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Posts posted by AndyB

  1. Wild guess. The people who host the site upgraded php to a version which no longer defaults to register_globals ON while the 'working' scripts all assumed that resiter_globals is ON (the insecure setting).


    Run a simple script to display phpinfo() and that might tell you something

  2. I have no knowledge of any php.


    Then I suspect that the task of guiding you to success is beyond what folks here are willing to provide.  Our concept is that you have some knowledge and have not been able to completely do it alone, so you need a few pointers or help with what seems to be an intractable problem with some code you have created.  I think you're a long way from that point.


    Bottom line - I don't think you'll get what you want here starting from zero.

  3. Answer list:




    You can't. It's my browser, not yours




    Yes (write hack-free compliant code)


    Table tags are for tables.


    Bonus answer

    You can find all the answers with a bit of research on your own.

  4. If your database contains "Hello Todayis Monday" then that's your problem. If your output is actually something from the database and some other words that generate "Hello Todayis Monday", give us a precise example of what you really have.

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