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Community Answers

  1. What? Gonna need more info.
  2. Is the supporter badge permanent or is it recurring monthly with the payment? Also, will this badge be ported over to the new forum?
  3. and appending .delay isn't working?
  4. Understood. I look forward to the migration.
  5. Hmm, if you're going for a paid solution why did you guys decide choose IPB over VB? This is just out of curiosity.
  6. I believe you're looking for The setInterval() Method. http://www.w3schools.com/js/js_timing.asp
  7. What errors are you getting?
  8. Why are you looping through DB results using for instead of foreach? (Sorry may be a little confused at the question) but return the resource as an array and loop? mysql_fetch_array() http://php.net/manual/en/control-structures.foreach.php
  9. You must have been using phpbb2...which is very outdated and well, very exploitable. I would definitely suggest giving it another try, phpbb3 has been almost completely rewritten and has an amazing admin panel for easy configuration and I'm sure it has an integration from SMF to phpbb mod. It has a very very wide following now and is very popular. I'm sure it will fit your needs perfectly. Again, just a suggestion Though I guarantee you will find it more to your liking then IPB.
  10. Why not Phpbb? It's very easy to mod, I've used it for a quite a few of my projects. It's very widely used and has tons of mods available for public use submitted by members and the PHPBB developers alike. Not to mention is very frequently updated. https://www.phpbb.com/
  11. We will assume the menus have the Id's of menu1 and menu2. Please feel free to share a better way if you have one! I'm no expert in jquery. $("#menu1").change(function() { val = $(this).val(); if(val == 0 ){ $("#menu2").val(0); } }); ​
  12. http://php.net/manual/en/control-structures.elseif.php
  13. Javascript
  14. Thanks kicken!
  15. Hey guys, I have a question that you can hopefully help me with, I'm writing a simple forum, and I'm wondering how I would go by handling a thread that has been 'stuck' so that it isn't moved when more threads are made. I could use some a push in the right direction thanks.
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