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Everything posted by kla0005

  1. Hi Guys, Someone who know how to create a script that makes autodownload? I want a php-file that i call download.php - When i insert a link with it il give it a id so i can update the number of 'how many who has downloadet the file'. The SQL i can do by my self, byt what about the auto download? The file link will be in $file .. And the file can be a .rar, .zip, .msi, .exe - Thanks guys
  2. Damn /; .. Can i do it with javascript maybe?
  3. nonono, i dont want to find the os name. I want to find what bit version the visitor is using - does he use 64bit, or 32? - that is what i wants to find out
  4. Hellow Guys, How can i make php get my operative system bit version? I use Win7 64Bit, but how can i make php see that? 32 also. Someone who knows? Thanks
  5. Can you not perform basic math? The 60 is the seconds, so time()+60 (seconds) is 1 minute ahead. Times that by another 60 it becomes an hour, so if you want it to be an hour and a half you can do 60 seconds times 90, which would make 90 minutes or an hour and a half. I like u to<3 - Sorry, i have never seen a 90 in a cookie turtorial before, so i thought that 60 was max.?
  6. Thanks ! =D - But what if i want it to be 1½ hour and not just one?
  7. Yo Guys, I have this code: $expire=time()+60*60*24*30; setcookie("cookie_name", "Cookie text", $expire); - What should i do to make the $expire to one hour, and one minute? - so i have a cookie that expires after 1 minute, and another that expires after 1 hour? Thanks
  8. Well, it works now - Thanks ALOT! =D .. The problem was just my stupidity.. I forgot to remove the space in the [ code .. So.. BUT THANKS! =D
  9. Well, now it looks better, but it still dosent work.. Now nothing happens?.. Text comes, but only the [ code] and that.. No transform.. And how can u make $input get something, if u dosent set anything in it? ", "replace_br", $ <-- Shouldent that be something like : ", replace_br('\1'), $ <-- I tryed this one, it didn't work - but still.
  10. Ehm.. Dude? I dont get it .. Can u write the full code, with replace_br function and that stuff - Please?
  11. Can you write the full code for me? I dont know the function, so .. :i
  12. Nah, that didn't work .. It just returned a string with "$1" .. /; BUT! - It still returns the string, i just cant see it? Like its hidden but when i return it the php writes it.. I cant chance it.. Is there anykind of function that converts \1 / $1 to string? .. This is so weird!
  13. Hi Guys, Well, i have tryed to make a Turtorial system with bbCode that inserts a 'Show this code box' .. And the code that has to be showed i write inside [ code] & [ /code] - But when im taking the code out i have to make <br /> with the nl12br function, but when i do that, the code in the box will get <br /> to! and then there will be alot of <br /> in the middle of my code in the box'es.. I have tryed to remove the <br /> beetwen the [ code] with: function replace_br($input){ $text = str_replace("<br />","", $input); $ret = '<div class="code"><pre class="brush: php;">'.$text.'</pre></div>'; return $ret; } $turtorial = stripslashes(nl2br($foresp['turtorial'])); $turtorial = preg_replace("/\\[ code\\](.+?)\[\/code\]/is",replace_br('\1'), $turtorial); echo $turtorial; But the function dosnet get the \1 information? .. What could i have done wrong... Someone who can help me? Thanks.. - Jonatan (sorry for the spaces beetwen [ and c in [ code .. But the forum dosent like im writing them so xD)
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