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Everything posted by kla0005

  1. Hi guys, i was wondering.. Languages? How does that excactly work? Where do you save the different language strings, and that stuff? Do you have php files' for each language, and just includes them? Or,.. Anyone who can explain me? thanks =)
  2. Lol - Wouldnt a 'update' not solve the problem better, than 3000 id's in a database? A single row could be enought.
  3. $date = date("d-m-Y"); Like that?
  4. Hey gues, My question is: how is the easy'est way to redirect i mobile visitor to: mobile.domain.com, when visiting: domain.com? Thanks:).
  5. hey guys! I have a problem, ive found a mod_rewrite, that does that i can say 'domain.com/bake' and then the bake.php file will be opened! But, that is only the half solution of my problem. See, i wants to have that rewrite in the root folder, and then i wants a get id rewrite in the 'user' folder, so 'domain.com/users/bake', actually means: 'domain.com/users?p=bake'. Anyone who can help me, and understands my problem? Thanks:)
  6. Hey Guys, If i make this: <table><tr><td><div></div></td></tr></table> Then, if the table has a height at 300px, and the td at 100px, the table dosent get bigger automaticly? How can that be? - If i replace the div with a span, then it works fine with the 'height' thing. But, how can i make the table follow the div? Thanks :]
  7. Hey Guys, What should i write in my htaccess file to make it forget extensions? So instead of: cake.com/lol.php then i just can type in: cake.com/lol - or cake.com/my.zip then just cake.com/my ? Anyone who can help me? I havent' worked with Htaccess before, and im really trying.
  8. Yo, I have this 'curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, TRUE);' and it outputs the html automaticly.. How can i make it stop output and make it put the 'output' in a variable?
  9. Hey Guys. Anyone who know's how to login to a page with Curl and get the content of it? I tryed, but this would't work: http://pastie.org/private/vlffrewdglopslvyfkwww Hope someone can help me..
  10. Ehm, yeah... - What should i use then?
  11. Hey Guys. - How is it possible to make a system that automaticly logs on a user on another homepage? If i wanted my server to log in to my acount at this forum via. the logon site - How could i make the server write my username and password, by itself, and then log me on and stay logged on?
  12. Well, Thats just Javascript? Maybe you can find some inspiration in 'ThickBox', 'Lightbox' or 'FancyBox'? Try Google them
  13. Ehm, your qustion is abaout how cookie's works right?.. Its like this: <? function create_cookie(){ $expire = time()+24*60*60; setcookie("cookie_name", "string that the cookie contains", $expire); } if($_COOKIE['cookie_name']){ echo 'Theres a cookie! Cookie contains: '.$_COOKIE['cookie_name']; }else{ echo 'Theres no cookie.'; } ?>
  14. I just tryed the code that you have createt on my own server, and for me it worked successfully? I typed in first: myemail and after 'harj' <--.. And the emails file does know contain: "" <myemail@hotmail.com>,"" <harj>, So whats yur problem, i dont get it?
  15. kla0005


    Hellow guys, I have made a script that can get the html of other pages, but know i want the <body> name.. I can just take <body> because sometimes the pages have f.eks, a onload="" in it or something, so i tryed this: $body = preg_replace("/\\<body\(.+?)\>/is",'<body \1 >', $code); But that didnt work? What have i done wrong? Please help
  16. What that? Somekind of program to Ubuntu? Ehm, i didnt mean it that way.. Cant i make a system that gets thé source from everypage? If im making an input field in a form and postes for example 'http://javascript.com', then il' get the html source from the page in a variable?
  17. Hello guys, someone who knows how i can get the source from .. google maybe? - with php, so i can get the whole google source in a variable? Thanks
  18. Hello goys, if i have this variable: $words = "my,dog,year"; And i have an another variable: $string = "Hello, My name is Inge, and i am 1010 years old. My dog is very sweet, so are my brothers dogs."; - How can i make a system that tjek for each word after matches in the string? so it writes the matches, as 'Match: Dog', and 'Match: year' .. But also make it tjek after matches that dosent mach 100%, as i just dont get 'dog', i get'Match: Dog' and: Match: dogs' ? Someone who can help me, thanks
  19. You should try to reinstall your browser, becaouse it works with my Opera? 0ö
  20. Hi Guys, I want a system, so i can upload some artikles, but say that they must first be showed the 10th. How can i do that, wat should i write in the while, and what date kind, unix maybe? Please help.
  21. Yeah, it works.. But i had to chance your header with the download_my_spam.zip file thing, with: header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$file.'"'); Well, one more thing - How can i set a name to the file, so i can say that default download name the file has is: 'Cake'?
  22. The google turtorials is stupid. They only works with 1 type of file, and i dont know the 'header' function at all, so could u help me a bit more, please?
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