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  1. Try putting your date together before the query. $year = date('Y'); $year .= "-12-31"; $query = "INSERT INTO `awardsShows` (awardsDate, statusID, creatorID, dateCreated, dateExpires) VALUES ('".$date."','".$statusID."','".$userID."', NOW(), '".$year."')"; mysqli_query($dbc, $query); $result = "good";
  2. HTTP_HOST, SERVER_NAME tomato, tomahto
  3. Try changing it to HTTP_HOST like echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] ; if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == "localhost") { header('Location: http://www.google.com/'); } else echo "No";
  4. Happy MS Windowing Good Luck
  5. Post your code, what you have done on it. incubi
  6. After fixing the ?> I get the correct results so it works I would check the PHP logs and the Apache log if you use Apache. Have you ever ran a script that worked? Can you post the output from phpinfo.php notepad++ http://notepad-plus-plus.org/ incubi
  7. When I run that I get an error in my log that says [06-May-2011 12:18:09] PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in test.php on line 17 Check where you have and don't have the <?php and ?> incubi
  8. I think OP wanded "Run script when folder accessed" So fire the script when something accesses in the folder not when the page is accessed incubi
  9. NP show me all your source of your php test file. incubi
  10. One of your print line is incorrect why the () ? Good place to start http://php.net/
  11. Hi Drummin, I wouldn't call that realtime as it were but sure you can do that. Or you could run the script on a cron job. incubi
  12. Woops didn't mean to leave you hanging. Check these out http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-ubuntu-inotify/index.html http://pyinotify.sourceforge.net/ They will use the linux notify built into the kernel. incubi
  13. Okay, no not real time. I guess you could if you use php CLI but man that would be bad. I would write a C++ app for it. incubi
  14. Also will this be on Win or Linux?
  15. Do you need it real time or can it check every 2min or so? Also will this be on Win or Linux? incubi
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