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Posts posted by techker
the database entry is json format
["http:\/\/server:8080\/9Lx0YfoxZp\/DexfrUxcn\/2107"] and has other fields like name......
cause the panel fetched the info and encodes it in json for output to selected file needed...
but i just noticed that it has all entries so database table can contain 15000 streams...
so i would need to check and remove duplicates....
or like you say i can use the existing api and read the json but it can take long time if to many results....
hey guys i have a table streams
that has multiple columns but i need one and brake the string?
so i need just : http:\/\/server:8080 as dns 9Lx0YfoxZp as username and DexfrUxcn as password
i have tried a few was like this example..
but no luck im guessing its because i first need to remove [" ?
SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(stream_source, ' \/ ', 1) AS dns, SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(stream_source,' \/ ', 2), ' ',-1) AS mname, SUBSTRING_INDEX(stream_source, ' \/ ', -1) as lname FROM streams;
Hey guys i need to echo this:
}Up to know i tried lots of combos but can seem to get the Array correctly?
Quote$named_array3 = array(
"error" => false,
"result" => array(
"apk_sign" => "0F:19:F7:2D:F0:40:2C:FE:25d:C1D:EB:80:0F:FCD:92:DA:46:BEF:23D:9DD",
"portal_url" => "http:\/\/changeme.net:80,http:\/\/changeme.net:80,http:\/\/changeme.net:80")
);it echos :
"result":{ "apk_sign":"0F:19:F7:2D:F0:40:2C:FE:25:C1:EB:80:0F:FC:92:DA:46:BE:23:9D",
but the [ needs to be at results....
Thx for the help
That works great..love your php style...not there yet...lol
would you know why it dow's one more than en what i ask?is it the select i did?that would calculate 0 as 1?
great example il try it out.again thx for the help!
even with a different approach same thing if i put 1 it updates 2
for ($h = 1; $h <= $CreditCount; $h++) echo "<option value='$h'>$h</option>";
echo "</select>"; -
Uhh stupid me lol
So first issue was that i forgot to add AND Status != 'Used' . so it would update a used code..that is why i would not see it ..
But the issue i have now is that if i select 1 credit it puts 2
is it because it is like an array that 0 is 1 so it would do 0 then 1 so gives 2?
have a feeling it is this:
its were i add the user.it gets the amount of credits the user has(code) and puts them in a select for his to select the amount to transfer so he knows how many he can transfer..
$range = range(1,$CreditCount); foreach ($range as $cm) { echo "<option value='$cm'>$cm</option>"; } echo "</select>"; ?>
same issue very odd...it does not update at all...
require_once 'config/dbconnect.php'; $userid = strip_tags($_GET['user']); $subid = strip_tags($_GET['newUser']); $cr = strip_tags($_GET['cr']); $userida = $DBcon->real_escape_string($userid); $subida = $DBcon->real_escape_string($subid); $cra = $DBcon->real_escape_string($cr); $stmt = $DBcon->prepare("UPDATE Codes SET UserID = ? WHERE UserID = ? LIMIT ?"); $stmt->bind_param('iii', $subida, $userida, $cra); $stmt->execute(); if(!$stmt->execute()) { echo "Error: " . mysqli_error($DBcon); }else{ echo "Success adding user : $subida with : $cra "; echo "<meta http-equiv=Refresh content=1;url=Subseller.php?success=1 >"; }
Credits stay the same even do the echo says 2 credits from to ...
thats odd i logout login works but after that does not work anymore..even if i logout again...unless its a cash issue..
ya doesnt always work odd..
ok odd it seems to be working now!lol.must of been my session was expirerd?let me test to see Thx!!
im echoing the correct POST
credits: 2 Updated! new owner: 36 from owner: 18
ya its odd..why is it not working for me....
ini_set("display_errors", 1); header("Refresh: 30"); require_once 'config/dbconnect.php'; $userid = $_POST['OwnerID']; $subid = $_POST['SubID']; $cr = $_POST['credits']; $stmt = $DBcon->prepare("UPDATE Codes SET UserID = ? WHERE UserID = ? LIMIT ?"); $stmt->bind_param('iii', $subid, $userid, $cr); $stmt->execute(); echo "$userid<br /><br /><em>$cr Updated! $subid</em><br /><br />"; echo "<meta http-equiv=Refresh content=1;url=SwapC.php?success=1 >"; ?>
not sure how to export it..lol
so basically:
CID Value DateIn Status . UserID . DateSold
1 . 24242 2019-11-11 . 0 5 null
2. 24243 2019-11-11 . 0 5 null
3 . 24244 2019-11-11 . 0 5 null
4 . 24245 2019-11-11 . 0 3 null
5 . 24246 2019-11-11 . 0 3 null
6. 24246 2019-11-11 . 0 4 null
7 . 24246 2019-11-11 . 0 4 null
user is 5 . want to give 2 codes(value) to user 3
any value(code)
should be :
CID Value DateIn Status . UserID . DateSold
1 . 24242 2019-11-11 . 0 5 null
2. 24243 2019-11-11 . 0 3 null
3 . 24244 2019-11-11 . 0 3 null
4 . 24245 2019-11-11 . 0 3 null
5 . 24246 2019-11-11 . 0 3 null
6. 24246 2019-11-11 . 0 4 null
7 . 24246 2019-11-11 . 0 4 null
what do you need??
`CID` int(11) NOT NULL,
`Value` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
`DateIn` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
`Status` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
`UserID` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
`DateSold` varchar(25) NOT NULL
no lol
CID Value DateIn Status UserID DateSold
i tried: but stays at same..
$userid = mysqli_real_escape_string($DBcon, $_POST['OwnerID']); $subid = mysqli_real_escape_string($DBcon, $_POST['SubID']); $cr = mysqli_real_escape_string($DBcon, $_POST['credits']); $stmt = $DBcon->prepare("UPDATE Codes SET UserID = ? WHERE UserID = ? LIMIT ? "); $stmt->bind_param('iii', $subid, $userid, $cr); $stmt->execute();
also tried
$size = count($_POST['credits']);
$i = 0;
while ($i < $size) {
$UserIDa= $_POST['OwnerID'][$i];
$NewRIda = $_POST['SubID'][$i];$query = "UPDATE Codes SET UserID= '$UserIDa' WHERE UserID = '$NewRIda'";
mysqli_query($DBcon,$query) or die ("Error in query: $query");
echo "$UserIDa<br /><br /><em>Updated!</em><br /><br />";
}table code is set id value userid status dateSold
hey ya thx
$Cr = mysqli_real_escape_string($DBcon, $_POST['credits']);
is the number of credits the guy wants to give the other guy.
so lets say he has 20 codes and wants to give 10 to the other guy
in my codes table i have column codes and and column userID were i put the guys id (owner)
so now my issue is to take 10 codes out of 20 and swap his id to the new guys id
Hey guys..i have an issue i can't seem to fix...
i have a table with codes and userid to associate the code to a user
i need to make it that a user can give codes to another user.
i have a form . from user to other user with amount of codes
so i have tried many combos..
$UserID = mysqli_real_escape_string($DBcon, $_POST['OwnerID']); $NewRId = mysqli_real_escape_string($DBcon, $_POST['SubID']); $Cr = mysqli_real_escape_string($DBcon, $_POST['credits']); tried with range $t = array(); $counter = 0; foreach (range(0, $Cr) as $t) { $sql = "UPDATE `Codes` SET `UserID`= '$NewRId' WHERE `UserID` = '$UserID'"; $counter ++; echo $counter; } $result = mysqli_query($DBcon,$sql); if (!$result) { trigger_error("UPDATE query failed: " . mysqli_error(), E_USER_ERROR); } but it takes all the ocdes from user one to user two... tried also: foreach ($Cr as $t) { $sql2 = "UPDATE `Codes` SET `UserID`= '$NewRId' WHERE `UserID` = '$UserID'"; if ($DBcon->query($sql2) === TRUE) { echo "<meta http-equiv=Refresh content=1;url=SwapC.php?success=1 >"; } else { echo "Error updating record: <br>" . $DBcon->error; } } but does not work...
hey guys thx for the help.i will test with var dump and see. So its an array....
Hey guys i got an api and it returns :
"package_name":"1 Month Full + Adult - 2 Devices",
},......]$json = file_get_contents(URL); $data = json_decode($json,true); $Decoded = $data['id'][0]; HERE no mater what i put i get and error Undefined index: id in /home/handshak/public_html/XC/get2.php on line 9 echo "<pre>"; print_r($Decoded); exit;
What type of json structure is that?
if i use:
$contents = file_get_contents($json);
$contents = utf8_encode($contents);
$results = json_decode($contents);i get:
[14-Apr-2019 15:38:32 UTC] PHP Warning: file_get_contents([{"id":"1","package_name":"1 Month Full + Adult - 2 Devices","is_trial":"0","is_official":"1","trial_credits":"0","official_credits":"1","trial_duration":"24","trial_duration_in":"hours","official_duration":"1","official_duration_in":"months","groups":"[4,5,6,8]","bouquets":"[27]","can_gen_mag":"1","only_mag":"0","output_formats":"[1,2,3]","is_isplock":"0","max_connections":"2","is_restreamer":"0","force_server_id":"0","can_gen_e2":"1","only_e2":"0","forced_country":"","lock_device":"0"},{"id":"2","package_name" in /home/handshak/public_html/XC/get2.php on line 7
Ok i think i got it..
$result= str_replace('\\', '', $stream_source);
$result = str_replace("'", "", $result); //remove single quotesso i remove the \
all i need to do is reverse that to save
odd so how come it is inserted like that..
how can i make a function to edit this:
guessing i need to remove the\/ and replace by // . and when i save i need to re add the \/
im messing around with SELECT streams_source REPLACE(streams_source,'\/','//') as output FROM Stream WHERE 1;
but getting mysql errors ..
how to split entry from column?
in MySQL Help
ya i think thats what il do ..lol thx