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Everything posted by noXstyle

  1. you cant include your form action.. the move method call should be contained in your in init_board1.php (which is your form action)... if the code you gave is for the file: init_board1.php you should at least check there is request present(otherwise returns error)... if(isset($_REQUEST['from1'])){ $board_i->move($_REQUEST['from1'],$_REQUEST['to1']); } and the previous message: $board_value['19']="S"; should contain index 0... (e.g. $board_value[0]['19']="S" can you pack your code and attach it and i will test it (pm or here)..
  2. Why not? how are you trying to update it? inside the class it would be: $this->board_value[0]['19']="S"; outside the class it would be: $yourclassvar->board_value[0]['19']="S"; should work just fine.
  3. Thanks pica, i didnt know people would be so stupid to port mac soft on windows even tho native version is available.. and </form> closing tag didnt really matter to code functionality... its just malformed. (and same applies to label and input tags) and what comes to your new code: works just fine when the double dollar sign is replaced by just one. (as it should )
  4. im not sure what you mean but i suppose the main point was to get the form values to move function... you can do that by calling the function in your 'init_board1.php' file which is the form action file. it would go like: $b=new board; $b->move($_REQUESt['from1'], $_REQUEST['to1']); Truly hope that works... if doesnt please be more specific so i can try to help you out .
  5. Like the182guy said using ssl is the most secure option.. anyhow, on most sites checking the file type is sufficient solution.. and what comes to the timeout problem: you should pump up the max_input_time and max_execution_time php.ini confs... max_input defaults to 60 and max_exec defaults to 30... if people have slow connections it just isnt enough time to upload a 5mb file...
  6. right on... your board_value variable dies when __construct is finished.. what you should do is something like: <?php class board { protected $board_value; public function __construct(){ $this->board_value = array(***) } } that way you can access it by: $this->board_value[index]. hope you get the picture
  7. well basically thats just a form inside of div. use css to position the div correctly.. you can find nice examples from: http://www.dailycoding.com/Posts/creating_always_visible_div_using_css.aspx
  8. XAMMP? ... if you run windows as you said it would be wamp at that point ... anyway tested your code, works perfectly... how did you install your wamp server? is your php working at all? can you attach your phpinfo(); for further info?
  9. Hi there! You're using ajax right? If not, then there is just something plain wrong with your code... but anyhow: how are you getting the value to $start_id? (you should really use more descriptive variables) just pass a variable to your 'view more' function stating whether a new comment has been added or not and increase your '$start_id' value in case there is a new comment. could be a better way depending on how you've written your code but thats one solution that works for sure ..
  10. please hook us up with the code found on login php... basically what you need to do is to create a redirect to profile.php if the login were successful.
  11. Hmm.. I would suggest using jQuery for this one... But if you decide to stick with PHP I personally would start by creating a function which gets the data from database: function somefunc() { ... return $resource; /* $rGetUsers */ } then loop through the results as you have done. while($allUsers = mysql_fetch_array(somefunc())) { ... and after the while block either use php's sleep function and header redirect or just use header to do the magic: header( 'refresh: 5; url=/thispage.php' ); Oh yeah, and if the header function gives some grief about ouput already started you should start output buffering at the top of your page (ob_start())
  12. // If alumni is equal to 3 display the input field Line 127--->If ($ans == 3);{ No semicolon after condition. Edit: Oh yeah, and the following echo statement must be closed.
  13. How about assiging the id while assigning username? else { $_SESSION['username']=$username; //assign session $_SESSION['userid']=$login_row['id']; header('Location:my.php'); } Then just echo it like you would echo username: echo $_SESSION['userid'];
  14. obviously else if() takes some condition(s) in it... try: else if(mysql_num_rows($result)==0)
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