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Everything posted by n000bie

  1. I'm not quite sure what your question is....but all the pictures are lined up in the white box. You have given padding:3px in the style sheet (_style2.css line 284). For me both sites look same (only difference is position of image container). I checked in FF 3.0 and IE 6
  2. You can add display:inline for the p tag or use span instead of p. Don't know how your layout should look like (it is so confusing). You have used same style for LI (inside first ul) and P (inside second ul). I think it will be better to use table for this kind of data.
  3. You need to decrease the width of the div if you use padding. You can use padding in % also. So, if you use padding 2% then width of the div will be 96%.
  4. Your menu bar is giving problem, you need to fix that. or add overflow:hidden in this #menu-con
  5. Add width to this div <div style="vertical-align: middle; height: 100px; width:200px" align="center"> I agree<input type="checkbox" name="agree" value="agree" />
  6. Since your contents are tabular data so go on with tables.
  7. You can check the list on http://php.opensourcecms.com/ Personally, I like MyBB
  8. You have to adjust the width for navbar and content.
  9. I don't think you can, print command is controlled by the browser.
  10. I have done all the stuff but it is still not displaying This is inside head tag <!--[if IE]><script type="text/javascript" src="excanvas.js"></script><![endif]--> <script type="text/javascript" src="coolclock.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="moreskins.js"></script> and inside body <canvas id="c1" class="CoolClock:classic" width="170" height="170" style="width: 170px; height: 170px; border:1px solid red;"/> I don't see the clock in the browser only a border and when I right click I see View image, save image options. I can't figure out why the clock is not displaying. Anyway thanks for reply...
  11. Well, I am trying to add this cool clock to my site http://randomibis.com/coolclock/ It looks simple but nomatter what I try I am not able to display it in my page. I am using FF 3.5.9. Can anyone help me please. Thanks
  12. Use width with float .navbar { width:200px; float:left; margin-left:0px; background-color:blue; } .content { width:710px; float:left; background-color:red; } hope this works...
  13. http://www.digitaldruid.net/php-residence/en/ Php-residence is an open source program for hotel management developed by DigitalDruid.Net.
  14. I checked it in IE6, IE7 and FF 3.5.9, it looks same.
  15. I think it will be better if you combine samothrace_right.png and samothrace_left.png as a single background image for the content div.
  16. It looks same on IE6 and FF 3.0.19
  17. http://swffit.millermedeiros.com/
  18. You can check this http://www.positioniseverything.net/articles/onetruelayout/equalheight
  19. That will be really nice
  20. http://djdesignerlab.com/2010/03/16/25-most-popular-free-flash-xml-photo-galleries/ http://www.webresourcesdepot.com/free-flash-xml-image-gallery-with-source/ http://webdeveloperplus.com/flash/25-amazing-free-flash-based-image-galleries/
  21. n000bie

    IE issue

    Adding position:relative on photo class worked for me
  22. http://www.noupe.com/css/multilevel-drop-down-navigation-menus-examples-and-tutorials.html http://www.htmlgoodies.com/beyond/dhtml/article.php/3470571
  23. Adding width to ol works ( i think) #NewsTopInsertForm ol{ width :100%; padding : 5px 5px 0px 5px; list-style : none; }
  24. #navlist td:hover { background-color:red;} but doesn't work in IE6
  25. quick fix from firebug #footer_above { clear:both; /* added this*/ margin: 0; padding: 0; border: none; text-align: center; background: url(./images/main-bg-footer-repeat.png) repeat-x bottom; width: 100%; vertical-align:bottom; } #footer_above-wrap { width: 1000px; padding-top: 20px; margin:0 auto; /* and this*/ }
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