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Everything posted by AndyB
How to disable the drop down autocopmplete box in text boxes
AndyB replied to garry27's topic in Javascript Help
That would make it some kind of self-inflicted wound akin to the yellow background on form fields when you install some other toolbars. -
/temp is flushed when the browser session terminates.
How to disable the drop down autocopmplete box in text boxes
AndyB replied to garry27's topic in Javascript Help
What browser are you using? Please identify a specific URL where you see this behaviour exhibited. I see nothing on that site that attempts to autocomplete. I see no pop-up option. -
How to disable the drop down autocopmplete box in text boxes
AndyB replied to garry27's topic in Javascript Help
The browser sandbox security model prevents browser content affecting user settings as far as I know. -
glob() - http://ca.php.net/manual/en/function.glob.php - such a useful function
Can you confirm that your HTML form does actually include a value for the id in the clickable links? Please also identify each/any error message you got after making the changes I suggested. 'not working' isn't helping us help you.
[SOLVED] Checking if all values are sequential, starting from 1 (or 0)
AndyB replied to 448191's topic in PHP Coding Help
FYI - http://library.thinkquest.org/20991/gather/formula/data/213.html works for all arithmetic progressions. -
<a href="update.php?id=<? echo $rows['id']; ?>">update</a> Note that you're using short tags there. Check the generated HTML source to verify that id actually has a value. If not, edit that code to: <a href="update.php?id=<?php echo $rows['id']; ?>">update</a> Other than that, it's likely one or more of your SQL queries is failing. You can check that easily enough bu using rational error trapping/display. For example, change instances of: $result=mysql_query($sql); to: $result=mysql_query($sql) or die("Error: ". mysql_error(). " with query ". $sql);
[SOLVED] Checking if all values are sequential, starting from 1 (or 0)
AndyB replied to 448191's topic in PHP Coding Help
If the array values are an arithmetic progression, then from count() and diff between consecutives you can determine the expected sum of all values. If it equals array_sum() then you have all values in the array. -
You need to use the complete/correct name you gave your database. I doubt it's named 'database'
Change: $results = mysql_query($query); to: $results = mysql_query($query) or die("Error: ". mysql_error(). " with query ". $query;) That should explain what's going on/going wrong.
And your problem is ?
[SOLVED] Please Check This Code for Me. Will It Work?
AndyB replied to Fluoresce's topic in PHP Coding Help
Yes. You expected people here to create a small database, populate it, write a script, etc. and test it 'thoroughly' all for free because you can't test it for reasons you don't disclose. And, in effect, you expected the testers to guarantee it would work. And in return, you offered what? Nothing. That's not the nature of help this forum provides. Our time is at least as important as yours. -
[SOLVED] Please Check This Code for Me. Will It Work?
AndyB replied to Fluoresce's topic in PHP Coding Help
If you can't or won't test it, how thorough do you expect us to be? -
I suspect that you'll get a biased opinion here, given that the forum members are php/MySQL users who may not have a lot of 'public' application experience with other (more expensive, as you note) alternatives. Much of what you want to do is relatively trivial construction of queries against a database. Often, the boring, tedious parts are the construction of database management scripts that can be used by normal humans. Something I've used which has been successful even for the 'blondest' clients is phpMyEdit. Details - http://hockinson.com/index.php?s=27
http://www.open-realty.org/ Maybe that would help you decide.
[SOLVED] SQL Order Of Operations in "AND" and "OR" operators
AndyB replied to jjacquay712's topic in MySQL Help
Asked and answered http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,219441.msg1005766.html#msg1005766 Please DO NOT double post. Thread closed. -
str_replace() - see the manual. Also, please do not double post (or post in the wrong forum!)
On the contrary, the request was for totally non-specific suggestions with zero context. I was happy to oblige. If the OP had explained what sort of suggestions they wanted, I could have been specifically constructive. Lose the cheesy background, make link text obvious, use a sans-serif font, etc.
You opinion on what makes a good web developer
AndyB replied to WebHostGurl's topic in Miscellaneous
Thanks for coming in for an interview. Would you close the door on your way out, please? -
Suggestions? Take two aspirin and call me in the morning.
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=1500+eglinton+ave+east,+toronto,+on&sll=43.723603,-79.325527&sspn=0.002504,0.004292&ie=UTF8&ll=43.723667,-79.325886&spn=0.001353,0.002403&t=k&z=19 Obviously, it's a Google Maps mis-stitch of the satellite images (I drove by this afternoon to check!). First time I've noticed anything quite this obvious!
list file with specific extension from sub directories and copy
AndyB replied to razad's topic in PHP Coding Help
glob() is likely to help - http://ca.php.net/manual/en/function.glob.php -
The query is executed outside the loop, so it only happens once