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Everything posted by yaMz

  1. Only the server & ftp can read php files. Also to answer your security needs: SSL
  2. It helps to use the [ code ] snips <form method ="post" action="cartnisya.php"> <table border="0"align="right"> <td>Username:</td> <td><input type="Text" name="Username"></td> <td>&nbsp </td> <td>&nbsp </td> <td>Password:</td> <td><input type="Password" name="Password"></td> <td>&nbsp </td> <td colspan="2" align="center"><input type="Submit" name=submit" value="Submit"></td> </table> <img src="Vinnex1.jpg"> </form> it will then go the php code: CODE: <?php $db = mysql_connect("localhost", "root",""); mysql_select_db("vinnex",$db); $Username = $_POST['Username']; echo $Username; // is this necessary in a processing file? $result = mysql_query("Select TransNo From transaction", $db); $myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result); if ($myrow==null) //null is script friendly :] { $TransNo='1000'; $sql = mysql_query("Select * From customer where Username='$Username'", $db); $myrow1 = mysql_fetch_array($sql); $Username = $myrow1['Username']; $Firstname = $myrow1['Firstname']; $Lastname = $myrow1['Lastname']; $name = "$Firstname $Lastname"; //first last $Date = date('m/d/y'); $sql1 = "INSERT INTO temptransaction (TransNo, Username, Firstname, Date) VALUES ('$TransNo', '$Username', '$Firstname', '$Date')"; $result = mysql_query($sql1); //or die(mysql_error()); // you are inserting data into table: temptransaction, pulled from customer } else { $sql = mysql_query("Select MAX(TransNo) AS maxTransNo From transaction", $db); // added as statement $myrow1 = mysql_fetch_array($sql); $orderno = $myrow1['maxTransNo']+1; $sql = mysql_query("Select * From customer where Username='$Username'", $db); $myrow1 = mysql_fetch_array($sql); $Username = $myrow1['Username']; $Firstname = $myrow1['Firstname']; $Lastname = $myrow1['Lastname']; $name = "$Firstname $Lastname"; //first last $Date = date('m/d/y'); // fixed spacing in insert statement primary cause $sql1 = "INSERT INTO temptransaction (TransNo, Username, Firstname, Date) VALUES ('$TransNo', '$Username', '$Firstname', '$Date')"; $result = mysql_query($sql1) or die(mysql_error()); } header("Location: /orderproduct.html"); //added header redirect ?> <!--// Removed meta refresh... this method should be considered deprecated in html coding xD //--> <html> </html> The table for your users is "Username" not username correct?
  3. Since you are using $_GET, the information can be altered by input. Small Example: Someone sends query directly from their browser: http://yoursite.com/script.php?id=1<?phpinfo();?> <?php echo "<input type='hidden' name='id' value='{$_GET[id]}'>"; ?> will now output: <input type='hidden' name='id' value='{<?phpinfo();?>}'> This would allow them to view your php.ini settings. This would only be the beginning. <?php include ("admin_menu.php"); // if ID is to only return numbers, it'd be simpler to: $id = preg_replace("[^0-9]", "", $_GET['id']); //and $news = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($_GET['news']));
  4. Nudge http://php.net/manual/en/control-structures.foreach.php
  5. I am trying to implement what I call private uploads. Basically, users can check a box to indicate they want their file "private" If so, the upload location is then (exampled as): _domain_/private-folder/$randomfolder Upon uploading their file, the random folder is created, their file moved to the directory, the upload information stored to the database, .htaccess file is created like so: info to add to new .htaccess: Code: [select] <files "*.*"> Deny from All </files> <files "*.*"> Allow from $domains </files> the string $domains is the domains they enter each seperated by a new line in a form textarea. The problem - how can I make sure this is safe. i.e. I want the string to be obviously proofed with php so that no matter what they input, only domains will be outputted. I need the perfect regular expression set to ensure .htaccess for their folder will only contain domains and end on that note.
  6. http://sourceforge.net/projects/phpexcelreader/
  7. This is very unsafe code practice: <?php $id = $_GET['id']; //allows injection $news = $_GET['news']; //allows injection //consider mysql_real_escape_string() and strip_tags() ?>
  8. Hmm, well if your host allows it you could always run a background daemon. I don't have any experience in this sort of programming, so I can't really help you. Maybe someone else can, if not: [google] http://bipinb.com/making-php-program-as-daemon.htm
  9. <?php function getglobal() { global $my_global; //variable $foobar is not defined. Therefore commmenting below line out //echo "The value of \$foobar is '$foobar' <br />"; echo "The value of \$my_global is '$my_global' <br />"; } $my_global = 20; getglobal(); ?> The above will output: The value of $my_global is '20'
  10. I'm confused as to what you are updating, however AJAX is the solution for you. Google: HttpXmlRequest
  11. Better yet, <noscript><?php echo "Server Time: ".date(format); ?></noscript> Edit, I have to admit I haven't been fair to you. You mentioned google analytics, which made me think duh -> ip -> trace - > timezone. $region = geoip_region_by_name($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); $zone = geoip_time_zone_by_country_and_region($region['country_code'],$region['region']); However this method is not as accurate as you'd like, with javascript->ajax->php more accurate, and being the most accurate: asking the user.
  12. <noscript>Please enable Javascript</noscript>
  13. You could use javascript to easily get the users time, and store it as $_SESSION['time']. As long as you don't have a problem with users being able to change their time... or if their time is incorrect then their true location wouldn't match your function's location for them.
  14. How then would I allow their file to be executed from only their domain, and not viewable otherwise. i.e. file: _domain/encoded_directory/myfile.js
  15. The existence doesn't bother me. Anyways I'm a bit rusty - If you will, what specific set of expressions should I run on the string to ensure they wont add .htaccess lines of their own? A non-by-passable expression set is what I'm finding difficult to create.
  16. This code will return this information only to the user whom is logged in and has their username set in $_SESSION global. From what I understand , you want this information to be viewed by anyone ,displaying the info from the database. Simply : <?php session_start(); mysql_connect("localhost","root") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("hireacoder") or die(mysql_error()); if ( isset($_GET['id']) ){ $user = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($_GET['id'])); } else { // do something else i.e. // $user = NULL; // header("Location: /users.php"); // exit; } $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id='$user'"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($sql); echo $row['username']; echo'<br>'; echo $row['fname']; echo'<br>'; echo $row['lname']; echo'<a href="users.php">Users</a>'; ?>
  17. I am trying to implement what I call private uploads. Basically, users can check a box to indicate they want their file "private" If so, the upload location is then (exampled as): _domain_/private-folder/$randomfolder Upon uploading their file, the random folder is created, their file moved to the directory, the upload information stored to the database, .htaccess file is created like so: info to add to new .htaccess: <files "*.*"> Deny from All </files> <files "*.*"> Allow from $domains </files> the string $domains is the domains they enter each seperated by a new line in a form textarea. The problem - how can I make sure this is safe. i.e. I want the string to be obviously proofed with php so that no matter what they input, only domains will be outputted. I don't need code written for me (maybe), I'm just unsure of the necessary methods I should use.
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