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Everything posted by mattm1712

  1. hi im having trouble removing ' from strings so say $name = "D'vion"; $newname = str_replace("'","",$name); but this just returns the same. thanks matt
  2. i'm trying to save the amount off times my code is viewed with this code but the impression rate isnt counting up any ideas why? Matt This is just an example code because i cant get the sessions to work. <? session_start(); if(isset($_SESSION['count'])) { $_SESSION['count'] = $_SESSION['count']+1; } else { $_SESSION['count'] = 1; } echo $_SESSION['count']; ?>
  3. i am trying to make an update script using an xml with a login username / password authorization. i have never encountered one before one looking to see if anyone could point me in the right direction. any questions please ask matt
  4. i am trying to do a php foreach loop from a variable i get from a java script variable. this is what i have come up with if outputs $acc_code as and array of eg. 12-home,11-away,23-home etc but when i run the foreach i only have 1 output which is the full string can you guysd help?? <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> <!-- var AccValue = GetCookie('Accumulator'); var n=AccValue.split("|"); //--> </SCRIPT> <?php $acc_code = "<br><script type='text/javascript'>document.write(n);</script>"; echo "cookie value = ".$acc_code."<br><br>"; $acc_values = explode(",", $acc_code); foreach($acc_values as $bet) { echo $bet."<br>"; } ?> cheers matt
  5. im running this code : $return = array(); $query = mysql_query("SELECT name, uf_id FROM leaguenames WHERE source='$sourceid'"); while ($array = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) { $return[] = [ "name" => $array["name"], "uf_id" => $array["uf_id"] ]; } and im getting this error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '[' in /home/content/35/10014135/html/scripts/updatefunctions.php can anyone help me?
  6. this is m code if i remove the doctype it works but not the styles in ie so i need it there but adds a white bar at the top of the page, can anyone help? <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css" type="text/css" media="all"> </head> <body style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px;" > <div id='topbar' align='center'> <div class='menubar'> <ul> <li class='list'>sdf</li> <li class='list'>sdf</li> <li class='list'>dsf</li> </ul> </div> </div> <div id='centainer' style='width: 100%;' align='center'> </div> </div> </body> </html>
  7. hi having issue with set cookie this is my code but it only sets the cookie after i have clicked the link for the 2nd time :s can anyone help?? cheers matt code ------------------------------------ <?php $addbet = $_GET['addbet']; $eventid = $_GET['eventid']; $outcome = $_GET['outcome']; $value = $eventid."-".$outcome; if (isset($_GET['addbet'])) { setcookie('Betslip', $value, time()+1200); } ?> <?php echo $_COOKIE['Betslip']; ?> <a href='index.php?addbet=true&eventid=123&outcome=Home'>Home</a>
  8. Firstly I want to know the pros and cons of scraping a website for data, eg prices. And does anyone know the best website to show me how to do it? Cheers matt
  9. if i use that it says 'MySQL server has gone away' but i cant understand why
  10. if this is my function code function getleague($templeague,$company) { echo $templeague; $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM templeagues WHERE templeague='$templeague'"); $numrows = mysql_num_rows($query); If($numrows==1) { echo "found league<br>"; } else { echo "no league<br>"; } } i am returning the templeague, but am getting an error Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in/home/content/35/10014135/html/update/updatefunctions.php on line what wounld be causing this?? cheers matt
  11. hi i have this code but having problem with reoccurring decimals say my datbase says its 0.3333333 which should be unlimited as its 1/3 but i cant have unlimited values in my database. i am suplied the value as 0.3333333 so i cant put 1/3 into my database so i have this formulat so far but i am having problems with it due to this, i need a way of replacing any value eg .33333 or .333333 or .333333333 to 1/3 any ideas ??? <?php $price = 0.33333333; $numer = $price*1000; $denom = 1000; $primes = array(41,37,31,29,23,19,17,13,11,7,5,3,2); $factors = array(10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2); $running = true; while ($running) { $changed = false; if (in_array($denom,$primes)&&$numer % $denom != 0) { $running = false; } else { foreach($factors as $fac) { if ($numer % $fac == 0 && $denom % $fac == 0) { $numer = $numer/$fac; $denom = $denom/$fac; $changed = true; } } if (!$changed) { $running=false; } } } echo $numer."/".$denom; ?>
  12. yeah if i put decimal into where $priceformat is it works but i want to be able to change so i can another format out
  13. i am trying to do this <?php $priceformat = "decimal"; $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM price"); $array = mysql_fetch_assoc($query); echo $array[$priceformat]; ?> so i want to return the decimal price from my database cheers matt
  14. why does this not work? mysql_query("UPDATE footballodds SET price='$price', SET change='$change' WHERE eventid='$eventid', outcome='$name', company='$company', market='$marketname'");
  15. hi i am trying to return values in my data base which are like what my varibale is say my data base has these values is 1 Manchester Utd 2 Chester 3 Macclessfiled 4 Liverpool and i have a variable $tl = "chester city"; and i wanted to echo out the values that look like 'chester city' eg i want a list that has chester in it $tl = "chester city"; $query2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM teams LIKE '{$tl}'"); while($array2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query2)) { echo $array2['name']; } why whould this not work? cheers matt
  16. $explode = explode(" ", $occurrence->Description); $score = $explode[sizeof($explodename)]; echo $score; why would this not work i am trying to eacho the last part of the string? cheers matt
  17. i am using xml files where the data i am getting is in different formats so say i am getting DOG from one xml, Dog from another and finally dog from the last one so i am getting DOG,Dog and dog say i wanted them to be displayed all as Dog before i put them in to my database how would this be done? i know i can do it like this but its a bit long winded If($var=DOG) { $name = "Dog": } but i dot want to be doing this for all my data cheers matt
  18. i have values like 12.2 14.5 - 1.2 0.3 - - 12.0 i want to remove all the '-''s
  19. how can i do this? mysql_query("SELECT * FROM prices WHERE price='NUMERIC' ") i know NUMERIC wont work but im not sure how to do it cheers matt
  20. this is my full script <? include 'inc/connect.inc'; $getfixtures = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM footballfixtures"); $count = mysql_num_rows($getfixtures); while($fixturesarray=mysql_fetch_assoc($getfixtures)) { $match = $fixturesarray['id']; $hometeam = $fixturesarray['home']; $homeselect = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM footballteams WHERE id='$hometeam'"); $homeselect2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($homeselect); $homename = $homeselect2['name']; $awayteam = $fixturesarray['away']; $awayselect = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM footballteams WHERE id='$awayteam'"); $awayselect2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($awayselect); $awayname = $awayselect2['name']; $datenew = $fixturesarray['date']; $matchdaytime = $fixturesarray['date']; $maindate = date("G:ia",$matchdaytime); echo "<tr class='rowmouseover'><td width='160' class='greymatchbar'>".$maindate."</td><td width='300' class='greymatchbar'><a href='/test/Betting/".$var2."/".$var3."/".$var4."/".$fixturesarray['id']."/".$homename."-".$awayname."/Win-Draw-Win'>"; echo $homename." v ".$awayname."</a></td>"; $homequery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM footballodds WHERE gameid='$fixturesarray[id]' AND type='Match Betting' AND outcome='Home' ORDER BY price DESC LIMIT 0, 1"); $homeprice = mysql_fetch_assoc($homequery); $companyhome = $homeprice['companyid']; $companyhomequery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sitenames WHERE id='$companyhome'"); $homeid= mysql_fetch_assoc($companyhomequery); $homenamev = $homeid['name']; $drawquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM footballodds WHERE gameid='$fixturesarray[id]' AND type='Match Betting' AND outcome='Draw' ORDER BY price DESC LIMIT 0, 1"); $drawprice = mysql_fetch_assoc($drawquery); $companydraw = $drawprice['companyid']; $companydrawquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sitenames WHERE id='$companydraw'"); $drawid= mysql_fetch_assoc($companydrawquery); $drawnamev = $drawid['name']; $awayquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM footballodds WHERE gameid='$fixturesarray[id]' AND type='Match Betting' AND outcome='Away' ORDER BY price DESC LIMIT 0, 1"); $awayprice = mysql_fetch_assoc($awayquery); $companyaway = $awayprice['companyid']; $companyawayquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sitenames WHERE id='$companyaway'"); $awayid= mysql_fetch_assoc($companyawayquery); $awaynamev = $awayid['name']; echo "</td> <td width='60' class='greymatchbar2' align='center' title='".$homenamev."'>".$homeprice['price']."</td> <td width='60' class='greymatchbar2' align='center' title='".$drawnamev."'>".$drawprice['price']."</td> <td width='60' class='greymatchbar2' align='center' title='".$awaynamev ."'>".$awayprice['price']."</td> <td width='80' class='greymatchbar'><a href='/test/Betting/".$var2."/".$var3."/".$var4."/".$fixturesarray['id']."/".$homename."-".$awayname."/Win-Draw-Win'>See All</a></td></tr>"; } ?>
  21. is there a better way of doing this set off queries? $homequery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM footballodds WHERE gameid='$fixturesarray[id]' AND type='Match Betting' AND outcome='Home' ORDER BY price DESC LIMIT 0, 1"); $homeprice = mysql_fetch_assoc($homequery); $companyhome = $homeprice['companyid']; $companyhomequery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sitenames WHERE id='$companyhome'"); $homeid= mysql_fetch_assoc($companyhomequery); $homenamev = $homeid['name']; $drawquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM footballodds WHERE gameid='$fixturesarray[id]' AND type='Match Betting' AND outcome='Draw' ORDER BY price DESC LIMIT 0, 1"); $drawprice = mysql_fetch_assoc($drawquery); $companydraw = $drawprice['companyid']; $companydrawquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sitenames WHERE id='$companydraw'"); $drawid= mysql_fetch_assoc($companydrawquery); $drawnamev = $drawid['name']; $awayquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM footballodds WHERE gameid='$fixturesarray[id]' AND type='Match Betting' AND outcome='Away' ORDER BY price DESC LIMIT 0, 1"); $awayprice = mysql_fetch_assoc($awayquery); $companyaway = $awayprice['companyid']; $companyawayquery = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM sitenames WHERE id='$companyaway'"); $awayid= mysql_fetch_assoc($companyawayquery); $awaynamev = $awayid['name']; it has to do this about 40 times everytime a page loads and it takes ages is there a way off cutting it down? cheers matt
  22. i have <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> # .htaccess mod_rewite RewriteEngine On RewriteBase /test/ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?url=$1/$2 [QSA,L] </IfModule> and index is $page = explode('/',$_GET['url']); $var1 = $page[0]; $var2 = $page[1]; $var3 = $page[2]; echo "<img src='images/logo.png'> "; say i am at /test/hello it displays the image but id i got to /test/hello/matt/ it doesnt can anyone help???
  23. i know this will be a simple answer but say i am at www.my-domian.com/bookmarks i have a link echo "<a href='shake'>shake</a>"; which goes to www.my-domian.com/shake but if i am at www.my-domian.com/bookmarks/bake and click the link it goes to www.my-domian.com/bookmarks/shake but i want it go to www.my-domian.com/shake how do i do this??? if you understand this!!
  24. hi i am having trouble and cant see why this is my htaccess file # .htaccess mod_rewite RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/url=$1 [QSA,L] and my index is <?php echo 'index file'; echo $_GET['url']; echo '<hr />'; $url = explode('/',$_GET['url']); print_r($url); ?> if i got to mydomain/test/hello nothing is beenig returned other than index file Array ( [0] => )
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