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Everything posted by hackalive

  1. Hi guys I am looking for a loop which will run untill there is a difference of 10 minutes. The timestamp I wish to use is "ISO 8601 date (added in PHP 5)" [ date("c")] If anyone know some code for this it would be much appreicated. I can do the loop its just the comparison between the two timestamps as part of the loop I have no idea where to start on. Cheers, and thanks in advance.
  2. This is now preventing it from extracting untill the function is run, I need something that detects a completed extraction then runs the function.
  3. Looking here: http://articles.sitepoint.com/article/watermark-images-php If you got the image dimensions (http://php.net/manual/en/function.getimagesize.php) and then used the formula: percentage(as a decimal)/imageheight = $y ........ e.g. 0.5/1000 = 500 percentage(as a decimal)/imagewidth = $x ........ e.g. 0.5/1000 = 500 then apparently $watermark_width = imagesx($watermark); $watermark_height = imagesy($watermark); places the watermark over the whole image ... so just adjust $watermark to refelt $x or $y. Give that ago, without watermark_wrapper.php (all the code) I cant test it for you, if you send all the code I can test this out and get it working for you.
  4. Okay I now have a working extract ZIP archive script. What I am now looking to do is have a loop which checks the percentage complete the extraction is and at 100% (with no erros) carry out a PHP function. The code so far is (and includes comments on how the new function would be placed): $dir = opendir('temp'); while(false !==($file=readdir($dir))){ if(strpos($file, '.zip',1)){ extractupdate($file); } } function extractupdate($file){ $zip=new ZipArchive; if($zip->open('temp/'.$file) == TRUE){ $update=rtrim($file, ".zip"); $zip->extractTo($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/update/temp/$update"); $zip->close(); echo "Extraction started."; // Place loop here to run untill 100% extraction completed and then run function "intsallupdate($update);" } else { echo "Failed to start extraction."; } } function installupdate($update){ // installupdate() will now shift the files around as necessary. // NB to PHPFREAKS, no assistance with code for installupdate() is required, only the loop. Cheers. } Many thanks in advance.
  5. Thanks thorpe, I have now done that. So this is the "topology" of the code/files: root/index.php $dir = opendir ("temp"); while (false !== ($file = readdir($dir))) { if (strpos($file, '.zip',1)) { extractupdate($file); } } function extractupdate($file){ $zip = zip_open("$file"); if ($zip){ while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)){ $update = rtrim($file, ".zip"); $fp = fopen("zip/".zip_entry_name($zip_entry), "w"); if(zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry, "r")){ $buf = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry)); fwrite($fp,"$buf"); zip_entry_close($zip_entry); fclose($fp); } } zip_close($zip); } } in root/temp/ there is a file 001.zip the code is failing to extract to root/temp/zip/ Any help is much appreciated, thanks. PS My aim is to extract the contents of the zip archive to the folder root/temp/zip/ Cheers
  6. Hi guys, I have some code for xtracting the contets of a zip file to a folder. Now this is the code: function extractupdate($file){ $zip = zip_opne("$file"); if(is_resource($zip)){ while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)){ $fp = fopen("zip/".zip_entry_name($zip_entry), "w"); if(zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry, "r")){ $buf = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry)); fwrite($fp,"$buf"); zip_entry_close($zip_entry); fclose($fp); } } zip_close($zip); } } My question is how do I install the ZIP library into PHP. At the moment I am using PHP on Windows and using Apache, so I need a good way to add the ZIP library where I edit the php.ini etc.. Your help is much appreciated, thanks.
  7. @AlexWD could you please provide a sample, especially for the loop part
  8. Hi, I need some code that searches all folders in a folder tree for specific file names (eg my.php). I need to be able to echo the file name and full url (eg admin/my.php or just admin) in other worrds I need the folder locations of each copy of that file Anyone have any ideas? Thanks in advance
  9. It is just the same as the sample code ont the hyperlinks posted above
  10. So I am using jQuery tabs: Q1) I am using jQuery Tabs (http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/#sortable) and have set it up so they can be sortable, howvere the first two tabs I want to be permenant and NOT sortable, how can I achieve this? Q2) I am using jQuery Tabs (http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/#manipulation) with the manipulation code, my question is on Tab1 I have many hyperlinks which I want to open a new tab, the tab these hyperlinks would open would open one with information relating to that tap. How could I do this? anyideas? Thanks in advance guys
  11. @Daniel0 I have been researching but still not found the answer
  12. Okay, I know at the momnent I am posting here alot but I would like to get it sorted sooner rather than later. So here is what I understand I need to achieve and my problems (to start us off :-D) Task Problem Create tags such as <ha:login-button> None, they are just tags File (such as XSLT) that stores and decides how to interact with the tags How, I am clueless, what does the file even look like and how does in interact with all the extra settings (eg <ha:login-button length="long">< JavaScript Which 'makes it all work'. Again how, how can I do this, I know how to JS and presume if we resolve the above I could work on this issue
  13. I am still at a loss (have no idea) how to make this all work (implement)
  14. okay so if I was to use cassandra (for example) how would I organise the tables do you guys think? Thanks for the help so far
  15. okay ignace yes thanks very much, but how to implemet the reparsing and this file
  16. I have read about XSLT and read a few tuts but still am unsure how to solve this issue, I dont knwo if XSLT is the right way about? what do you guys think+ (Please reference Reply #16, [above])
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