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Everything posted by x_filed2k

  1. Sorry for my mistake. Well I tried to do it... Here's the code... $text = preg_replace('/<div class=title>.*?<div class=\'end\'>/', '<div class=title><div class=\'end\'>', $text);
  2. Waaa.. I thought it was preg_match... that was what I've read.
  3. Oh, one more thing session alone is not enough. You need to use session and cookie. The scenario is vice-versa, what if the users browser cookie is on.. and the user when he closes the browser without loging-out and re-open it again, ofcourse he wanna keep to be log-in coz the last time he used it he didn't log-out.
  4. Using preg_match() alone will not remove any string in between the <login> and <end>. Test your codes again but this time put a string in-between the <login> and <end>, and var_dump it, the result will be the string that you wanna remove. Try this one.. <?PHP $pattern = "/<login>.*?<end>/"; $sample_value = "<login>any string here<end>"; preg_match($pattern, $sample_value, $text); echo("This is the result when you only used the preg_match().<br />"); var_dump($text); echo("<br /><br />"); $text = str_replace($text, "<login><end>", $sample_value); echo("You have used the str_replace() to remove the unwanted strings.<br />"); var_dump($text); echo("<br /><br />"); ?>
  5. Can't you use a session? What if the cookie of the browser is disabled, it won't work..
  6. It seems that he would like to use the value of field username as an array key and the value is the password.. Try this. require_once("../includes/config.php"); $q1 = "select * from egadmin"; $r1 = mysql_query($q1) or die(mysql_error()); $a1 = mysql_fetch_array($r1); $LOGIN_INFORMATION = array( '$a1['username']' => '$a1['password']' ); Your friend, Alexies
  7. At the mean time this is the only help i can give, co'z i am already going home. later i can attend to you or the other guys can give more help. Just a suggestion.. It would be better if you will inform the user that he/she cant have the schedule at 3:50 and at the same time you need to tell that the available schedule would only be at 4:30 and onwards.
  8. If you are insert a data you can try this... <?php include ("connectionusers.php"); $ID = $_SESSION["authenticatedUser"] ; $ID = $_GET['ID'] ; $query = "INSERT INTO `users`(`Weapon1`) VALUES (\"Pistol\")"; $result = mysql_query ($query); ?> or Updating a data. <?php include ("connectionusers.php"); $ID = $_SESSION["authenticatedUser"] ; $ID = $_GET['ID'] ; $query = "UDPATE `users` SET `Weapon1` = \"Pistol\" WHERE `ID` = \"${ID}\""; $result = mysql_query ($query); ?>
  9. Are you an insert a value or updating a value?
  10. it is depend to the condition of the problem. If the user's gonna schedule at 3:50 will you let it to overlap at 4:00? and also to overwrite the 4:00?
  11. I need some clarification. Is this what you wanna do? User access at.. 1:00 pm and it will generate... simething like: just consider this as timestamp (1:00)_file.txt (1:05)_file.txt (1:10)_file.txt (1:15)_file.txt (1:20)_file.txt is there a possibility that the user will access it again on 1:03 and the script will process? or there will be only a process if the current time is already after 1:20.
  12. Hehe. Yeah, but it is a better practice to use htmlentities("<br />", ENT_QUOTES);
  13. So, what you wanna have is a pagination or a navigation, with a number navigation and next and previous page. such example is, try to search something on a google, and if you get a lot of results there will be a number, next and previous navigation at the bottom.
  14. I am not sure on what you are trying to do? Are you trying to print on a web browser an html tags.. if do so you need to use a function: echo(htmlentities("<br />", ENT_QUOTES)); But if you would like to <br /> only, of course you're not going to see it, coz it is a html tag, you can see it if you view source, .
  15. I before I posted my code, i've tested it first. And when i tested it above it i place a ini_set("display_errors", "1"); error_reporting(E_ALL); to make sure and to check if any of my codes has an error. And it didn't gave me any warnings or errors.
  16. I am not taking your code, but I am giving a help. I was a long method type programmer before, but i've learned a lot. Doing such long method could make the next programmer hard to understand the logic of your codes. And that is my, "The way of my programming."
  17. Try this... Do you know modulus division? I thinks this is what you are trying to do. <?PHP $no_of_columns = 5; $variable_array = $your_array_variable; $column_begin = "<tr>"; $column_end = "</tr>"; echo("<table border=\"1\">"); for($i = 0; $i < count($variable_array); $i++) { if(($i % $no_of_columns) == 0) echo($column_begin); echo("<td>{$variable_array[$i]}</td> "); if(($i % $no_of_columns) == ($no_of_columns - 1)) echo($column_end); } if(($remaining = ($no_of_columns - ($i % $no_of_columns))) != 0) { for($a = 0; $a < $remaining; $a++) { echo("<td> </td>"); } echo($column_end); } echo("</table>"); ?>
  18. I'd highly unrecommend using this code, as it is a direct entry into a mass amount of problems. Well the codes of bombsquad and oni-kun is correct, but unnecessary. Well with the code of oni-kun, it used a long method, while with bombsquad's code he's missing one function the isset(). Let's analyze the problem: [*] Is the $_GET["id"] set? [*] If set, is the $_GET["id"] equal to Test? Now, if we make it into coding this would be the solution... if(isset($_GET["id"]) && ($id = htmlentities(strip_tags($_GET['id']))) == "Test") { echo "This is a Test Page"; } else { echo "No assigned verable or entry verable"; } Explanation: - If $_GET["id"] is not set, result would be "No assigned verable or entry verable". - If we've got set $_GET["id"] but not equal to Test, result would still be "No assigned verable or entry verable". to make it simplier. - $_GET["id"] should be set and equal to "Test". Which is equal to this condition.. if(isset($_GET["id"]) && ($id = htmlentities(strip_tags($_GET['id']))) == "Test") - any other situation that does not fall into this condition will have a result "No assigned verable or entry verable". And at the same time, we set and clean/validate the variable $id.
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