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Posts posted by techker

  1. hey guys i was woundering if somebody could guide me in the write direction.

    im doing as fallowed:

    the person will write the info and chose an apropriate categorie to put the file in.

    so when he press submit it puts it in the categorie selected and you can view it.

    so im assuming it will use the methode post

    for the form it's ok but it is for the categorie and the post that im having a hard time grasping..lol

    is there anything out there that is similar?that i could modify?
  2. hey guys i got this code but i need to add a code that you can't signup with the same ip?
    in my signup form.

    // ip_grab.php
    /* Note: You can also check against $_SERVER variables
      not included in this script */
    function ipGrabber() {
            $ip = getenv('HTTP_CLIENT_IP');
            $ip = getenv('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR');
            $ip = getenv('REMOTE_ADDR');
        return $ip;

    echo '<p>Your IP is: <b>'. ipGrabber() .'</b>.</p>';

    thx for the help
  3. hey guys i have installed a allready made php login script on my sever.(shared)

    no it asks fo an install of ioncube.

    i have read the site but its really fuzzy..lol

    so if i read correctly i have to download the installer for my pc and it will configure my sever(linux)


  4. could you see the error in this page im can't see anymore..lol


    class Session
      var $username;    //Username given on sign-up
      var $userid;      //Random value generated on current login
      var $userlevel;    //The level to which the user pertains
      var $time;        //Time user was last active (page loaded)
      var $logged_in;    //True if user is logged in, false otherwise
      var $userinfo = array();  //The array holding all user info
      var $url;          //The page url current being viewed
      var $referrer;    //Last recorded site page viewed
        * Note: referrer should really only be considered the actual
        * page referrer in process.php, any other time it may be
        * inaccurate.

      /* Class constructor */
      function Session(){
          $this->time = time();

        * startSession - Performs all the actions necessary to
        * initialize this session object. Tries to determine if the
        * the user has logged in already, and sets the variables
        * accordingly. Also takes advantage of this page load to
        * update the active visitors tables.
      function startSession(){
          global $database;  //The database connection
          session_start();  //Tell PHP to start the session

          /* Determine if user is logged in */
          $this->logged_in = $this->checkLogin();

          * Set guest value to users not logged in, and update
          * active guests table accordingly.
            $this->username = $_SESSION['username'] = GUEST_NAME;
            $this->userlevel = GUEST_LEVEL;
            $database->addActiveGuest($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $this->time);
          /* Update users last active timestamp */
            $database->addActiveUser($this->username, $this->time);
          /* Remove inactive visitors from database */
          /* Set referrer page */
            $this->referrer = $_SESSION['url'];
            $this->referrer = "/";

          /* Set current url */
          $this->url = $_SESSION['url'] = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

        * checkLogin - Checks if the user has already previously
        * logged in, and a session with the user has already been
        * established. Also checks to see if user has been remembered.
        * If so, the database is queried to make sure of the user's
        * authenticity. Returns true if the user has logged in.
      function checkLogin(){
          global $database;  //The database connection
          /* Check if user has been remembered */
          if(isset($_COOKIE['cookname']) && isset($_COOKIE['cookid'])){
            $this->username = $_SESSION['username'] = $_COOKIE['cookname'];
            $this->userid  = $_SESSION['userid']  = $_COOKIE['cookid'];

          /* Username and userid have been set and not guest */
          if(isset($_SESSION['username']) && isset($_SESSION['userid']) &&
            $_SESSION['username'] != GUEST_NAME){
            /* Confirm that username and userid are valid */
            if($database->confirmUserID($_SESSION['username'], $_SESSION['userid']) != 0){
                /* Variables are incorrect, user not logged in */
                return false;

            /* User is logged in, set class variables */
            $this->userinfo  = $database->getUserInfo($_SESSION['username']);
            $this->username  = $this->userinfo['username'];
            $this->userid    = $this->userinfo['userid'];
            $this->userlevel = $this->userinfo['userlevel'];
            return true;
          /* User not logged in */
            return false;

        * login - The user has submitted his username and password
        * through the login form, this function checks the authenticity
        * of that information in the database and creates the session.
        * Effectively logging in the user if all goes well.
      function login($subuser, $subpass, $subremember){
          global $database, $form;  //The database and form object

          /* Username error checking */
          $field = "user";  //Use field name for username
          if(!$subuser || strlen($subuser = trim($subuser)) == 0){
            $form->setError($field, "* Username not entered");
            /* Check if username is not alphanumeric */
            if(!eregi("^([0-9a-z])*$", $subuser)){
                $form->setError($field, "* Username not alphanumeric");

          /* Password error checking */
          $field = "pass";  //Use field name for password
            $form->setError($field, "* Password not entered");
          /* Return if form errors exist */
          if($form->num_errors > 0){
            return false;

          /* Checks that username is in database and password is correct */
          $subuser = stripslashes($subuser);
          $result = $database->confirmUserPass($subuser, md5($subpass));

          /* Check error codes */
          if($result == 1){
            $field = "user";
            $form->setError($field, "* Username not found");
          else if($result == 2){
            $field = "pass";
            $form->setError($field, "* Invalid password");
          /* Return if form errors exist */
          if($form->num_errors > 0){
            return false;

          /* Username and password correct, register session variables */
          $this->userinfo  = $database->getUserInfo($subuser);
          $this->username  = $_SESSION['username'] = $this->userinfo['username'];
          $this->userid    = $_SESSION['userid']  = $this->generateRandID();
          $this->userlevel = $this->userinfo['userlevel'];
          /* Insert userid into database and update active users table */
          $database->updateUserField($this->username, "userid", $this->userid);
          $database->addActiveUser($this->username, $this->time);

          * This is the cool part: the user has requested that we remember that
          * he's logged in, so we set two cookies. One to hold his username,
          * and one to hold his random value userid. It expires by the time
          * specified in constants.php. Now, next time he comes to our site, we will
          * log him in automatically, but only if he didn't log out before he left.
            setcookie("cookname", $this->username, time()+COOKIE_EXPIRE, COOKIE_PATH);
            setcookie("cookid",  $this->userid,  time()+COOKIE_EXPIRE, COOKIE_PATH);

          /* Login completed successfully */
          return true;

        * logout - Gets called when the user wants to be logged out of the
        * website. It deletes any cookies that were stored on the users
        * computer as a result of him wanting to be remembered, and also
        * unsets session variables and demotes his user level to guest.
      function logout(){
          global $database;  //The database connection
          * Delete cookies - the time must be in the past,
          * so just negate what you added when creating the
          * cookie.
          if(isset($_COOKIE['cookname']) && isset($_COOKIE['cookid'])){
            setcookie("cookname", "", time()-COOKIE_EXPIRE, COOKIE_PATH);
            setcookie("cookid",  "", time()-COOKIE_EXPIRE, COOKIE_PATH);

          /* Unset PHP session variables */

          /* Reflect fact that user has logged out */
          $this->logged_in = false;
          * Remove from active users table and add to
          * active guests tables.
          $database->addActiveGuest($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $this->time);
          /* Set user level to guest */
          $this->username  = GUEST_NAME;
          $this->userlevel = GUEST_LEVEL;

        * register - Gets called when the user has just submitted the
        * registration form. Determines if there were any errors with
        * the entry fields, if so, it records the errors and returns
        * 1. If no errors were found, it registers the new user and
        * returns 0. Returns 2 if registration failed.
      function register($subuser, $subpass, $subemail){
          global $database, $form, $mailer;  //The database, form and mailer object
          /* Username error checking */
          $field = "user";  //Use field name for username
          if(!$subuser || strlen($subuser = trim($subuser)) == 0){
            $form->setError($field, "* Username not entered");
            /* Spruce up username, check length */
            $subuser = stripslashes($subuser);
            if(strlen($subuser) < 5){
                $form->setError($field, "* Username below 5 characters");
            else if(strlen($subuser) > 30){
                $form->setError($field, "* Username above 30 characters");
            /* Check if username is not alphanumeric */
            else if(!eregi("^([0-9a-z])+$", $subuser)){
                $form->setError($field, "* Username not alphanumeric");
            /* Check if username is reserved */
            else if(strcasecmp($subuser, GUEST_NAME) == 0){
                $form->setError($field, "* Username reserved word");
            /* Check if username is already in use */
            else if($database->usernameTaken($subuser)){
                $form->setError($field, "* Username already in use");
            /* Check if username is banned */
            else if($database->usernameBanned($subuser)){
                $form->setError($field, "* Username banned");

          /* Password error checking */
          $field = "pass";  //Use field name for password
            $form->setError($field, "* Password not entered");
            /* Spruce up password and check length*/
            $subpass = stripslashes($subpass);
            if(strlen($subpass) < 4){
                $form->setError($field, "* Password too short");
            /* Check if password is not alphanumeric */
            else if(!eregi("^([0-9a-z])+$", ($subpass = trim($subpass)))){
                $form->setError($field, "* Password not alphanumeric");
              * Note: I trimmed the password only after I checked the length
              * because if you fill the password field up with spaces
              * it looks like a lot more characters than 4, so it looks
              * kind of stupid to report "password too short".
          /* Email error checking */
          $field = "email";  //Use field name for email
          if(!$subemail || strlen($subemail = trim($subemail)) == 0){
            $form->setError($field, "* Email not entered");
            /* Check if valid email address */
            $regex = "^[_+a-z0-9-]+(\.[_+a-z0-9-]+)*"
                $form->setError($field, "* Email invalid");
            $subemail = stripslashes($subemail);

          /* Errors exist, have user correct them */
          if($form->num_errors > 0){
            return 1;  //Errors with form
          /* No errors, add the new account to the */
            if($database->addNewUser($subuser, md5($subpass), $subemail)){
                return 0;  //New user added succesfully
                return 2;  //Registration attempt failed
        * editAccount - Attempts to edit the user's account information
        * including the password, which it first makes sure is correct
        * if entered, if so and the new password is in the right
        * format, the change is made. All other fields are changed
        * automatically.
      function editAccount($subcurpass, $subnewpass, $subemail){
          global $database, $form;  //The database and form object
          /* New password entered */
            /* Current Password error checking */
            $field = "curpass";  //Use field name for current password
                $form->setError($field, "* Current Password not entered");
                /* Check if password too short or is not alphanumeric */
                $subcurpass = stripslashes($subcurpass);
                if(strlen($subcurpass) < 4 ||
                  !eregi("^([0-9a-z])+$", ($subcurpass = trim($subcurpass)))){
                  $form->setError($field, "* Current Password incorrect");
                /* Password entered is incorrect */
                if($database->confirmUserPass($this->username,md5($subcurpass)) != 0){
                  $form->setError($field, "* Current Password incorrect");
            /* New Password error checking */
            $field = "newpass";  //Use field name for new password
            /* Spruce up password and check length*/
            $subpass = stripslashes($subnewpass);
            if(strlen($subnewpass) < 4){
                $form->setError($field, "* New Password too short");
            /* Check if password is not alphanumeric */
            else if(!eregi("^([0-9a-z])+$", ($subnewpass = trim($subnewpass)))){
                $form->setError($field, "* New Password not alphanumeric");
          /* Change password attempted */
          else if($subcurpass){
            /* New Password error reporting */
            $field = "newpass";  //Use field name for new password
            $form->setError($field, "* New Password not entered");
          /* Email error checking */
          $field = "email";  //Use field name for email
          if($subemail && strlen($subemail = trim($subemail)) > 0){
            /* Check if valid email address */
            $regex = "^[_+a-z0-9-]+(\.[_+a-z0-9-]+)*"
                $form->setError($field, "* Email invalid");
            $subemail = stripslashes($subemail);
          /* Errors exist, have user correct them */
          if($form->num_errors > 0){
            return false;  //Errors with form
          /* Update password since there were no errors */
          if($subcurpass && $subnewpass){
          /* Change Email */
          /* Success! */
          return true;
        * isAdmin - Returns true if currently logged in user is
        * an administrator, false otherwise.
      function isAdmin(){
          return ($this->userlevel == ADMIN_LEVEL ||
                  $this->username  == ADMIN_NAME);
        * generateRandID - Generates a string made up of randomized
        * letters (lower and upper case) and digits and returns
        * the md5 hash of it to be used as a userid.
      function generateRandID(){

    it is the end line 418

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '&' in /home/hugues/public_html/login/include/session.php on line 418
  5. hey guys im in big poup.lol

    i made a web site for a client with login manager 3.0.

    garbage.. i need to change it asap .the thing is i need one that shows user activity in the admin panel,cause he wants to see how many time the client logs in.

    is there a free version availible?

    thx guys

  6. i all,

    i have a PDF file,.

    i would like to convert that pdf file into image files.

    Each page should be converted into an image.

    Kindly, help me. Cool

    i heard of an imagemagic appz?

    i have tryed to study this but it looks pretty complicated

    or this

    exec("convert file.pdf[2] page2.jpg");

    Edit/Delete Message
  7. still the same.i think it is my server?cause on scripts that im using on other servers they give me a 500 on this server?

    here is a glimps if you want


    user name and pass are test
  8. so it would look like this?

    include ("config.php");
    include ("errors.php");
    include ("common.php");
    include ("connect.php");

    while (list($var, $val) = each ($_REQUEST))
    IF ($var == "cookieid" AND !isset($_COOKIE[cookieid]))
    echo ("You can not pass login parameters via GET operations.");


    IF (isset($_REQUEST[uid]) AND !isset($_COOKIE[cookieid]))
    $grabuser = "SELECT recID FROM user WHERE username = '$_REQUEST[uid]' AND password = '$_REQUEST[pwd]'";
    $result = @mysql_query($grabuser);
    sql_query($result, "$errors[03]");

    IF (@mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)
    error ("$errors[04]");
    include ("login_form.php");

    $userid = @mysql_result($result,0,"recID");
    $processing_login = true;

    $cookie_setter = @setcookie ("cookieid", $userid, time()+$maxlifetime);

    IF (!$cookie_setter)
    error ("$errors[05]");

    <META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT="2; URL=index.php">

    Please hold one second while we process your login...<br>
    If this page does not refresh in 3 seconds, <A HREF="index.php">click here</a>.



    ELSE IF (!isset($_REQUEST[uid]) AND !isset($_COOKIE[cookieid]))
    include ("login_form.php");

    IF ($_REQUEST[action] == "logout")
    $cookie_setter = @setcookie ("cookieid", $userid, time()-$maxlifetime);

    IF (!$cookie_setter)
    error ("$errors[05]");

    <META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT="2; URL=index.php">

    Please hold one second while we log you out...<br>
    If this page does not refresh in 3 seconds, <A HREF="index.php">click here</a>.



    ?>[/code]can't see your php block?
  9. the only page i see  is this(correct me if im wrong)

    include ("config.php");
    include ("errors.php");
    include ("common.php");
    include ("connect.php");

    while (list($var, $val) = each ($_REQUEST))
    IF ($var == "cookieid" AND !isset($_COOKIE[cookieid]))
    echo ("You can not pass login parameters via GET operations.");


    IF (isset($_REQUEST[uid]) AND !isset($_COOKIE[cookieid]))
    $grabuser = "SELECT recID FROM user WHERE username = '$_REQUEST[uid]' AND password = '$_REQUEST[pwd]'";
    $result = @mysql_query($grabuser);
    sql_query($result, "$errors[03]");

    IF (@mysql_num_rows($result) == 0)
    error ("$errors[04]");
    include ("login_form.php");

    $userid = @mysql_result($result,0,"recID");
    $processing_login = true;

    $cookie_setter = @setcookie ("cookieid", $userid, time()+$maxlifetime);

    IF (!$cookie_setter)
    error ("$errors[05]");

    <META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT="2; URL=index.php">

    Please hold one second while we process your login...<br>
    If this page does not refresh in 3 seconds, <A HREF="index.php">click here</a>.



    ELSE IF (!isset($_REQUEST[uid]) AND !isset($_COOKIE[cookieid]))
    include ("login_form.php");

    IF ($_REQUEST[action] == "logout")
    $cookie_setter = @setcookie ("cookieid", $userid, time()-$maxlifetime);

    IF (!$cookie_setter)
    error ("$errors[05]");

    <META HTTP-EQUIV=Refresh CONTENT="2; URL=index.php">

    Please hold one second while we log you out...<br>
    If this page does not refresh in 3 seconds, <A HREF="index.php">click here</a>.



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We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue.