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Everything posted by bigbenbuilders

  1. and yes that was what I was trying to do from the begining...lol
  2. for example the string could look like this and needs to stay on http://cuaa.info/index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=1&id=5&Itemid=10
  3. mikeesta707 perfect but with just another little hitch the id=1 for that section will not change but the rest could and I need it to stay on when the id=1 regardless of the rest of the string...here is the code and it does work when I remove part of the string and switches... <? if($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=1&id=1&Itemid=2') { $class = 'alumni_tab_1_index'; $mouseOver='alumni_tab_1_on_index'; $mouseOut = 'alumni_tab_1_index'; } else { $class = 'tab_1'; $mouseOver = 'tab_1_on'; $mouseOut = 'tab_1'; } ?> <div class="<?php echo $class; ?>" onMouseOver="this.className='<?php echo $mouseOver; ?>'" onMouseOut="this.className='<?php echo $mouseOut; ?>'">alumni</div>
  4. if the if statement is false and when rolled over they are tab1
  5. you da man you da man... how do I get this in the echo because if false it would be tab1 onMouseOver="this.className='alumni_tab_1_on_index'" onMouseOut="this.className='alumni_tab_1_index'"
  6. dang I know I am close..now I get a blank page here is what I have <div class="<?php if (this){ ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=1&id=1&Itemid=2'){echo 'alumni_tab_1_index';}} else { echo "default echo"; } ?>" onMouseOver="this.className='alumni_tab_1_on_index'" onMouseOut="this.className='alumni_tab_1_index'">alumni</div>
  7. mikesta777 that worked perfect...one more question if it does not equal the url then how do I have it default to another echo?
  8. thanks for all your help mikesta707...it displays the word alumni and when I roll over it the tab pops up but it is not up like it is supposed to be at the begining like it is returning a false? this is what I have <div class="<?php if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] == '/index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=1&id=1&Itemid=2'){echo 'class="alumni_tab_1_index"';} ?>" onMouseOver="this.className='alumni_tab_1_on_index'" onMouseOut="this.className='alumni_tab_1_index'">alumni</div>
  9. this is what I have with the full url in it and it is not working? <div class="<?php if (stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'http://cuaa.info/index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=1&id=1&Itemid=2') !== false) {echo 'class="alumni_tab_1_index"';} ?>" onMouseOver="this.className='alumni_tab_1_on_index'" onMouseOut="this.className='alumni_tab_1_index'">alumni</div>
  10. its displaying this on the page class="alumni_tab_1_on_index" I want it to call the class from the css?
  11. mikesta707 that does produce the words selected but how do I embed the other code into it?
  12. sorry this is like this <td width="105"><a href="index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=2&id=1&Itemid=37 " class="a_black text_10"> <div class="alumni_tab_1" onMouseOver="this.className='alumni_tab_1_on_index'" onMouseOut="this.className='alumni_tab_1_index'">giving</div> </a></td>
  13. im trying to replace with this <?php if (stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'/id=1/') !== false) {echo 'class="alumni_tab_1_on_index"';} ?> from this <td width="105"><a href="index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=2&id=1&Itemid=37 " class="a_black text_10"> <div class="tab_1" onMouseOver="this.className='tab_1_on_index'" onMouseOut="this.className='tab_1_index'">giving</div> </a></td>
  14. If my URL = this echo success... what I am trying to do with this script if the url is this then it will say this? but it doesnt? <?php if (stripos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'/index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=1&id=1&Itemid=2/') !== false) {echo '"selected"';} ?>
  15. When I just put in a flash file I have a layer that covers part of the flash with other content. When I use a php includes file to rotate flash it works great but then it covers the layer? Here is the includes file and the index page. If I embed the video direct works great just wont allow the div to over lap with the php file <?php $imglist=''; //$img_folder is the variable that holds the path to the swf files. // see that you dont forget about the "/" at the end $img_folder = "templates/flash/"; mt_srand((double)microtime()*1000); //use the directory class $imgs = dir($img_folder); //read all files from the directory, ad them to a list while ($file = $imgs->read()) { if (eregi("swf", $file)) $imglist .= "$file "; } closedir($imgs->handle); //put all images into an array $imglist = explode(" ", $imglist); $no = sizeof($imglist)-2; //generate a random number between 0 and the number of images $random = mt_rand(0, $no); $image = $imglist[$random]; //display random swf echo '<embed src="'.$img_folder.$image.'"quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="977" height="220"></embed>'; ?> index.php <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7" /> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <META name="Publisher" content="majicCMS v3 http://www.cuaa.edu/"> <META name="Author" content="majicCMS v3 http://www.cuaa.edu/"> <META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="A description about the content of your homepage should go here"> <META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="Keywords about your home page should go here"> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="templates/images/favicon.ico"> <title>Home - Welcome to Concordia University</title> <link href="templates/css/main_css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="templates/css/homepage_css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="templates/form_login/addon.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> <script src="templates/form_login/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="templates/form_login/function.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="templates/Scripts/textsizer.js"> /*********************************************** * Document Text Sizer- Copyright 2003 - Taewook Kang. 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text-align: left; margin-top: 3px;">Concordia's programs are founded on strong student/faculty relationships, giving individuals the best chance to go as far as their determination and talent will take them. 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Every student brings to Concordia unique God-given talents, passions, skills and interests. We focus our attention on helping each student to find their place, their voice in the world.</p> <p>Concordia’s programs are founded on strong student/faculty relationships, giving individuals the best chance to go as far as their determination and talent will take them. We help students educate their ambition and encourage them to stand up and be leaders in their fields of study. Students can be the teacher, be the social worker, be the musician, be the artist, be the business leader, be the one following their dreams. 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  16. trying to follow your lead this is what I have done with the same results $option = (isset($_REQUEST['option'])) ? trim(strtolower(mosGetParam($_REQUEST,'option'))) : 'com_content'; $sectionid = (isset($_REQUEST['sectionid'])) ? trim(strtolower(mosGetParam($_REQUEST,'sectionid'))) : '16'; $id = (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) ? trim(strtolower(mosGetParam($_REQUEST,'id'))) : '293'; $Itemid = (isset($_REQUEST['Itemid'])) ? trim(strtolower(mosGetParam($_REQUEST,'Itemid'))) : '351'; $database = new database( $mosConfig_host, $mosConfig_user, $mosConfig_password, $mosConfig_db, $mosConfig_dbprefix ); $database->debug( $mosConfig_debug ); $acl = new gacl_api();
  17. mjdamato yes you did sorry didnt see it all...still couldnt get it to work
  18. here is what I did and it did not work $option = (isset($_GET['option']))?$_GET['option']:'com_content'; $task = (isset($_GET['task']))?$_GET['task']:'category'; $sectionid = (isset($_GET['sectionid']))?$_GET['sectionid']:'16'; $id = (isset($_GET['id']))?$_GET['id']:'293'; $Itemid = (isset($_GET['Itemid']))?$_GET['Itemid']:'351'; $database = new database( $mosConfig_host, $mosConfig_user, $mosConfig_password, $mosConfig_db, $mosConfig_dbprefix ); $database->debug( $mosConfig_debug ); $acl = new gacl_api();
  19. yes that is what I am wanting to do and please how do I do that?
  20. guys I tried headers tried an on body reload and it loops...is there another way to do this to redirect this to another page. this file is called index.php and want it to redirect to index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=16&id=293&Itemid=351 <?php // fix to address the globals overwrite problem in php versions < 4.4.1 $protect_globals = array('_REQUEST', '_GET', '_POST', '_COOKIE', '_FILES', '_SERVER', '_ENV', 'GLOBALS', '_SESSION'); foreach ($protect_globals as $global) { if ( in_array($global , array_keys($_REQUEST)) || in_array($global , array_keys($_GET)) || in_array($global , array_keys($_POST)) || in_array($global , array_keys($_COOKIE)) || in_array($global , array_keys($_FILES))) { die("Invalid Request."); } } /** Set flag that this is a parent file */ define( '_VALID_MOS', 1 ); session_start(); // checks for configuration file, if none found loads installation page if ( !file_exists( 'configuration.php' ) || filesize( 'configuration.php' ) < 10 ) { header( 'Location: installation/index.php' ); exit(); } include_once( 'globals.php' ); require_once( 'configuration.php' ); // displays offline page if ( $mosConfig_offline == 1 ){ include( 'offline.php' ); exit(); } require_once( 'includes/mambo.php' ); if (file_exists( 'components/com_sef/sef.php' )) { require_once( 'components/com_sef/sef.php' ); } else { require_once( 'includes/sef.php' ); } require_once( 'includes/frontend.php' ); /* Installation sub folder check, removed for work with CVS*/ if (file_exists( 'installation/index.php' )) { include ('offline.php'); exit(); } /**/ /** retrieve some expected url (or form) arguments */ $option = trim( strtolower( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'option' ) ) ); $Itemid = intval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'Itemid', null ) ); $database = new database( $mosConfig_host, $mosConfig_user, $mosConfig_password, $mosConfig_db, $mosConfig_dbprefix ); $database->debug( $mosConfig_debug ); $acl = new gacl_api(); //--- Start Nok Kaew Patch $mosConfig_nok_content='0'; if (file_exists( 'components/com_nokkaew/nokkaew.php' )) { $mosConfig_nok_content='1'; // can also go into the configuration - but this might be overwritten! require_once( "administrator/components/com_nokkaew/nokkaew.class.php"); require_once( "components/com_nokkaew/classes/nokkaew.class.php"); } if( $mosConfig_nok_content ) { $database = new mlDatabase( $mosConfig_host, $mosConfig_user, $mosConfig_password, $mosConfig_db, $mosConfig_dbprefix ); } else { $database = new database( $mosConfig_host, $mosConfig_user, $mosConfig_password, $mosConfig_db, $mosConfig_dbprefix ); } if ($mosConfig_nok_content) { $mosConfig_defaultLang = $mosConfig_lang; // Save the default language of the site $iso_client_lang = NokKaew::discoverLanguage( $database ); $_NOKKAEW_MANAGER = new NokKaewManager(); } //--- End Nok Kaew Patch if ($option == '') { if ($Itemid) { $query = "SELECT id, link" . "\n FROM #__menu" . "\n WHERE menutype='mainmenu'" . "\n AND id = '$Itemid'" . "\n AND published = '1'" ; $database->setQuery( $query ); } else { $query = "SELECT id, link" . "\n FROM #__menu" . "\n WHERE menutype='mainmenu' AND published='1'" . "\n ORDER BY parent, ordering LIMIT 1" ; $database->setQuery( $query ); } $menu = new mosMenu( $database ); if ($database->loadObject( $menu )) { $Itemid = $menu->id; } $link = $menu->link; if (($pos = strpos( $link, '?' )) !== false) { $link = substr( $link, $pos+1 ). '&Itemid='.$Itemid; } parse_str( $link, $temp ); /** this is a patch, need to rework when globals are handled better */ foreach ($temp as $k=>$v) { $GLOBALS[$k] = $v; $_REQUEST[$k] = $v; if ($k == 'option') { $option = $v; } } } /** mainframe is an API workhorse, lots of 'core' interaction routines */ $mainframe = new mosMainFrame( $database, $option, '.' ); $mainframe->initSession(); // checking if we can find the Itemid thru the content if ( $option == 'com_content' && $Itemid === 0 ) { $id = intval( mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'id', 0 ) ); $Itemid = $mainframe->getItemid( $id ); } /** do we have a valid Itemid yet?? */ if ( $Itemid === null ) { /** Nope, just use the homepage then. */ $query = "SELECT id" . "\n FROM #__menu" . "\n WHERE menutype='mainmenu'" . "\n AND published='1'" . "\n ORDER BY parent, ordering" . "\n LIMIT 1" ; $database->setQuery( $query ); $Itemid = $database->loadResult(); } /** patch to lessen the impact on templates */ if ($option == 'search') { $option = 'com_search'; } // loads english language file by default if ( $mosConfig_lang == '' ) { $mosConfig_lang = 'english'; } include_once ( 'language/'.$mosConfig_lang.'.php' ); // frontend login & logout controls $return = mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'return', NULL ); if ($option == "login") { $mainframe->login(); // JS Popup message if ( mosGetParam( $_POST, 'message', 0 ) ) { ?> <script> <!--// alert( "<?php echo _LOGIN_SUCCESS; ?>" ); //--> </script> <?php } if ($return) { mosRedirect( $return ); } else { mosRedirect( 'index.php' ); } } else if ($option == "logout") { $mainframe->logout(); // JS Popup message if ( mosGetParam( $_POST, 'message', 0 ) ) { ?> <script> <!--// alert( "<?php echo _LOGOUT_SUCCESS; ?>" ); //--> </script> <?php } if ($return) { mosRedirect( $return ); } else { mosRedirect( 'index.php' ); } } /** get the information about the current user from the sessions table */ $my = $mainframe->getUser(); /** detect first visit */ $mainframe->detect(); $gid = intval( $my->gid ); // gets template for page $cur_template = $mainframe->getTemplate(); /** temp fix - this feature is currently disabled */ /** @global A places to store information from processing of the component */ $_MOS_OPTION = array(); // precapture the output of the component require_once( $mosConfig_absolute_path . '/editor/editor.php' ); ob_start(); if ($path = $mainframe->getPath( 'front' )) { $task = mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'task', '' ); $ret = mosMenuCheck( $Itemid, $option, $task, $gid ); if ($ret) { require_once( $path ); } else { mosNotAuth(); } } else { echo _NOT_EXIST; } $_MOS_OPTION['buffer'] = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); initGzip(); header( 'Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT' ); header( 'Last-Modified: ' . gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s' ) . ' GMT' ); header( 'Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate' ); header( 'Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', false ); header( 'Pragma: no-cache' ); // loads template file if ( !file_exists( 'templates/'. $cur_template .'/index.php' ) ) { echo _TEMPLATE_WARN . $cur_template; } else { require_once( 'templates/'. $cur_template .'/index.php' ); echo "<!-- ".time()." -->"; } // displays queries performed for page if ($mosConfig_debug) { echo $database->_ticker . ' queries executed'; echo '<pre>'; foreach ($database->_log as $k=>$sql) { echo $k+1 . "\n" . $sql . '<hr />'; } } doGzip(); ?>
  21. no it shows this doesnt show the flash file <script src="http://cuaa.info/mambo/templates/Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
  22. shows the page content just not the flash?
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