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Posts posted by keldorn

  1. With so many threads I find it strange is that I never come across PHPfreaks posts in Google while searching for coding related questions.  The sites I do come across are like devshed, (which I really hate becuase their code/content is shitty formatted and crowded in by ads) and dreamincode and some Scraper Site called bigresource or something.


    I think however it may be the forum software, I never really come across SMF forum threads in Google. I think Google bot doesn't like SMF.


  2. I really don't think it worth the hassle unless you have a lot of traffic that it actually might save a noticeable about of bandwidth.  Something I do go threw the trouble off  is too turn all the icons and parts of the template into CSS sprites, and also put all the sprites threw PNGCrush.  That often adds noticeable loading improvements to the site and descreases the HTTP requests to the website. HTTP requests are expensive, specially with Apache, I think one slot take 15MB ram on my server, So I want them to get everything as quick as possible and close the slot.

  3. I know this trilogy is a few years old, but I watched The matrix, Matrix reloaded, and Matrix revolutions 2 nights ago, I was thinking about it. The Matrix 2 and 3 were crap. Were all understanding here of programming methodology right? Well thats were the crap shines threw in #2 and #3, its just doens't make any sense some of the things that happened in that movie from a programming stand point. I think the crap came from when they put oracle and this other nonsense into the movie. For example in Revelotions how does a train station with a train man make any fucking sense serilsy? Why would program have a kid and a wife?  ::)


    Also  how does Neo manage to see in #3 when his eyes are gone? Thats not realistic, unless their implying that the real world in also a matrix, that would mean the The Matrix is an emedded world inside another matrix, which might imply recursion. Anyways I can't really describe here in words without making this a TLDR, but #2 and #3 were bullocks from a programming methodology point of view. #1 was good, that actually made sense. For example everything in the matrix could be written in OOP, just tons of objects extending other objects, with the basic rules of gravity. Thats why #1 made sense for me and I liked it, #2 and #3 didn't do it for me, also that oracle women really made just want to punch her the face, they only thing she said "Is why and why this, why? You know the answer, its not about choice its about why? Spare me!, That got to be the worse proverbial dribble  I have had to endure!. haha  :P

  4. And yet hating kids and being superficial is not morally wrong?


    I don't think I'm being superficial, what I listed is just the framework [wtf did I just framework?] of my ideal women, there is a lot there that is negotiable.  Doing two women at the same time is not necessarily immoral, the social consequences that come from it are what make it immoral, which is really what immoral implies, something that damages the fabric of society, corrupting and perverting it.


  5. I would like a women as long as she doesn't have kids, not bi or lesbo, becuase those women just waste your fucking time, and not fat. I also dont like brown eyes, I would prefer green or blue.



    how else do you plan on getting a 3-some? You can't seriously call yourself a man and not want a 3-some...


    Nope I think such things are moral wrong.

  6. I would like a women as long as she doesn't have kids, not bi or lesbo, becuase those women just waste your fucking time, and not fat. I also dont like brown eyes, I would prefer green or blue.


  7. Thats pretty much the problem right there, there too cheap. Custom software is not cheap. Looking at scriptlance I cant belive that there is people there quoting things like 20 days delivery for $1,000. There out of their minds, or the software they will deliver is going to be  garbage, and  if you live in the western countries $1,000 might not pay your rent, and 20 days is pretty much almost a whole month shot to hell for $1,000. You'll be a programmer in poverty.



  8. Like to change my statement to dvddrypter being 'grey area' software, according the wiki article a Supreme Judge in the U.S declared it illegal. It might be illegal to own it if you live in United States. The site hosting it is on a U.K server. You gotta love that DRM  crap.

  9. Nero will burn DVD's but its not free. Have you heard of DVDdycrypter?  I remember it can rip DVD's to Image Roms  and burn the roms to DVD's. Buts its illegal software becuase it circumvents DRM. You can't download it anywhere, you have to *find it.* ::)


    Edit: Your in Luck, just Google "dvd decrypter" there is a mirror hosting it.  The site must be hosted in one those offshore servers.

  10. Copying the DVD is last your worries, burning it is also a art of mystery,  :D

    Last night I tried to burn The Matrix (.avi) to a DVD, but couldn't find anything usefull, the whole Google Search results are full of spam and shady software I wouldn't trust with a 10 feet pole, I found NERO but it wasn't free.  I found one other called , DVDFlick that was recommend by some forum post I came across, but it didn't work, the dvd player "No valid disk". After an 1 1/2 hours,

    I just ended up moving my computer close to my  widescreen tv and hooked it up with a 6 foot S-video cable and watch it off the computer ending my frustration. :P


    Honestly I am not even going to even bother with that medium anymore, going buy a 20Feet s-video cord to hook up my tv. Beats the frustration. I suggest the same. So convert those DVD to .avi's and skip the burning bullshit.

  11. The customers often [offer] very low money, expecting "professional product" to be done in 3 weeks without designing it etc. I prefer inventing completely new, nontrivial software.


    This is why I'm not even seriously considering freelancing, I've seen what people are offering are places like Scriptlance,  That kind of pay doesn't compensate anything for the other hidden costs of being a good programmer, like your social life and your health.

    I get people contact me on webmaster forums wanting to do something I know will take maby 8 hours and pay me $5. 

    $0.60 an hour anybody, no? I didn't think so.  :P

    Even if you get one thats maby $500 for a 7 day job , and you spend 8 hours a day, that still only $8.92/hour. You may aswell get a job in mcdonalds. lmao



  12. That type of thing probably could only work in Dev jobs,  it may look like your not working, but your subconsciously figuring out some programmatic problem in your head while playing that video game.  :Pheck sometimes answers to a problem I was having the night before come to me while I'm sleeping. Programming is a 24/7 job.  :D



    personally I find guys like the owner of PlentyofFish, and owners of other startups like Facebook, and the like to be inspiring becuase there entrepreneur programmers, there not caught up in working in cubicles having their skills being exploited by someone else.


  13. I started off small sometime in 2005, just messing with a local LAMP stack for no particular reason, but what really drives me learn is that I'm more of a entrepreneur. I like to create Startups/websites or whatever the hell you want to call it.  I'm not afraid to handle the responsibilities that come with it, even If I may have to handle way day to create an LLC, I'll figure it out.  I think sometime in 2007 I found Adsense and this whole advertinsg traffic = $ business model that drives the internet really grabbed my focus. There is great potentional here, you have to look no further then the Quantcast list to see the possible amount of millionaires the internet has created. and also if you idea is really good you could be acquired with a huge payoff for your application. So I realized that in order to create a good websites that people will actually use, I will need to learn programming more seriously.

  14. The if(function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc')) {  code that keldorn posted is nonsense. The get_magic_quotes_gpc function exists in php4, php5, and php6, so that code will always perform stripslashes() even if the magic_quotes_gpc setting is OFF. This will result in any actual \ in the data being removed. stripslashes() should only be executed when magic_quotes_gpc in ON, in which case calling the get_magic_quotes_gpc() function will return a TRUE value.

    Are you sure , I learned that from the PHP IPN example from Paypal. If you'll take a look,


    Why would paypal show a incorrect way to  detect magic quotes. Would of the code example been reviewed before being put on the site?

  15. My gripe with it people who make opensource web softwares, is that  it lowers the barrier to entry in some markets. Some niches can be absolutely saturated to the point of zero-profit condition. Ruining it for the people who did have the skills the create their own software. Thats why some niches like Image hosting are impossible to enter, becuase there so many open source image hosting scripts the whole niche completly staturated. Even if you programmed your own image hosting script and your start up might end up going unknown, awashed in the hundreds of other now dime a dozen image hosting sites.

  16. In addition, you should use switch() for the action, like



    $action = isset($_GET['action']) === true ? $_GET['action'] : "";
    // case matches action
        case 'foo':
            echo "foo";
       break; // exit switch were done
         case 'bar':
            echo "bar";
        // defaults here if action does not exist, you can use this to your advantage to just throw an error 
        header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");       
         $action = htmlentities($action);
        exit("Action ( {$action} ) undefined.");


    You can copy that and save it as a PHP file and do this





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