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Posts posted by AndyB

  1. mysql_query("CREATE TABLE example(
    PRIMARY KEY(id),
    name VARCHAR(30), 
    score INT,
    ipaddress VARCHAR(30),
    country VARCHAR(30),
    date VARCHAR (30)")
    or die(mysql_error()); 


    That works.


  2. So, if you know there is 'lots and lots of other stuff' that's incomplete, why are you asking us to torture ourselves?


    First suggestion: don't insult your visitors with nonsense like "For better gameplay and resolution please download Firefox".  Make your stuff work regardless of visitor choices of browser.

  3. You need to define the problem to a much greater extent.


    So - what activity and specific step is your client doing when this error message arises?


    Once you know exactly what the client was doing when the error arose, you should test exactly that to see whether you get the same problem.

  4. Ask your client to define 'not working'. Does s/he mean the login fails? That the site cannot be viewed? That uploading an image fails?  Or what, exactly.  Since we have no idea what it means, how can we help?

  5. ... like the guy puts montreal to toronto it egals 1200 kilometers..


    If that kind of 'accuracy' is good enough, just use a random number calculator.  'As the crow flies' it's around 500 km.


    Unless you want to host an enormous database - and then you would only get the point-to-point distance not how far you actually travel - you could use a third-party service to provide the information.


    http://www.google.com/search?q=distance+between+cities offers lots

  6. If I can see it, I can take it. That pretty well sums it up.


    What you could do is add some text to the image - on a background that will make it very tedious to edit - that says something like 'Valid only for June 2007'.  I wouldn't display that on my website in August to evidence adherence to an ethics program :)

  7. what if I don't want the date, just Month and Year? 2008-05. Can I store just 2008-05 in DATE format?


    No. DATE is specific yyyy-mm-dd. But if you only want year and month (despite your original post) who cares that the day is also stored. Store the date, use whatever you need of it.

  8. The only rational field type for storing dates is DATE. Your field names would be date_signup, etc., etc. (just in case you were considering concatenating date_signup and the date).


    A good method of keeping the date simple is to use gmdate(), i.e. all dates are GMT so you can do comparisons without regard to the user's actual TZ. TZ is best obtained from the user via a dropdown select in the data input form.

  9. Without seeing a single line of code or a specific reference to which of the DD scripts you use, that's making life difficult.  I bet that the DD script can be customised to show however many images you want ... that just leaves the problem of counting them. How you accomplish that rather depends on a number of things.


    Alternatively, upload a few 'placeholder' images of your own to (each) user folder and name them pic1 ... pic10 so there are always no 'missing' images.

  10. Change


     if(isset($_POST['Submit'])) {




     if(isset($_POST['Submit_x'])) {


    The way compliant browsers treat submit images is that they pass the x and y co-ordinates of where the image was clicked relative to its upper left corner - exactly how image maps are supposed to work. 'Submit' is never set, 'Submit_x' and 'Submit_y' will each be set.

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