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Posts posted by doddsey_65

  1. Hi,


    I have been working on a side scrolling shooter for the past couple of weeks and I would like to get some testing done.

    The game is similar in style to many retro shooters like Gradius, UN Squadron etc.


    The game play is a simple wave style, where you complete a level that has certain groups of enemies come at you in different patterns/amounts.


    This version only contains 1 level and is quite short to help with debugging and testing.


    Let me know what you think and if there are any issues that you can see.


    The graphics are basic atm, I will be getting better ones made once the games mechanics are stable.






  2. Hi,


    I've started a new project called Tutalicious. It's a tutorial repository where users can upload their youtube tutorials, or create text tutorials.

    I am in the process of bug testing (on the Beta test thread) but would also like some crits on the design of the site.


    I bought the template off a friend but had to change it quite a bit to fit the sites content. I have just recently added a content slider at the top of the home page but I don't quite like it, so any tips/ideas on that too would be great.


    The images used in the slider are temporary.





  3. Hi,


    iframe validation is done when they enter the approval queue, that's why there is an approval queue :)


    I just tried uploading php and a JS file as the thumbnail and those did not work. I am checking the extension of the uploaded file. Your uploads did not go through as there is no directory associated with you.

    You also say you used SQL injection to gain access to a user account. You registered a username called " ' " (single quote). How is this sql injection? I realise though i should add a min length to usernames :P


    Also the manipulation of select elements isn't important to me. If a user decided to manipulate the HTML then it is their fault if it breaks their experience.

  4. Does "inc/incfiles/header.inc.php" defiantly exist? This is relative to the file you are including it from


    So if your index.php is in ROOT then this file should be in ROOT/inc/incfiles/header.inc.php


    Also if this is from a tutorial then i suggest you find another, some of the HTML you are using is seriously outdated.

  5. $str = '<div class="ProductPageNav">
    <a href="Categories.asp">Our Products</a>: <a href="COMPONENTS.htm" onmouseover="javascript:document.getCatPre.idcategory.value="40"; CatPrecallxml="1"; return runPreCatXML("cat_40");" onmouseout="javascript: CatPrecallxml=""; hidetip();">COMPONENTS</a> > <a href="c42.htm" onmouseover="javascript:document.getCatPre.idcategory.value="42"; CatPrecallxml="1"; return runPreCatXML("cat_42");" onmouseout="javascript: CatPrecallxml=""; hidetip();">Small Parts</a>
    $regex = '\<a href=\"(.*?)\"\>(.*?)\<\/a\>';
    preg_match_all('/' . $regex . '/i', $str, $matches);


    Then you can just pick the ones you want to insert into mysql

  6. Hmmm, I changed the include to the longer tag you suggested, but still not correcting. I don't see teh error detector option in conText, so haven't tried that yet.


    At the top of your php file use

    ini_set('display_errors', 'on');


    That will show all errors.


    Also if you are learning php don't wrap your includes and requires in brackets. These are statements not functions :) They will still work your way however

  7. Hi,


    I am currently working on a new project called Tutalicious. This will be a huge tutorial repository with a broad range of categories ranging from things such as Web Development, 3D modelling to things like how to change a car headlight.


    Users can submit their own tutorials via a youtube embed link, or can create their own text tutorials.

    You can also rate tutorials and view user information.


    The site is currently in it's Beta stage and I would like you to test it and make sure there are no bugs however big or small. And if you have any crits about the layout then I am open to them too.


    More features will be coming once the site is deemed stable enough to move on.






  8. Hi,


    I have just finished creating a profanity filter in PHP and would like to see if anyone can bypass it.


    I have spent a few days working on the algorithm which accounts for spaces and symbols as well as words that sound like profanity eg/ replacing "er" with "a".


    I should mention that this project displays a list of all the words that bypass the filter. So if you do not wish to see these words then please do not visit the page.







  9. Hi, I have just finished writing a standards compiler and wanted to know what you guys thought.



    Its basically a script that runs through every file and directory of a site and checks to see if it is standards complient. (These standards are mine so may not be to anyone elses liking). This project is for my company and team in order to improve code readability.



    You can find the source code here https://bitbucket.org/doddsey65/standards-compiler/src as well as some example files to test against



    If you want to test it just clone the repo and run class.compiler.php



    Note: the formatting of the files, when viewing the errors, is a work in progress.




  10. The message will display several times because it is within a loop. So if you delete 5 images, the message will be displayed 5 times. Rather than executing the query within a loop (a very bad idea) you should use something like:



    if (isset($_POST['delete'])) {
        foreach($_POST['delete'] as $id => $val)
            $ids[] = $id;
        mysql_query("DELETE FROM photos WHERE img_ID IN (".implode(',',$ids).")");
        echo "Record Deleted.";



    This assumes the checkboxes have the name "delete[$row['img_ID']]".

    The foreach loop will loop through them all and add the img_ID to an array($ids)

    The query will then delete all images where the img_ID exists in the array($ids).

    When they query is finished it will echo your message only once.



    also this wont work:

    $del = $row['img_ID'];



    its outside the variable scope of the loop it is used in ($row).

  11. An HTTP request every 5 seconds is not a good idea. Assume 10 people visit your site. Thats 10 requests. Now assume 100 people and you are updating the database for each one. Thats 100 HTTP requests and 100 queries.



    Using my method you only have to update the database every 5 minutes or more depending on page loads.

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