php /** * @version $Id: mod_mainmenu.php,v 1.2 2005/08/02 08:21:53 akede Exp $ * @package Mambo * @copyright (C) 2000 - 2005 Miro International Pty Ltd * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL * Mambo is Free Software */ /** ensure this file is being included by a parent file */ defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' ); if (!defined( '_MOS_MAINMENU_MODULE' )) { /** ensure that functions are declared only once */ define( '_MOS_MAINMENU_MODULE', 1 ); /** * Utility function for writing a menu link */ function mosGetMenuLink( $mitem, $level=0, &$params ) { global $Itemid, $mosConfig_live_site, $mainframe; $txt = ''; switch ($mitem->type) { case 'separator': case 'component_item_link': break; case 'content_item_link': $temp = split("&task=view&id=", $mitem->link); $mitem->link .= '&Itemid='. $mainframe->getItemid($temp[1]); break; case 'url': if ( eregi( 'index.php\?', $mitem->link ) ) { if ( !eregi( 'Itemid=', $mitem->link ) ) { $mitem->link .= '&Itemid='. $mitem->id; } } break; case 'content_typed': default: $mitem->link .= '&Itemid='. $mitem->id; break; } // Active Menu highlighting $current_itemid = $Itemid; if ( !$current_itemid ) { $id = ''; } else if ( $current_itemid == $mitem->id ) { $id = 'id="active_menu'. $params->get( 'class_sfx' ) .'"'; } else { $id = ''; } $mitem->link = ampReplace( $mitem->link ); if ( strcasecmp( substr( $mitem->link,0,4 ), 'http' ) ) { $mitem->link = sefRelToAbs( $mitem->link ); } $menuclass = 'mainlevel'. $params->get( 'class_sfx' ); if ($level > 0) { $menuclass = 'sublevel'. $params->get( 'class_sfx'); } switch ($mitem->browserNav) { // cases are slightly different case 1: // open in a new window $txt = '<a href="'. $mitem->link .'" target="_blank" class="'. $menuclass .'" '. $id .'>'. $mitem->name .'</a>'; break; case 2: // open in a popup window $txt = "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"javascript: window.open('". $mitem->link ."', '', 'toolbar=no,location=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=780,height=550'); return false\" class=\"$menuclass\" ". $id .">". $mitem->name ."</a>\n"; break; case 3: // don't link it $txt = '<span class="'. $menuclass .'" '. $id .'>'. $mitem->name .'</span>'; break; default: // formerly case 2 // open in parent window $txt = '<a href="'. $mitem->link .'" class="'. $menuclass .'" '. $id .'>'. $mitem->name .'</a>'; break; } if ( $params->get( 'menu_images' ) ) { $menu_params = new stdClass(); $menu_params =& new mosParameters( $mitem->params ); $menu_image = $menu_params->def( 'menu_image', -1 ); if ( ( $menu_image <> '-1' ) && $menu_image ) { $image = '<img src="'. $mosConfig_live_site .'/images/stories/'. $menu_image .'" border="0" alt="'. $mitem->name .'"/>'; if ( $params->get( 'menu_images_align' ) ) { $txt = $txt .' '. $image; } else { $txt = $image .' '. $txt; } } } return $txt; } /** * Vertically Indented Menu */ function mosShowVIMenu( &$params ) { global $database, $my, $cur_template, $Itemid; global $mosConfig_absolute_path, $mosConfig_live_site, $mosConfig_shownoauth; /* If a user has signed in, get their user type */ $intUserType = 0; if($my->gid){ switch ($my->usertype) { case 'Super Administrator': $intUserType = 0; break; case 'Administrator': $intUserType = 1; break; case 'Editor': $intUserType = 2; break; case 'Registered': $intUserType = 3; break; case 'Author': $intUserType = 4; break; case 'Publisher': $intUserType = 5; break; case 'Manager': $intUserType = 6; break; } } else { /* user isn't logged in so make their usertype 0 */ $intUserType = 0; } if ($mosConfig_shownoauth) { $sql = "SELECT m.* FROM #__menu AS m" . "\nWHERE menutype='". $params->get( 'menutype' ) ."' AND published='1'" . "\nORDER BY parent,ordering"; } else { $sql = "SELECT m.* FROM #__menu AS m" . "\nWHERE menutype='". $params->get( 'menutype' ) ."' AND published='1' AND access <= '$my->gid'" . "\nORDER BY parent,ordering"; } $database->setQuery( $sql ); $rows = $database->loadObjectList( 'id' ); // indent icons switch ( $params->get( 'indent_image' ) ) { case '1': // Default images $imgpath = $mosConfig_live_site .'/images/M_images'; for ( $i = 1; $i < 7; $i++ ) { $img[$i] = '<img src="'. $imgpath .'/indent'. $i .'.png" alt="" />'; } break; case '2': // Use Params $imgpath = $mosConfig_live_site .'/images/M_images'; for ( $i = 1; $i < 7; $i++ ) { if ( $params->get( 'indent_image'. $i ) == '-1' ) { $img[$i] = NULL; } else { $img[$i] = '<img src="'. $imgpath .'/'. $params->get( 'indent_image'. $i ) .'" alt="" />'; } } break; case '3': // None for ( $i = 1; $i < 7; $i++ ) { $img[$i] = NULL; } break; default: // Template $imgpath = $mosConfig_live_site .'/templates/'. $cur_template .'/images'; for ( $i = 1; $i < 7; $i++ ) { $img[$i] = '<img src="'. $imgpath .'/indent'. $i .'.png" alt="" />'; } break; } $indents = array( // block prefix / item prefix / item suffix / block suffix array( '<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">', '<tr align="left"><td>' , '</td></tr>', '</table>' ), array( '', '<div style="padding-left: 4px">'. $img[1] , '</div>', '' ), array( '', '<div style="padding-left: 8px">'. $img[2] , '</div>', '' ), array( '', '<div style="padding-left: 12px">'. $img[3] , '</div>', '' ), array( '', '<div style="padding-left: 16px">'. $img[4] , '</div>', '' ), array( '', '<div style="padding-left: 20px">'. $img[5] , '</div>', '' ), array( '', '<div style="padding-left: 24px">'. $img[6] , '</div>', '' ), ); // establish the hierarchy of the menu $children = array(); // first pass - collect children foreach ($rows as $v ) { $pt = $v->parent; $list = @$children[$pt] ? $children[$pt] : array(); array_push( $list, $v ); $children[$pt] = $list; } // second pass - collect 'open' menus $open = array( $Itemid ); $count = 20; // maximum levels - to prevent runaway loop $id = $Itemid; while (--$count) { if (isset($rows[$id]) && $rows[$id]->parent > 0) { $id = $rows[$id]->parent; $open[] = $id; } else { break; } } mosRecurseVIMenu( 0, 0, $children, $open, $indents, $params ); } /** * Utility function to recursively work through a vertically indented * hierarchial menu */ function mosRecurseVIMenu( $id, $level, &$children, &$open, &$indents, &$params ) { global $Itemid; if (@$children[$id]) { $n = min( $level, count( $indents )-1 ); echo "\n".$indents[$n][0]; foreach ($children[$id] as $row) { echo "\n".$indents[$n][1]; echo mosGetMenuLink( $row, $level, $params ); // show menu with menu expanded - submenus visible if ( !$params->get( 'expand_menu' ) ) { if ( in_array( $row->id, $open )) { mosRecurseVIMenu( $row->id, $level+1, $children, $open, $indents, $params ); } } else { mosRecurseVIMenu( $row->id, $level+1, $children, $open, $indents, $params ); } echo $indents[$n][2]; } echo "\n".$indents[$n][3]; } } ?>
  9. tried this to no avail? $headers .= "BCC: info@fortwaynerestaurant.net\r\n";
  10. okay got this to work but how do I BCC also <?php $fileatt = "images/VOUCHER.pdf"; // Path to the file $fileatt_type = "application/pdf"; // File Type $fileatt_name = "VOUCHER.pdf"; // Filename that will be used for the file as the attachment $email_from = "webmaster@cerealcitygril.com"; // Who the email is from $email_subject = "Cereal City Grill Dining Voucher"; // The Subject of the email $email_message = "$name,<br>"; $email_message .= "Thank you for siging up for the Prestige Members Club<br>please use this attachment for your dining voucher"; // Message that the email has in it $email_to = $_POST['email']; // Who the email is to $headers = "From: ".$email_from; $file = fopen($fileatt,'rb'); $data = fread($file,filesize($fileatt)); fclose($file); $semi_rand = md5(time()); $mime_boundary = "==Multipart_Boundary_x{$semi_rand}x"; $headers .= "\nMIME-Version: 1.0\n" . "Content-Type: multipart/mixed;\n" . " boundary=\"{$mime_boundary}\""; $email_message .= "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n\n" . "--{$mime_boundary}\n" . "Content-Type:text/html; charset=\"iso-8859-1\"\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n" . $email_message .= "\n\n"; $data = chunk_split(base64_encode($data)); $email_message .= "--{$mime_boundary}\n" . "Content-Type: {$fileatt_type};\n" . " name=\"{$fileatt_name}\"\n" . //"Content-Disposition: attachment;\n" . //" filename=\"{$fileatt_name}\"\n" . "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n\n" . $data .= "\n\n" . "--{$mime_boundary}--\n"; $ok = @mail($email_to, $email_subject, $email_message, $headers); if($ok) { echo "<font face=verdana size=2><center>You file has been sent<br> to the email address you specified.<br> Make sure to check your junk mail!<br> Click <a href=\"#\" onclick=\"history.back();\">here</a> to return to mysite.com.</center>"; } else { die("Sorry but there was an error. Please go back and try again!"); } ?>
  11. This populates the database but does not send the email? <?php $to = '$email'; $subject = "New Cereal City Grill Prestige Club Member"; $message = "Congratulations $name,"; $headers = "Thank you for joining the Cereal City Grill's Prestige Members' Club. Click the attachment for your $10 voucher"; $headers .= "BCC: info@fortwaynerestaurant.net\r\n"; $attachment = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents('images/VOUCHER.pdf'))); mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_close($con); ?>
  12. is there a tag that I can put at the end of session1 to get it to stop looking?
  13. any suggestions? I would prefer not to pull from database
  14. I could pull the id from the database if you could show me how
  15. that is in an includes file...there is no where else to update?
  16. here is pretty much the entire code...what it does it turns one tab on or off depending on what page you are on. sectionid11 is also turning on sectionid1 <?php if (stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'sectionid=1') !== false) { $class = 'alumni_tab_1_index'; $mouseOver='alumni_tab_1_on_index'; $mouseOut = 'alumni_tab_1_index'; } else { $class = 'tab_1'; $mouseOver = 'tab_1_on'; $mouseOut = 'tab_1'; } ?> <div class="<?php echo $class; ?>" onMouseOver="this.className='<?php echo $mouseOver; ?>'" onMouseOut="this.className='<?php echo $mouseOut; ?>'">alumni</div> </a></td> <td width="105"><a href="index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=2&id=14&Itemid=37" class="a_black text_10"> <?php if (stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'sectionid=2') !== false) { $class = 'giving_tab_1_index'; $mouseOver='giving_tab_1_on_index'; $mouseOut = 'giving_tab_1_index'; } else { $class = 'tab_1'; $mouseOver = 'tab_1_on'; $mouseOut = 'tab_1'; } ?> <div class="<?php echo $class; ?>" onMouseOver="this.className='<?php echo $mouseOver; ?>'" onMouseOut="this.className='<?php echo $mouseOut; ?>'">giving</div> </a></td> <td width="105"><a href="index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=11&id=232&Itemid=250" class="a_black text_10"> <?php if (stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'sectionid=11') !== false) { $class = 'kreft_tab_1_index'; $mouseOver='kreft_tab_1_on_index'; $mouseOut = 'kreft_tab_1_index'; } else { $class = 'tab_1'; $mouseOver = 'tab_1_on'; $mouseOut = 'tab_1'; } ?> <div class="<?php echo $class; ?>" onMouseOver="this.className='<?php echo $mouseOver; ?>'" onMouseOut="this.className='<?php echo $mouseOut; ?>'">kreft arts</div> </a></td> <td width="105"><a href="index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=3&id=198&Itemid=207" class="a_black text_10"> <?php if (stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'sectionid=3') !== false) { $class = 'library_tab_1_index'; $mouseOver='library_tab_1_on_index'; $mouseOut = 'library_tab_1_index'; } else { $class = 'tab_1'; $mouseOver = 'tab_1_on'; $mouseOut = 'tab_1'; } ?> <div class="<?php echo $class; ?>" onMouseOver="this.className='<?php echo $mouseOver; ?>'" onMouseOut="this.className='<?php echo $mouseOut; ?>'">library</div> </a></td> <td width="105"><a href="index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=12&id=240&Itemid=257" class="a_black text_10"> <?php if (stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'sectionid=12') !== false) { $class = 'graduate_tab_1_index'; $mouseOver='graduate_tab_1_on_index'; $mouseOut = 'graduate_tab_1_index'; } else { $class = 'tab_1'; $mouseOver = 'tab_1_on'; $mouseOut = 'tab_1'; } ?> <div class="<?php echo $class; ?>" onMouseOver="this.className='<?php echo $mouseOver; ?>'" onMouseOut="this.className='<?php echo $mouseOut; ?>'">graduate studies</div>
  17. sorry guys one more issue when the section id is 10 11 12 etc. it pulls the 1 also? Here is the code please help <?php if (stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'sectionid=1') !== false) { $class = 'alumni_tab_1_index'; $mouseOver='alumni_tab_1_on_index'; $mouseOut = 'alumni_tab_1_index'; } else { $class = 'tab_1'; $mouseOver = 'tab_1_on'; $mouseOut = 'tab_1'; } ?> <div class="<?php echo $class; ?>" onMouseOver="this.className='<?php echo $mouseOver; ?>'" onMouseOut="this.className='<?php echo $mouseOut; ?>'">alumni</div>
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