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Everything posted by Mancent

  1. function showDiv_And_hideDiv() { if(document.getElementById('two').style.display=='block') { div = document.getElementById('two'); div.style.display = "none"; } else { div = document.getElementById('two'); div.style.display = "block"; } } NVM Got it!
  2. Hi I have this div tag name id one and id two and I can get teh div tag to open to show the div tag two, but i can not get it to close. heres what I got! If you look on my page http://wiistream.com you will see a please help button at the top, and if you click it it opens the donations panel! what i want to do is, if you click the please help button again make it close the donation panel. button: <span class="btn4" onclick="javascript:showDiv();"><a href="#"></a></span> JS <script type="text/javascript"> function showDiv() { div = document.getElementById('two'); div.style.display = "block"; } function hideDiv() { div = document.getElementById('two'); div.style.display = "none"; } </script> Any ideas how to do this? im new to JS i thought I could make a simple switch's function in the JS script. that the button calls and have if statement of some sort! function hideDiv_And_showDiv() { if(SOMETHING?) { div = document.getElementById('two'); div.style.display = "none"; } else { div = document.getElementById('two'); div.style.display = "block"; } }
  3. Ok here is what I'm trying to do.. My website is at wiistream.com and that's just my host! And it looks like this: In the menu you have a button that loads the uploader. This uploader is located on my host but i have to move it to the server.. because it works fine where its at and it uploads the file to the user and created the locations for the file to get later when the users calls for it.. This is the uploader this file will be moved to the server and when it when the user posts a new video it will create the locations and store the data in mysql to get latter. And this is the player that plays the uploaded video.. and gets the file and the data when the user uploaded it.. .. The problem I'm having is. All this is connected to facebook. so when a user adds a new video sound or file or picture it post on facebook as the user. and all the users friends can see the post. and that's where this include comes in.. if I move the php files for the uploader so it creates all the locations and the file and the insert in mysql it will not post on facebook anymore. But now that i wrote it all out.. I think i can just make two actions from the one action.. I could call the functions on the server to do what they need to do.. and then also call a function on the host to do what it needs to do.. I think that will solve the problem..
  4. include '../../src/config.php'; include 'https://sitename.com/src/config.php'; You see I have one domain that host the website.. And its IP is And then I have a server that holds all the stored files.. and its IP is So I have to have the uploader system installed on the server, and link it to the website. so the files go to server not the website. so can you include offsite files and act like they are onsite?
  5. see this is my uploader script and i want to convert it back to the name of the song. $filetempname=$_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name']; $ext =".wss"; $filename=md5(md5($filetempname)).$ext; move_uploaded_file($filetempname,$filepath.$filename); but then when i download it it I want it to go back to $filename ='3fdc92b5c44a29d9d24f71e791663a3f.wss'; $SongName='Eminem - Mockingbird'; $ext =".mp3"; $filename=$SongName.$ext; and some way to download it. I don't know how to do that. so is there some way to make it do something like this. download as $Temp_FileName(http://wiistream.com/users/100001957015772/sounds/3fdc92b5c44a29d9d24f71e791663as3f.wss); Convert as Filename http://wiistream.com/users/100001957015772/sounds/Eminem - Mockingbird.mp3
  6. I basically need a script that will download a URL link instead of going to the link, it works as a download. once i understand that part of the code. Ill have the download part that downloads this url That's the mp3 http://wiistream.com/users/100001957015772/sounds/3fdc92b5c44a29d9d24f71e791663a3f.wss Then I guess We would strip the http://wiistream.com/users/100001957015772/sounds/ and only keep the file name itself 3fdc92b5c44a29d9d24f71e791663a3f.wss or maybe not. and i basically want to rename this file 3fdc92b5c44a29d9d24f71e791663a3f.wss before the download starts it has to convert this 3fdc92b5c44a29d9d24f71e791663a3f.wss from this 3fdc92b5c44a29d9d24f71e791663a3f.wss to the song name that will be post as a var to the script. and this 3fdc92b5c44a29d9d24f71e791663a3f.wss will turn into Eminem - Mockingbird.mp3 and download. is that possible?
  7. Say you have this url link as http://wiistream.com/users/100001957015772/sounds/028d18dfa174315ef5dca7c006b815fd.wss and you want to make a download button to download this link as a file; and the file name would be the name of the file with the correct ext. so it would be somthing like this Eminem - Mockingbird.mp3 how could I do that. I can select all the data like the name, and the file, and make the button, to call the script, but how do i do it so it's a download, and also change the data back to what it was. from 028d18dfa174315ef5dca7c006b815fd.wss to Eminem - Mockingbird.mp3 so here is the mysql table data that i can collect 100002957030150 Eminem - Mockingbird http://wiistream.com/users/100001957015772/sounds/3fdc92b5c44a29d9d24f71e791663a3f.wss 1 1 UserId,SongName,SongUrl,count,protection so i can collect the songname and the other data and the location of the file with the link,
  8. yes for now, but the bad thing about this is its so unsecure if anyone knew the userid and the friend id and the song name song url they could delete any song from any user with out adding a join table that had a accesstoken, so it still needs more work, but the basic there.
  9. UserId='$FbUserId' I had it backwards UserFId='$MyUserId' it works now
  10. mysql table WiiS_Shared_Music 100002957030150 Three Days Grace - Home http://wiistream.com/users/100001957015772/sounds/028d18dfa174315ef5dca7c006b815fd.wss 100001957015772 1 1
  11. For some reason its not deleting the data, been tracing it all out and the post being send is all correct. is my syntax wrong $Delete = mysql_query("DELETE FROM WiiS_Shared_Music WHERE UserId='$MyUserId' AND UserFId='$FbUserId' AND SongName='$SongName' AND SongUrl='$SongUrl'") or die(mysql_error());
  12. awesome cool. thank you. never tested it yet not that far i just wondered.
  13. so would that only delete where the id = 1029384 and the name = some name and the fid = 2938575? and not delete all the id = 1029384 kinda like a select system inside the delete.
  14. I can not delete from where id = id. becasue that would delete all of them, I want to delete from table where id and name and fid == the same how would i do that can i do this with the delete DELETE FROM tablename WHERE id = ('$id') AND name =('$name') AND fid =('$fid')
  15. And there it is:// that's insane. http://www.facebook.com/ajax/mercury/send_messages.php?message_batch[0][action_type]=ma-type%3Auser-generated-message&message_batch[0][thread_id]&message_batch[0][author]=fbid%3A100002957030150&message_batch[0][author_email]&message_batch[0][coordinates]&message_batch[0][timestamp]=1351921604589&message_batch[0][timestamp_absolute]=Today&message_batch[0][timestamp_relative]=1%3A46am&message_batch[0][is_unread]=false&message_batch[0][is_cleared]=false&message_batch[0][is_forward]=false&message_batch[0][spoof_warning]=false&message_batch[0][source]=source%3Achat%3Aweb&message_batch[0][source_tags][0]=source%3Achat&message_batch[0][body]=gfd&message_batch[0][has_attachment]=false&message_batch[0][html_body]=false&&message_batch[0][specific_to_list][0]=fbid%3A100000215611178&message_batch[0][specific_to_list][1]=fbid%3A100002957030150&message_batch[0][status]=0&message_batch[0][message_id]=%3C1351921604589%3A283260014-4027228062%40mail.projektitan.com%3E&&message_batch[0][client_thread_id]=user%3A100000215611178&client=mercury&__user=100002957030150&__a=1&fb_dtsg=AQA8Ds-X&phstamp=1658165566811545881029
  16. Ok this one right here, tells facebook when the other user is typing a message. https://www.facebook.com/ajax/messaging/typ.php?typ=1&to=100000215611178&source=mercury-chat&thread=id.136195733151863&__user=100002957030150&__a=1&fb_dtsg=AQA8Ds-X&phstamp=165816556681154588116 But the problem I see is we have to be able to pull to get info to chat correctly, All these vars, like the thread=id I got to get that. and i have no clue what this is... __a=1&fb_dtsg=AQA8Ds-X&phstamp=165816556681154588116 anyways ill get it working. Thank you I really like Psycho answer.
  17. The question is finding the url string to post to a friend email box on facebook. The api says you can do it with all kinds of things like Livemessage.send and other Aip system they have. https://developers.facebook.com/docs/chat/ and https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/rest/ But all I need is the URL and telling me what vars they are passing I really like Psycho answer.
  18. I been trying to solve this problem for a while now, And it is very hard to send a simple message to a friend using php scripts, Lets see ME AS A USER == UserID then we have FRIEND AS A USER == FriendID Ok Me send to Friend, Message == Surely Message Access Tokent Required Surely.== AcToken I'm sure there is Message ID in there somewhere,== so MessageID So were looking at some type of string here, it would be really nice to find the string url, something like. https://www.facebook.com/ME/SendEmail.php?UserID={USERID}&FriendID={FRIENDID}&MessageID={MESSAGEID}&Message={THIS IS MY MESSAGE}&AcToken={ACTOKEN} Wouldn't that be nice??? I think it would but its not correct at all, so is any one willing to help me make a simple php script that will do such a thing? I'm sure it can be done,
  19. Im trying to understand what he is saying, is he saying, he is on his localhost pc, localhost server trying to move it to some other server host?
  20. It may be in your php.ini file, you might need to set it to upload_max_filesize = 1024mb post_max_size = 1024mb that might be why the file is not showing up in the new location. is it showing up in the temp folder?
  21. { //$xml->addChild( $name, $value ); $xml->$name = $value; } Got it! That works perfect. Your awesome jcbones
  22. Fantastic: works wonderful! Just awesome! If I can just get that facebook frineds list paging json working I will be able to get much more done.. I guess I just have to wait until It's solved!
  23. Ok I do have one last problem with this script. The xml file looks like this <?xml version="1.0"?> <root> <youtube> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=araU0fZj6oQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Staind - It's Been Awhile (Video)</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>© 2007 WMG It's Been Awhile (Video)</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/araU0fZj6oQ/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>AtlanticVideos</name> <views>3377551</views> <rating>4.9742484</rating> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r70UpNT_ZUc&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Staind Outside</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>Get this song for free at my website! audioslavelover.ueuo.com Please subscribe Staind Outside And you, Can bring me to my knees Again All the times That I could beg you please In vain All the times That I felt insecure For you And I leave My burdens at the door But I'm on the outside And I'm looking in I can see through you See your true colors 'Cause inside you're ugly You're ugly like me I can see through you See to the real you All the times That I felt like this won't end It's for you And I taste What I could never have It was from you All the times That I cried My intentions Were full of pride All I waste More time than anyone But I'm on the outside And I'm looking in I can see through you See your true colors 'Cause inside you're ugly You're ugly like me I can see through you See to the real you All the times That I've cried All this wasted It's all inside And I feel All this pain Stuffed it down It's back again And I lie Here in bed All alone I can't mend But I feel Tomorrow will be okay But I'm on the outside And I'm looking in I can see through you See your true colors 'Cause inside you're ugly You're ugly like me I can see through you See to the real you</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/r70UpNT_ZUc/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>audioslavelover</name> <views>5406501</views> <rating>4.9244437</rating> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbfsFR0s-_A&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Staind - For You</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>Staind music video for "For You" from: Break the Cycle</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/MbfsFR0s-_A/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>sta1ndsoul</name> <views>5623114</views> <rating>4.918325</rating> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_hyHSZ7bQw&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Staind - Not Again (Official Video)</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>Directed By Paul Brown © 2011 WMG. The first single from the new self-titled album coming 9/13/11! Click here to download the single: bit.ly/nG2zuy staind.com http twitter.com (less info)</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/v_hyHSZ7bQw/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>StaindVideos</name> <views>191849</views> <rating>4.972097</rating> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4_bl8uTonQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Staind - Right Here [OFFICIAL VIDEO]</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>Staind - Right Here [OFFICIAL VIDEO]</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/b4_bl8uTonQ/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>StaindVideos</name> <views>1806450</views> <rating>4.9584513</rating> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bobskjQwWI&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Staind - Epiphany [OFFICIAL VIDEO]</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>Staind - Epiphany [OFFICIAL VIDEO]</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/5bobskjQwWI/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>StaindVideos</name> <views>1201159</views> <rating>4.958879</rating> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03cR1tAFSmQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Staind - Zoe Jane</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>Staind - Zoe Jane Music video This is the video for a Great Song performed by an Amazing band.Please Enjoy it...!!</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/03cR1tAFSmQ/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>skiantozza</name> <views>1697963</views> <rating>4.942352</rating> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wPW7T_tu3PM&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Staind - So Far Away [OFFICIAL VIDEO]</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>Staind - So Far Away [OFFICIAL VIDEO]</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/wPW7T_tu3PM/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>StaindVideos</name> <views>1481944</views> <rating>4.9668226</rating> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22hvEdaPSMs&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Staind Tangled Up In You</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>staind new cd the illusion of progress</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/22hvEdaPSMs/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>smonbro26</name> <views>1947123</views> <rating>4.939783</rating> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faewCXX1mvo&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Staind - Everything Changes [OFFICIAL VIDEO]</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>Staind - Everything Changes [OFFICIAL VIDEO]</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/faewCXX1mvo/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>StaindVideos</name> <views>1240805</views> <rating>4.9553986</rating> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06lHYtjvgLQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Staind - Mudshovel (Video)</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>© 2006 WMG Mudshovel (Video)</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/06lHYtjvgLQ/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>StaindVideos</name> <views>384063</views> <rating>4.957159</rating> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVQpfoqsY8Q&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Staind - Outside (Video)</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>© 2006 WMG Outside (Video)</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/mVQpfoqsY8Q/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>AtlanticVideos</name> <views>1404505</views> <rating>4.9825873</rating> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3exGGeeVJcU&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Staind - The Way I Am (Video)</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>© 2008 WMG The Way I Am (Video)</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/3exGGeeVJcU/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>StaindVideos</name> <views>868824</views> <rating>4.976913</rating> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-UIENPam98&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Staind - Outside (Live on Rrhof)</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>Staind performing Outside</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/g-UIENPam98/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>haha420000</name> <views>1919250</views> <rating>4.9313602</rating> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bE4OMnvFDOU&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Staind - Outside</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>Staind - Outside Lyrics Comment and Rate</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/bE4OMnvFDOU/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>SgtFireEles</name> <views>2549818</views> <rating>4.85639</rating> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDVBvrw4HEg&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Staind - Eyes Wide Open</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>"Eyes Wide Open" from the new self titled album out September 13, 2011.</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/gDVBvrw4HEg/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>StaindVideos</name> <views>243720</views> <rating>4.9686413</rating> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O2JK78-goxQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Staind - All I Want (video)</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>© 2008 WMG All I Want (video)</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/O2JK78-goxQ/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>StaindVideos</name> <views>895227</views> <rating>4.9608426</rating> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjlnljxsxYY&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Staind-So far away</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>Staind Deviant Art</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/wjlnljxsxYY/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>jenninaz</name> <views>2247469</views> <rating>4.954743</rating> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnQJLU8tnsk&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Staind - Not Again [New Music] [Official Lyric Video]</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>© 2011 WMG. The first single from the new self-titled album coming 9/13/11! Click here to download the single: bit.ly/nG2zuy staind.com http twitter.com</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/WnQJLU8tnsk/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>StaindVideos</name> <views>384998</views> <rating>4.921177</rating> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cxpi2M38dAM&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Staind - Fade (Video)</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>© 2006 WMG Fade (Video)</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/Cxpi2M38dAM/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>StaindVideos</name> <views>785104</views> <rating>4.9594793</rating> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KT33KXLQgZE&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Staind - Waste</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>Artist: Staind Song: Waste Album: Break the Cycle</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/KT33KXLQgZE/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>DEADOFNIGHT666</name> <views>294972</views> <rating>4.9174457</rating> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xO-G7YatytY&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Staind - This Is It</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>Stainds new single that is available to buy on itunes. Yay Im first to put it on youtube. This song is incredible.</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/xO-G7YatytY/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>DysfunctionalGrey</name> <views>770874</views> <rating>4.883614</rating> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qP-ZfBbMvFc&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Staind - Falling (video) Album Version audio</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>© 2006 WMG Falling (video) Album Version audio</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/qP-ZfBbMvFc/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>StaindVideos</name> <views>475345</views> <rating>4.923939</rating> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRRnU8VzOok&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Staind - "So Far Away" (Acoustic in Yahoo Studios)</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>Staind performing "So Far Away" live @ Yahoo Studios</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/ZRRnU8VzOok/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>sta1ndsoul</name> <views>3063754</views> <rating>4.9500628</rating> <watch>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm9KBabovmc&feature=youtube_gdata_player</watch> <grouptitle>Epiphany-Staind</grouptitle> <groupdiscription>Epiphany-Staind Come on now, lets try and get the 1mil mark show your mates, post the link on your site or what ever, Thanks for watching</groupdiscription> <thumbnail>http://i.ytimg.com/vi/pm9KBabovmc/0.jpg</thumbnail> <name>SoDamnInsane91</name> <views>1175633</views> <rating>4.927681</rating> </youtube> </root> My problem is this line <watch> I need to remove and make it say this Any ideas how i can do that? $attrs = $media->group->player->attributes(); $watch = $attrs['url'];
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