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  1. Must have searched the wrong ones then or I'm not sure what to search for exactly. But thank you for the tip. I'll do more googling then.
  2. Hi, Anyone can help me on how to receive a file as a http upload? I have an application that sends an xml file with http (post method) to our server and I need to make a script that receives that, writes it to database and archives the file away. Tried to google something but no luck so far. If anyone have done something like this I appreciate any help you can give. Thanks.
  3. It's possible ofc. You could do it for example parsing the html code using preg_match (get the html file and loop through it row by row searhing for matches).
  4. Just don't insert anything to that column if you want it to be left as NULL value in database. So you will need to make your INSERT clause different depending on what values the user wants to insert. One way would be to form it dynamically by looping through the keys and values of the REQUEST array user has sent.
  5. For one step towards better security it is sometimes recommended that you put your code outside of your web folder and include from there (the code that needs better security, passwords and so on). For example in unix/linux systems you could make "../home/php_application/inc" folder and put your includes there that you want to "hide". I've found this to be less convinient to update etc so I haven't used this method a lot with my applications. But if you need more security this is something you can do.
  6. What you are looking for is styling links with css. So visit http://www.w3schools.com/Css/css_link.asp for starters. Basically you will need to specify a different background-image to your link in normal and in hover. Of course some other styling too like height and width etc.
  7. I suggest that you visit your local book store and get a book for php and mysql basics. I've been programming with php for 10 years now and those things you are planning on doing feel daunting to me too Learn some basics first, do a simple program. For example user creates an account, logs in and asks for a price of some item which is then searched from the database and returned for the user - something like that. Just a simple one form query. Also if you are unfamiliar with terms like xhtml,css, javascript you will need to take a look on those too. http://www.w3schools.com/ is a good place to look into if you havent already and simply googling "php mysql tutorial" will give you more sites if the Internet is what you prefer.
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