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Everything posted by aeroswat

  1. what variables are undefined? You need to give more insight into the problem that you are having if you want a quick response.
  2. You could run two queries if you wanted. The first of course would be a select that would check for the records with the same WHERE conditions and then print them to the user in whatever way you are doing it. The second would be the update. The only function that is most like what you need displays only the number of rows affected http://php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-affected-rows.php
  3. Ya they will go to the default save path. Has it recently changed? Could it be that the host has recently screwed up the permissions on the session folder? But that couldn't be the case if its keeping part of the session. Hmm. I'm out of ideas :/
  4. The last 2 things I can think of 1) Are you saving to the default session path or are you setting different path at runtime 2) Is your query returning what you expect it to return? I.e. is your database setup exactly the same. You may want to echo the variables to ensure this is happening as expected
  5. show us the session settings in the php ini configuration file that apply to sessions. That might help
  6. Sorry but that's honestly the wrong answer. You cannot encrypt a php page in php... Don't you see the security problem with that? The people have 100% access then to the whatever function you use to decrypt/encrypt it and then its easy to go back from there when you identify a few small keywords. Not to mention whoever will be using his program will not always have access to the host and therefore will not be able to create their own decryption application to decrypt it at runtime. There are lots of hosts out there with ionCube already running on their servers. There's only one answer to this question and its already been stated several times. Accept it or find another forum to bs in.
  7. Thankyou. You read what I said completely. Like I said before you must encrypt everything. Maybe you should think about what you say before you say it.
  8. I believe you will have to encrypt ALL of the files with IonCube if you want that to work. Otherwise it will be pointless
  9. lol as long as its fixed if you post your old code where you are building it and your new code we can probably explain what was going on to help you not replicate the mistake in the future
  10. Where are the 1 and 2 coming from? Echo $counted before the loop and tell me what it says. Edit: Nevermind I see where the 1 and 2 are coming from Not sure if it would make a difference but try using a foreach loop instead of a for loop with a counter
  11. require_once will only load the file once hence the name So if its already been loaded it will not be loaded again. I believe globals are used to create a variable in a function that you will need to access outside of the function but I could be wrong. You should just be able to define the variables and they should work. Try define() http://php.net/manual/en/function.define.php
  12. While I'm sure you could use a clever mix of explode and implode and a string function to do what you want to do I don't believe there is a built in function that will do this. You'd be better off just looping. It'd be much easier.
  13. I can write it but I don't need all of them , I just want some of them , If i want to like some thing like this , Where I can find some more details about them I don't think anyone has written a script for free use that just has a bunch of scripts to display... That you would have to do urself... I can pay for it , just introduce me some of them , it's better to have demo then I will choose one of them and I'll pay thanks Ask someone to make it for you. I meant that no one just made a script for a site to display certain scripts. You gotta get someone to write something specific for you.
  14. I can write it but I don't need all of them , I just want some of them , If i want to like some thing like this , Where I can find some more details about them I don't think anyone has written a script for free use that just has a bunch of scripts to display... That you would have to do urself...
  15. http://php.net/manual/en/function.crypt.php I need to be able to use this function with the specified algorithms. And no Teddy I wish you could lol that'd be awesome Hash doesn't allow a salt This is for password encryption
  16. Just to let anyone interested know here are two readings i found especially useful http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2007/09/rainbow-hash-cracking.html http://chargen.matasano.com/chargen/2007/9/7/enough-with-the-rainbow-tables-what-you-need-to-know-about-s.html Until I find out how to get the SHA encryption algorithms to work on my machine/find a host that supports them I will have to just use the Md5 with a salt. I'm thinking that I will use a partial date stamp as my salt since this is probably the best way to go about things. Does anyone have a better solution? Md5 salts require 12 characters from what I'm reading and the first three have to be $1$ leaving only 9. The date stamps are 10 characters long if i use a - to seperate each value.
  17. Encryption from what I understand is used to mean the same thing as hashing. Encoding from the documents I have read is sometimes used interchangeably but means something else (i.e. it can be reversed) Anywho I see what you mean on the salt being hashed as well. Since i'm pretty new to this im going on what I've been reading from the "experts". They don't recommend using a static salt but instead recommend using something that is variable. Using a time function to show when it was created would be perfect because then you could store it as something random in the table. Just call it date_created or something and then use it as a salt so if anyone did ever see ur database for some reason they would not be able to easily tell you were using the timestamp as a salt. Now i haven't read about nesting hashes although from what I heard iterating the hashes is the best thing you could do. I took this to mean nesting. Perhaps it means nesting using different salts as well? Maybe someone could elaborate on this subject for me.
  18. All of the hosts I seem to be using don't have SHA-256 or SHA-512 installed. Or even Blowfish for that matter. Unless I am checking them the wrong way. This is the way the php doc files recommended to check if (CRYPT_BLOWFISH == 1) { echo "Blowfish: <br />"; } if (CRYPT_SHA256 == 1) { echo "SHA-256: <br />"; } if (CRYPT_SHA512 == 1) { echo "SHA-512: <br />"; }
  19. I just downloaded WampServer2 so i can take it home and play on my comp at home. Do I need to download anything to be able to enable the SHA256/512 encryption algorithms on my php build?
  20. Yes but I think that I should iterate at least a little bit. I don't think that the slow down would be that big. Any advice on what I should do for a salt? Should I store a salt, encrypt the salt, use the encrypted salt for my salt? I've been looking at the crypt function. Which of the algorithms would you recommend tho? I've heard some about blowfish but I'm thinking shouldn't the SHA512 be the best bet out of them? O_o
  21. From what I've been reading hashes like md5, sha1, etc were created for speed and not necessarily maximum security. It has been noted in the documents that I read also that md5 has been cracked numerous times in short periods of time. EDIT: Will be back in an hour after lunch. I'll respond to any replies at that time. Thanks
  22. Basically what I've been reading into is that using md5 is not really a good idea anymore so I'm going to try to move away from that with my next project. What I'm thinking I want to do from what I've been reading is store an iterated encrypted string into the database. So my question is what would be my best option for a hash that would provide reasonable execution time and also what would you recommend as a way to create a random salt and figuring out how many times the encryption should be iterated.
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